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25 years of democracy: Senator Lawan says it’s time to reflect on the arduous journey.



25 years of democracy: Senator Lawan says it’s time to reflect on the arduous journey.

By: Yahaya Wakili

Senator Ahmed Ibrahim Lawan, Ph.D., GCON, President of the Ninth Senate, has said, As we gather to commemorate Democracy Day, let us reflect on the arduous journey that has brought us to this moment. Twenty-five years ago, after decades of military rule, Nigeria embarked on a courageous path towards democratic governance.

In a statement issued and signed by him to commemorate Democracy Day, it was made available to newsmen in Damaturu. The President of the 9th Senate said, “It was a path fraught with challenges, but one that we, as a nation, resolutely embraced.

Senator Ahmed Lawan revealed that over these two decades, we have witnessed both triumphs and setbacks. We have encountered steep political landscapes, overcome economic headwinds, and faced down security threats that sought to undermine our collective aspirations for a just and prosperous society. Yet, through it all, the indomitable spirit of Nigerians has prevailed.

He pointed out that, today, we stand at a critical juncture in our democratic evolution. We are confronted with challenges that demand our resolve and unity of purpose. Amidst prevailing economic uncertainty and lingering security concerns, it is easy to succumb to despair. But despair is not in our DNA. We are Nigerians, a people imbued with resilience, ingenuity, and an unyielding belief in our collective destiny.

“The economic challenges we face today are not insurmountable. They are an opportunity for us to re-examine our priorities, diversify our economy, and unlock the vast potential that lies within our borders. By harnessing the power of innovation, entrepreneurship, and international collaboration, we can create a future where economic prosperity is shared by all Nigerians.

According to him, the security threats that plague our nation are a test of our collective, and we must stand together, irrespective of our ethnic, religious, or political affiliations, to confront these threats head-on. By investing in our security forces, fostering inter-agency cooperation, and addressing the root causes of security, we can build a nation where peace and tranquility reign supreme.

“But our journey towards a brighter future is not solely dependent on economic growth and security. It is equally contingent upon the preservation of our democratic values. Democracy is not merely a form of government; it is a way of life. It is a system that enshrines the rule of law, protects fundamental human rights, and guarantees the peaceful transfer of power.

As we celebrate Democracy Day, let us recommit ourselves to the principles that underpin our democratic society. Let us uphold the rule of law, respect the rights of others, and engage in constructive dialogue that seeks to build bridges rather than divide. Let us reject all forms of hate speech, intolerance, and violence and work together to create a truly inclusive and equitable society.

He said that the task before us is not easy, but it is a task that we must undertake with determination. The future of Nigeria lies in our hands. Let us embrace the challenges we face with courage and optimism. Let us work together, as one people, to build a nation that is prosperous, secure, and democratic.

“As we mark this Democracy Day, let us honor the sacrifices of our heroes past by building Nigeria that is worthy of their legacies” he said.

25 years of democracy: Senator Lawan says it’s time to reflect on the arduous journey

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Gov. Buni, Emir of Damaturu, Honours by Yobe University, Nusret



Gov. Buni, Emir of Damaturu, Honours by Yobe University, Nusret

By: Kolo Gulani

The Centre for Research in Qur’anic Studies, Yobe State University in collaboration with Nusret Educational and Cultural Co. Ltd, have honoured the Executive Governor of Yobe State, Hon. Mai Mala Buni and His Royal Highness, the Emir of Damaturu, Alhaji Shehu Hashimi II Ibn Umar Al-Amin El-Kanemi for their unflinching support in Qur’anic Studies and the teaching of Islam in the state.

The award was given today 3rd July, 2024 during a One Day Educational Workshop with the theme: The Prophet PBUH as a Viable Role to Contemporary Societies by Reading the Book. “the Infinity Light” at the Geidam Hall of the University.

Speaking during the event, the Vice-Chancellor of the University, Prof. Mala Mohammed Daura, while declaring the workshop open, stated that the seminar is an educative and enlightening capable of creating awareness among contemporary societies. The seminar is about the prospects of prophetic teachings towards maintaining social peace among contemporary societies, as revealed through the inspiring book, “THE INFINITY LIGHT”

Prof. Daura, who was represented at the occasion by the Deputy-Vice Chancellor (Central Administration), Dr Bukar Jamri, while urging the participants to concentrate on the workshop, said the University will continue to support the Centre for Research in Qur’anic Studies.

He then commended the efforts of the Director of the Centre, Dr Mustapha Adam Jatkawy for organizing the workshop.

In his goodwill message, the General Manager, Nusret Educational and Cultural Co Ltd, Mr Husseyin Selvi, expressed his appreciation to each and everyone that graced the occasion.

Mr. Selvia also stressed the significance of the book with the title, “Infinity Light, Muhammad, the Pride of Humanity” by Muhammad Fathullah.

Meanwhile, the Registrar of the University, Dr. Kalli Alkali Yusuf Gazali, who doubled as the Guest Speaker at the workshop, dwelled on the role of Nigerian Turkish International College (NTIC) and Nusret to Nigerians.

Gov. Buni, Emir of Damaturu, Honours by Yobe University, Nusret

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ICRC, NEDC Provide Aid to Victims of Gwoza Bomb Attacks



ICRC, NEDC Provide Aid to Victims of Gwoza Bomb Attacks

By: Michael Mike

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the North East Development Commission (NEDC) have come to the aid of victims of Gwoza suicide attack.

The surgical team of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) supported the State Specialist Hospital of Maiduguri in performing lifesaving surgeries and in providing emergency treatment for people who were critically injured during the blasts in the town of Gwoza in the north-east.

According to a statement by the ICRC, 41 patients, including children and women, arrived in Maiduguri Hospital between Saturday and Sunday, some continue to receive the needed care, and the ICRC has provided medical drugs and consumables to support the hospital’s emergency response.

The statement quoting the deputy
head of the ICRC sub-delegation in Maiduguri, Diana Japaridze, said: “It is heart wrenching to see civilians killed and wounded,”“We strongly remind to all those involved in the fighting that civilians, especially children and women must be spared, and that hospitals must be sanctuaries of life, not scenes of deadly violence.”

The statement added that: “Indiscriminate attacks and attacks targeting civilians are strictly prohibited under international
humanitarian law. Healthcare facilities and personnel are also protected and must not be attacked. Attacks against hospitals have devastating humanitarian consequences, as these facilities are the only lifeline for sick and wounded.

“We will continue our support for the civilians who are bearing the brunt of more than a decade of armed conflict including those displaced and injured”. Ms. Japaridze added.

On its part, the North East Development Commission (NEDC) said it is liaising with the Borno State Government on how and what to do to assist the victims of the bomb explosion that claimed the lives of about 30 people and injured over 40 others in Gwoza.

The Managing Director/CEO, NEDC, Ambassador Goni Alkali stated this during his sympathy visit to the victims of the Gwoza bomb blast at the Maiduguri State Specialist Hospital.

The NEDC MD who was received and conduct round the emergency ward of the hospital by the Chief Medical Director, Dr. Baba Shehu Mohammed, assured that NEDC is already working on modalities and strategies on areas of support and assistance to the victims and their families as part of the commissions mandatory services to people and victims of conflict in the region.

The MD/CEO expressed deep sympathy over the pathetic situation and reaffirmed the commissions willingness and determination to assist the victims where necessary in collaboration with the state government.

Earlier the CMD of the hospital appreciated NEDC for the visit and sympathy while disclosing that about 20 victims have so far been discharged including those with minor injuries.

ICRC, NEDC Provide Aid to Victims of Gwoza Bomb Attacks

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ActionAid Blames Government for Economic Woes



ActionAid Blames Government for Economic Woes

By: Michael Mike

ActionAid Nigeria has commended the government for exempting small businesses, manufacturers, and farmers from withholding tax, a move that acknowledges the critical role of local industries and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in driving economic growth and development.

The ActionAid in a statement on Wednesday while acknowledging the beauty of government’s move, sound a clarion call on the looming hunger crisis and pervasive insecurity in Nigeria and said the government should be held accountable for its inaction.

The statement read: “The continuous interest rate hike by the Central Bank of Nigeria, aimed at curbing inflation, has unfortunately not yielded the desired results. While the hikes were intended to reduce inflation, prices continue to soar, leaving many Nigerians struggling to make ends meet.

“Aliko Dangote, Chairman and CEO of the Dangote Group, has warned that the interest rate hike will have devastating consequences for businesses, making it nearly impossible for them to survive. The Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN) has echoed Dangote’s concerns, calling for policies that support local industries. This highlights the need for a comprehensive review of the tax regime to ensure it is fair, equitable, and supportive of local industries.

“ActionAid Nigeria believes that the focus on interest rates alone is misplaced and that the root cause of inflation lies in the production sector. To truly tackle inflation, ActionAid Nigeria urges the government to prioritize production and address the obstacles facing small business owners and farmers, including insecurity and lack of access to credit.

“ActionAid Nigeria also calls for grants and low-interest loans for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to be able to expand and thrive in this economy, as it is the biggest way to tackle poverty. They are the backbone of our economy and supporting them is crucial to addressing the hunger crisis and promoting economic growth. ActionAid Nigeria demands that the government take immediate action to address the pervasive insecurity, including investing in community-led peacebuilding initiatives and providing support to victims of violence. Moreover, small business owners and farmers need access to credit to expand their operations and increase production. We urge the government to implement policies that provide affordable credit to SMEs and support sustainable agriculture practices.”

ActionAid Nigeria demanded that the government expand the tax brackets for multinationals and big companies, as well as reduce tax holidays for them, insisting that: “The government needs to revisit the tax policies that have allowed multinationals to exploit our resources while paying minimal taxes. This is unacceptable and perpetuates inequality. The nation needs a fair and progressive tax system that ensures everyone contributes their fair share.

“In addition, ActionAid Nigeria is deeply concerned about the impact of insecurity on smallholder women farmers, who are critical to Nigeria’s food security. A recent survey conducted by ActionAid Nigeria across the country revealed that 73% of smallholder women farmers affirmed that insecurity has affected their food production, with many reporting loss of crops, livestock, and farming equipment due to violent attacks.

“This is unacceptable and demands immediate attention from the government.
Furthermore, tackling food insecurity is crucial to addressing the hunger crisis, and ActionAid Nigeria calls on the government to invest in agriculture and support small-scale farmers to increase food production and availability. Moreover, addressing poverty and inequality is critical, and ActionAid Nigeria demands investments in social protection programs and progressive taxation to ensure all Nigerians have access to the resources they need to thrive.
In conclusion, while ActionAid Nigeria commends the government for the withholding tax exemptions, it urges the government to take bold and immediate action to address the looming hunger crisis, pervasive insecurity, and obstacles to production.”

The statement added that: “ActionAid Nigeria will continue to push for policies and actions that prioritize the needs of the people, not just the interests of the few. The future of our country and its people is at stake, and we must act now.”

ActionAid Blames Government for Economic Woes

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