If you hold political offices without impact, you are useless – Engr. Wakilbe

If you hold political offices without impact, you are useless – Engr. Wakilbe
Engineer Wakilbe is the current commissioner for Education in Borno state. In this interview with NEWSng, he . spoke about the challenges of 2022 and how he intends to surmount them. Bodunrin Kayode sent excerpt:-
Q: What are the challenges, that you have encountered in the short period of man the ministry of education in Borno?
A: My first major challenge I had with staff is the issue of nonchalant attitude towards work. I inherited a system that worked in education under emergency and there are so many abnormalities that needed correction. I inherited in the secondary school what was called the learning centers, where 10 schools gathered in one. And then its the whole school that is doing the work, the others are just there for being there sake. Over a 1000 teachers tied down to one school and less than 100 are working. So I tried correcting that. And I faced so much challenges, including political, corruption fighting back, and all these things. But to God be the Glory we achieved because if you are sincere in what you are doing, you will definitely achieve the desired result. Secondly, the quality of teachers in our public primary schools honestly is disheartening and that prompted the competence test. And out 17,000 it’s only 5400, then later 395 could pass primary 3 standards then that confirms my frustration.
Q: Then the issue of…… Cuts in….. What do you mean by primary 3 standard, is it the primary school questions we know that you gave those adult teachers and they did not pass?
A: Yes it was composition and arithmetic, some didn’t pass. And they are 2,389 that don’t have any formal qualification whatsoever they are just there. So you can imagine such a system. So the second challenge I had there was that, till date the attendance rate is just less than 20%. In a school of 100 teachers you hardly find 20. In a local government of 500 teachers you hardly find 50 and you see the students are helpless, that is the kind of frustration I felt. In the private sector we are efficiency driven. There is no way you will miss any work. You are used to a system where attendance is between 95 to 98%. So you will feel so frustrated if you come to a system where a maximum attendance goes to just 40%. That is just the attendance of the teacher. If you access the knowledge honestly its frustrating and I have seen a lot of problems with the methodology, I have seen a lot of problem with swallowing policies hook line and sinker, I have seen a lot of gaps. And two things I did since I came was to call a conference, of principals and head teachers, we did it twice. And then we discussed the gaps and emerging issues, because if I look at what is tenable in the private sector and I look at the public schools honestly the gaps are just too wide and I called for answers. So in trying to get those answers I get very, very frustrated. Because to me if you hold a political office and you don’t make any difference then you are a useless person.
Q: Do we still have an estimate or the exact number of teachers teaching in Borno?
A: We had 17,400 as at January 2022, when we did that competence test, but there have been retirements up to 5th of October. Then 5th of October is the effective date of the extension of retirement ages and length of service. So what we are going to do is we are going to call for a complete censors by January of the number of teachers left. We have advertised for teachers, So the number left will now tell us what to recruit to fill up the gaps. But one thing I am going to say about the recruitment is that it is going to be a thorough process, only the best of the best will be selected so that we don’t repeat the mistake of the past. That of the Teaching Service board (TSB) is around 3,800 or there about, but you know it is very difficult to keep track, because there would be no more retirement for the next 5 years that is when we will now know our actual number.

Q: Cuts in…… These 17,400 are purely primary school teachers?
A: Primary and junior secondary school teachers, what you call the Local Education Authority. That of the secondary school is about 3,800 or there about.
Q: What is the real deficit figure of secondary school teachers that you need against 2023 budget?
A: You see, prior to my coming, there were over 132 secondary schools existing in a non existing place. What do I mean? In Government College Maiduguri, you find 10 schools, GGC you find 10 schools, in locations that are no longer existing. What I told them is that, every school must go back to its original location. I started with those in Mustapha Umar El-Kanemi College. Sending some of these schools back to their locations and merging some schools. 328 teachers turned up in Government College doing nothing. One small school in Bama is having over 400 teachers and less than 300 students. All these nonsense that the emergency brought had to be cleared. Now I have a complete list of 62 existing schools in their locality. If a locality is resettled then what we do, is to ensure that we take a secondary school there. This time alone we have opened up 11 new rural secondary schools in locations where they are actually needed, and we deployed teachers. So the actual gap will be calculated at the end of this session, when the schools must have operated for a complete year and with the extension. Because most of them were schedule to have retired next year. But with the extension, some of them who voluntarily accepted to extend their services, when that happens that is when we will scientifically analyze the gap and tell you. But the situation is worse in the primary school. In the case of the secondary schools it is not too pronounced. Then His Excellency produced something very, very nice, the community approach. Where the community are allowed to run the school, grants are giving to them and then they employ teachers from the environment, qualified teachers from the environment and they pay them contract, but non pensionable. They employ them as contract and non pensionable staff, renewable per anum. Big schools like Tijjani Bolori School a 60 classrooms mega school is operated that way. The first 2 mega schools built by His Excellency in Zannari and Ajilari community are also operating that way. So many of these schools, the one in Buratai is operating this way, the one in Biu is operating this way. Where government gives them grant and they employ teachers from their immediate environment and then it is run as a community school. This community approach has been adopted for many of these new schools which were opened. So that made the manpower gap not to be pronounced in the manner you expected to but after the actual relocation of all the schools, I expect an analysis from the Teaching Service Board. You know very, very soon the Teaching Service Board is going to migrate and become the Secondary Schools Commission. So before the establishment of that commission, analysis of this gaps will be done appropriately. We need to know those who are willing to extend and those who are not willing to extend their services. So at the end of the academic session we are going to have the kind of figures we should because it’s a national issue. The secondary schools commission is a national policy and we will eventually adopt it, its in the pipeline. The function of the ministry is policy coordination, monitoring and oversight, we don’t implement. My duty is to see that Teaching Service Board, SUBEB and Sanganya Board are doing their jobs. I coordinate overall policy matters as it affects the state executive. And it is my duty to monitor and see what happens in those schools. Implementation is usually done at agency level.
Q: Why do you need 11 new schools in Borno when what I am hearing now is that there are so many of them abandoned and unoccupied because of security reasons?
A: It’s not true I go to some of these places myself without escorts. I am not saying going and coming to go and stay there, because Indeed there is nothing in a place like Guzamala. I concur with the Theatre Commander. But for me, I go to all locations where there are schools and I go by road.
Q: So Guzamala is free?
A: Guzamala is free yes, people have not yet being allowed to return but there is nothing in Guzamala. Then there is Mairari in Guzamala on route to Monguno is also a community of Guzamala and people are still there. And I followed that route last week. The population is not big enough to support a school. But they are schools in Monguno. I went to Damasak to inspect schools, we have opened a Government Secondary School in Gubio and within the first week 400 students turned out to come and study. We have one in Magumeri, we are trying to open one in Gagiganna. By next term Gagiram will come on board and we are trying to open that big mega school in Monguno. We enrolled 7500 student.
Q: I take it you are responding to this 11 schools now one by one.

A: Yes 7500 students had been shortlisted by His Excellency the Governor himself when we went to Monguno. We have opened a new school in Zabarmari, they have never had a secondary school. We have open the new Government Junior school. Then we have open the junior day in Mandarari in the community in Konduga. In Mandarari community of Konduga we have open a junior day there and it has over 500 students. Then we have open the Government Day in Bama, it’s having close to a thousand students now. We have opened a Government Day Secondary School in Kumshe, Banki, its also having about 400 students there. We have open the new mega school in Pulka, is having over a thousand students. We have open the new one in Gumsuri community of Damboa, is having about 300 students. We have opened the mega school in Askira as a Junior Day and on, and on it can go on.
Q: But Bama had schools before also?
A: Bama has only one school, but they now have two, yes there was only one secondary school, now they have two. They have a Government Girls Secondary School and they have a Government Day Secondary School. So when the population reaches a thousand in each of the schools, then we will open the Technical Bama. And when the IDPs are cleared in the Science Bama School we will open the Science Bama.
There is one close to Chibok that we went with the governor to commission thus year one technical collage.
It’s in Mbalala, it is functioning,_ it was commissioned before my time. Its functioning it has up to 600 students. I visited that school recently.
Q: So how are you coping with the challenge of equipments, you go to a lab and you find only 10 pipette and 10 burette. You go to somewhere you don’t see the equipments?
A: 5000 classroom infrastructure has been destroyed along side with all facilities you could think of. To replenish that it will take time. Initially those school were not even there, now they are there. So as we keep on working, we will improve upon what we have achieved. So the healing of the wound caused by the insurgency is not a day affairs.
Q: Who is helping to buy pipette and burettes is it you that buy your equipments?
A: We have equipments for 22 schools and we are going to equipped laboratories in 22 schools. The equipments have been handed over to me by the Ministry of Science High Education Science and Technology given us the equipments, now will fit the laboratories and then we will equip 20 to 22 schools laboratory with full equipments. Then under the AGILE project also some of the schools are procuring laboratory equipments.
Q: On there own?
A: Yes. There is a school improvement grant they presented and it was approved. Some of them, infrastructure repairs, some of them water, some of them ICT facilities, some of them science equipments, so it’s at their discretion. He who wears the shoe knows where it is pinching.
Q: How can you be able to monitor the way the funds are being spent for instance?
A: You found me, how many days have you been looking for me before you got me? I am always mobile. And I am going back to the field tomorrow to check. So I go the field and check. The M&E teams goes and check everybody who is part of this project has been allocated certain area to go and monitor.
Q: Now what did you do in the education sector which some of us may not be aware to take care of the deficit of teachers
A: We domesticated a national policy, Extending the retirement of professional teachers to 65 and the length of service to 40 with some incentives, so that is what we domesticated. And ours is effective from 5th of October 2022. The instant circular will be out soon. So when it come out by January 2023 you will know.
Q: So is not compulsory that a teacher must stay?
A: No its voluntary.
Q: Let’s look at your committee findings why will a teacher come with a fake certificate to teach and no inspection in the system catches with him till now?
A: It happened before my time, but when I came there were still skirmishes and complains on the issue. What I discovered from my interaction with the teachers is that, there are like 4 to 5 scenarios. One fake grade 2 certificate when the World Bank brought Cipt program there is a top up for professional teachers, so most of them brought fake grade 2 certificates into their record simply to qualify into that top up. One thing they failed to realize is that, if you bring in one fake document, removing it is a challenge, two those of them with a carry over in NCE, didn’t bother to go and finish it, they used other means to get their certificates. So when the institution were written most of this students don’t have updated records. Some of them multiple places of work. There is an instance of a person withdrawing all his salary for about 2 years in Lagos, while he is suppose to be a teacher in Biu, some multiple places. Some of them did not even bother to appear before the committee, some of them failed to bring bank statements because they don’t want to show multiple salaries. You know there are two sides of every story. The Nigerian Union of Teachers confronted me on this matter, but I must commend that committee, they have done an excellent work. When they met with His Excellency, he gave them a ground for a kind of review. So I now laid this conditions, he who knows he or she is innocent should come back and represent. Out of the almost 12,000 of them, do you know how many came for work? 606 and even that quite a number must be pardoned for what His Excellency called pardonable offenses like, lack of appearance, incomplete bank statement and the rest. Only 606, they know what they did. Particularly at that NCE and Grade 2 level, that is where all the damages have happened. At Ministry level establishment its not my duty. Mine is the coordination and monitoring of education policies and school operations.
Promotion benefits is a people service matter, you have to pick it up with the head of service. It’s not something at my desk, its not something that I control. I don’t control issues of personnel, mine is merely school operation, coordination of educational policies and then the monitoring of such policies and day to day running of the education institution. So things like promotion benefit, arrears and then within you could pick that up with the Head of Service. As a commissioner I don’t pay salaries, I am not even in charge of transferring staffs where they go and the rest, I work with what they post. SUBEB and the board deal with teachers, this is a ministry and Ministry staff comes in from the civil service, so they are under the Head of Service of the state. Then the teachers welfare issues are referred to His Excellency through the Head of Service.
Q: The coordination of policy need a lot of data, the way you reel out figures its indicating of the fact that maybe you have established a database. Did you a database here that you can work with, if no, how do you get your statistics?
A: I was using the one established by Bestda, Data Education Service for All, its a program that is domesticated in SUBEB and they were there before the coming of the Sangaya board, they are in charge of the mainstreaming the Almajari learner, so I was using their data. Then we have what is called IMS, Information Management System Desk Offices in the ministry in SUBEB in TSB. So I have asked the IMS to give me the record of school enrollment 2019 to date, yes IMS. They are in charge of statistics. So I asked them to update me so that we could see the progress made from 2019 to date, and you can see its significant 57% enrollment and mainstreaming and then retention.
Q: Has there been any improvement in the WAEC results of your students?
A: Well there is self monitoring system, exam ethics, everybody is involved, police, SSS, civil defense, the examination body and everybody. And each year there are schools that are de-recognized. If they are de-recognized they face the penalty of malpractice, you know things like malpractice like prostitution and stealing are old vices. It’s not something that is here alone. And I have been here for just 18 months, sorry I came in August 2021 hopefully I spent just about 18 months or there about and its only one academic session. So if I should give you an analyses after seeing one or two exams, it will not be correct analyses. Three years ago I was not here, I came in August 2021 yes. And I have pronounced in my guidelines that any public school principal that allows his school center to be de-recognized should be removed and demoted. That was the pronouncement I made.
Q: So looking at the private schools, how many do we have registered in Borno State the 27 local government, I believe?
A: There is no record, because there is a proliferation of private schools. That is why we came up with a committee last 2 to 3 months if you notice and its in the media that we have gone for accreditation and re-accreditation of private schools. And we have given everybody up to December 31st 2022 to comply. For now I have signed just 51 certificates. So I want to wait and see by end of December before enforcement starts, how many are there. So there has been no accurate record only figures because there has being so much proliferation of private schools and that is part of the things we are trying to regulate.
Q: Don’t you thing it’s high time you alert them in some radio jingles that anybody who has not registered by December 31st will be sanctioned?
A: We have, I called all of them sometimes in August this year, August to first week of September or there about. Then we have given them the new guidelines. After giving them the new guidelines, we have worked on form and the rest. I will share work with you and there is a lot of advocacy on tv and the rest, they all know that but we are doing it properly and systematically. We have also brought in other agencies of government to participate, for instance BOGIS, the title of the land most be institutional, Urban Development Board, where they are operating is it conducive for learning, civil defense corps, safe schools initiative, is it being adhere to, then the quality assurance unit of the Ministry of Education and SUBEB are they adhering to curriculum, then the main ministry committee, are they having proper records, Internal Revenue Service, are they paying their taxes, all this with it. And approval will be given by the ministry then the Board of Internal Revenue releases the certificate online. So far 51 certificates are ready and more are being processed as the deadline is approaching.
There is one particular private school that something happened and the human rights commission told us that a female teacher put a little girl on her laps to be sucking her breast while the woman mishandled the little girl of 5 years and then they said the school is owned by the wife of a former commissioner. And then when the father tried to fight back or protest they intimidated the man, I think the man is half literate or something like that so they started intimidating him and then Barr. Jummai of Human Rights calls and briefed us about the wrong. we have been expecting the supervisor of private schools here to make a pronouncement since they are not yet in court. Because when the case gets to court people will will not want to speak about it. Has it come to your knowledge, if yes, have you made any pronouncement?
Yes, it has and the matter is before the police Commissioner, so if it’s before the police commissioner I am not at liberty to talk about it. But we investigated the issue and what brought us into the issue is the fact that the story happened within the school, so what happens within the school operation of private schools is the purview of the ministry of education. We sent our most senior guiding counselor and a representative of the private schools and director of quality assurance, together it was a team of 6 to 7 under the private schools committee to go and investigate. So the issue came out and I have forwarded what the finding is to the police commissioner. Because what the woman did is criminal and is between herself and the police. But misconduct within the school we must check, so we have forwarded as appropriate. So at the end of it I am sure they are going to give a statement but we have done as far as our own side is concerned.
Q: Is rape a common phenomenon
since you came, if yes how you handle it?
A: Most of the reap cases I have heard are within IDP camps, not in schools, most of our schools except for the ones situated in Maiduguri are day schools. We have not heard any. It’s not common and most of the schools government own are not mixed except for few, except for few basically boys girls.
Q: Policy or a mini policy of?
A: Is a policy that have been there since 80s and we came and worked on it. The only places where we mixed them is when we don’t have choices but given the choice we will split them. Rape is not a very big problem in our society, something unheard of, these are rear occurrences. It is something new that came up as a result of poverty and insurgency like prostitution. Prostitution has never being part of our culture, its something very, very rare in this community. When I was growing up you hardly see girls in the street from boarding school they are locked in there houses. And if you want to marry them you are given one or two opportunity to look at them, this is how we are brought up. But with insurgency where there is loss of livelihood, prostitution has come into camp. We don’t beg for instance. You hardly see anyone from this part begging, it is the responsibility of the family to take care of the elder ones. If you are a son you take care of your mother and father, if you are a husband you take care of your wife. But where they are pushed to the wall, all livelihood lost and they have turned to beggars. You know situation could force ugly things to manifest and things like prostitution very, very unheard of, we take chastity very seriously in this part of the world. But this thing brought it. Then in my own humble opinion this kind of scenarios can be attributed to fetish behavior, fetish behavior is the effect of the social media, when you watch so much pornography and you attribute nudity it create a psychological imbalance in your head, then it forms a sickness and that is what causes this kind of problems you are talking about. So its not uncommon but is very, very rear. And I want to appeal to you as a journalist don’t be in a hurry to throw away the baby with a bath water. Institutions like this have offered very good services, bad luck can come at anytime. And one cannot know the behavior of each and every staff, they are coming from different background. So things like that may happen at times as a result of bad luck. Please don’t be in a hurry to just judge and prosecute. To me what has been said, we don’t want to preempt because its with the police. So anybody who listens to that scenario, if at all it happened, it means that teacher is sick and needs medical help.
Q: Or it could be fetish too?
A: Fetish behavior itself is a sickness and it’s the sickness of the social media. In those days when you were growing up. But today you can easily access it, so that sickness is the one that comes with technology and its something that needs to be watched. My advice to the school at this time is that they should emphasis on the issue of referees before they employ teachers. The teachers should have referees of good standing that could stand in for them, they shouldn’t just employ anybody so that this things do not occur. And once the teacher is found guilty she should be sent out from the teaching profession for good and let the law takes it cause.
Q: How long will it take for the fusion between the sangaya and western education to take place?
A: You see with emerging technology, they don’t need to be told that they need to know how to read and write to operate a phone. It has become basic necessity for you to have basic literacy and numeracy, so they have embraced it and they are quite intelligent and eventually we expect them to mainstream which is in order. Now the Sangaya board recently gave them entrepreneurship skills and gave them startup packages. Which is a good thing. Modern tools, require more technology and modern technology requires basic literacy and numeracy, for instance in future now with this our cashless economy, transaction on phones requires a certain degree of literacy, numeracy and financial literacy. So they are willing to go with the modern times, they have been no resistance, they have been willing. But you know the issue of Sangaya education has been misunderstood for long. You have to understand that its a formal education, and it has been there. It is an age old education which has been there since biblical times and it has been in existence only that it has been overtaken by the western education. But is a system and it was what was used during the indirect rule period, it was used in administration, accounting, jurisprudence and all this things. Even in Nigeria anybody who can read and write in any language is not an illiterate.
Q: There was this talk that Goodluck Jonathan who started some Sangaya school here, what killed it? Who stole the money, meant to complete them?
A: It is not yet dead. They are there only that when they are sighted, insurgency now sets in. They are six, I saw one in Gwoza, some in so many places. I know they are six. But we are fixing them. They were there, it was the insurgency that truncated the starting. President Goodluck Jonathan did very well for Sangaya.
Q: You know some people are saying that the contractor just chopped the money and bolted out?
A: No, no, no, most of this school has been built. They have been built, the one in Gwoza I have seen. I am even trying to rehabilitate it for it to pick up.
Q: You cannot remember the 5 other town?
A: No, I want to be sure since I am on record. I have seen Gwoza, I have seen Monguno, and I have seen Monguno, I have seen some, I can’t just recall but there are some. It is good and is the way to go.
If you hold political offices without impact, you are useless – Engr. Wakilbe
Interview: NHRC paid over N480 million to 120 people for rights infringements after the SARS investigative panel saga, – Hilary Ogbonna.

Interview: NHRC paid over N480 million to 120 people for rights infringements after the SARS investigative panel saga, – Hilary Ogbonna.
In this interview, Hilary Ogbonna, a senior human rights adviser to the executive secretary of the National Human Rights Commission, speaks after a recent stakeholders consultative forum on the tripartite partnership to support national human rights institutions, Bodunrin Kayode sent an excerpt:
Q: Who are the three parties in the tripartite agreement you mentioned earlier during the stakeholder forum, and how long will it last?
A: It’s a partnership to support human rights institutions. It is also a partnership started by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the Global Alliance for National Human Rights Institutions. And this is supported by the Norwegians, who are big supporters of the partnership. The three of them came together with their respective mandates. Undp is the front-runner organization for the UN in terms of development, cooperation, rule of law, and governance. The office of the high commissioner for human rights is the gatekeeper for global human rights, and the global alliance for national human rights institutions is the coalition and secretariat of all national human rights commissions across the world, over a hundred of them. So the three of them came together to decide to support the national human rights institutions to be able to achieve their mandates of promoting and protecting human rights and ensuring that they work with stakeholders in civil societies across the world. They pick and choose which national human rights commission they will support at any given time, and this is Nigeria. So they decided to support us from January 2024 to December 2024. By January 2025, they will decide whether to continue and how. So what are they supporting? The main support they provide is the capacity of national human rights institutions to enable them to achieve their mandates for human rights monitoring and reporting, sourcing data for human rights, and supporting national organizations to establish frameworks for business and human rights. Training and capacity building for human rights commissions and for their subnational-level offices. Since we have an office in Borno, the reason we are here is to use this week to build the capacity of our staff so that they are able to support the people of this state. So under the TPP, we are also doing a lot around promoting women’s rights, gender equality, and human rights education. So for all of this, we are going to support the Borno State Office of the NHRC, and it will be done throughout the year. The overall goal is to ensure that human rights commissions are effective in implementing their mandates, which is why we came here.
Q: Speak on the final document you intend to propound as a roadmap for a business and human rights framework to hand over to the Federal Government, the planned pillars inside, etc. How would you put it?
I can tell you that we have already set up that standard. We have all the necessary documents. The only person without the document as I speak to you is the Borno State Government. At the federal level, we have these two documents, one of which is the national action plan on the protection of human rights. That is a human rights obligation of Nigeria under the Vienna Declaration. President Buhari approved this in April 2023. So instead of presenting another action plan on business and human rights to them, we included it as a chapter under this national action plan. So in passing this, they have passed the two of them. The implementation of this one is ongoing by all the ministries. It’s a national document for everyone, not just the Human Rights Commission. As the ministry of environment or information, there is a role for you to play here. But this one is a specific national human rights mechanism for business and human rights. It is under this one that we have established the national working group on business and human rights. This is the one we want to establish in Borno State. So for us, we have outlined this road map, and under it, we will first develop a consent note that we will hand over to the government on what they need to know and do. And when the government understudies that note, we will also include these processes. They will do stakeholder mapping to know who is who and who is doing what. After that, they will convene a state consultative forum on business and human rights, which will mandate the state government to go ahead and develop a state action plan on business and human rights. This action plan will take into consideration everything that is contextual to this state as it concerns the human rights of the people of the state. They will copy a lot from the national action plan, but they will also make their own specific Borno plans. And then the action plan will say who will belong to the state working group, and they will inaugurate the state working group. Then they will begin the process of implementation, where they will stipulate what they will do, such as the capacity building that must be done to ensure that businesses conform to the national human rights principles and standards. Across Nigeria, with the social challenges we are having, any company that decides to have social responsibility will go and bring bags of rice, ask people to queue up, and there will be a stampede. People will even die due to the struggles for palliatives, which are human rights violations. So we need to have a standard for what to do, and we are already developing one, especially when it comes to business compliance on the issues of social care. You don’t kill people while trying to help them.
Q: Cuts in… like what happened during the customs palliative saga?
It’s not only Nigerian customs that make such mistakes; even churches do it. Churches say they are coming to help with food. You will not ask how many people will come; you did not issue tickets; nor did you ask for a central exit or entrance so that when the place is full, you will close the door. And then, you don’t have emergency medical response units in case anything happens. It’s a general Nigerian thing, even where we are now. If someone collapses in this hotel now, God forbid, I am sure they do not have a system to evacuate them. And if they are evacuating you, do they have ambulances or amenities to use? So it’s just a whole gamut of unsolved problems.
Q: Finally, if there is a violation of the UN guiding principles on human rights between now and December 2024, what is the guarantee that everything will be ready?
A:…..cuts in. Everything depends on the state government. If they ask us to jump, we will ask how high you want to jump. So it’s up to them, but if they don’t have this state action plan, our own action plan will cover them. Because human rights are a federal thing, they cannot do state action plans for the protection of human rights because the Vienna Declaration is very clear about it. But they can do a state action plan on business and human rights because even the state government taxes and also regulates businesses.
Q: Alternative justices—speak on it—and judicial remedies—will they be embedded in this package of the action plan?
A: Alternative justices will be embedded in the state-based package on non-judicial remedies. There are state-based judicial mechanisms and non-judicial mechanisms. The state-based non-judicial mechanisms include the Human Rights Commission. The ulamas are non-state-based judicial mechanisms, and they can equally perform some functions with limited quasi-judicial roles. The good thing is that each of them can actually perform judiciary roles and award compensation. Like the HRC will award compensation based on its laws, if it’s the DSS or police that infringed on your rights, we will ask them to insert the same in their budget, and it will be paid to you. And I tell you, we have been successful in all this. But whether we speak about it enough or not, I can tell you we don’t. But like the special anti-robbery squad (SAS) panel, I can tell you that we paid over N480 million to 120 people for all the infringements that were incurred by their personnel in that incident.
Interview: NHRC paid over N480 million to 120 people for rights infringements after the SARS investigative panel saga, – Hilary Ogbonna.
Kashim Shettima is focused, trying to bridge gaps across people, culture, and religion in Nigeria. – Dr. Bwala

Kashim Shettima is focused, trying to bridge gaps across people, culture, and religion in Nigeria. – Dr. Bwala
Dr. James Bwala, PhD, is a media practitioner, consultant, and author. He is one of the closest media men to Nigeria’s Vice President, Senator Kashim Shettima. Ahead of the May 29 celebration of democracy day in Nigeria, he spoke to newsmen about his long-time relationship with the VP and why he writes in his own style to promote and defend Nigeria’s Vice President on many fronts and other sundry issues. NEWSng was there and sent an excerpt:
Q: Thank you for having us. It was indeed very important that we meet you. Can you please tell us about yourself?
A: I guess I am not in a hot seat. I really did not expect this question. It reminded me of some interview questions I was asked while I was seeking job opportunities with the NGO some time ago. But since this is not a job interview, I figured that I would relax and try not to be nervous. My name is James Bwala, as you all know. I am a journalist and have practiced in the media space for over two decades now. I studied mass communication for my first and second degree programs and earned my PhD in management with a specialty in disaster management. Currently, I run a media organization as the managing editor as well as managing public relations on behalf of the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital (UMTH). I am also into politics, trying to follow in the footsteps of my principal, Nigeria’s Vice President, Senator Kashim Shettima, who has graciously been a very good teacher and mentor. And I hope that my learning will bring positive fruits and add value to Nigeria’s politics at any given opportunity to make a mark and to sell the Nigerian dream in the renewed hope initiative of Mr. President.
Q: You are a prolific writer, and we are happy to say that you are doing well and encouraging young media professionals with your style. We have read a lot of writings from you defending and promoting the Vice President before, during, and even after the general elections. Do you have any political appointments in this government?
A: I just told you that the VP is my principal, whether or not I have an appointment in the government or not. My loyalty to the VP has been there for decades. He calls me brother, and I think he is an older brother I have who also stood with me in my darkest moments. He has demonstrated the brotherly love that I have heard preachers preach, and he never leaves me as would some older brothers do. I am happy that you noted that I have written several pieces on him. Some were promotional, while others were trying to defend both his public and private lives. Yes. I have been given a political appointment in this government, but that is not about me and Kashim Shettima. It was the reward system in a political circle when you played your part in the game and when your loyalty was tested and you gave results. For that also, I will remain grateful to the VP for choosing to consider me for such a political position. And like I said, he never leaves me. I will look up to him as that older brother and respect him. I will also always defend him in the media, where necessary.
Q: How long have you known the VP?
A: About three decades, actually. I was raised in Kaduna, but I grew up in Borno State, which is my state. I am a bona fide citizen of Borno State, and I am proud of that. While growing up in Bullumkuttu, Abuja, in the city of Maiduguri, I happened to leave around the VP’s wife’s family residents. I became friends with some of Her Excellency’s brothers and sisters, and we attended the same Bullumkuttu Primary School in the 1980s. I knew Kashim Shettima around 1988, to be precise, but we became very close when he became commissioner under the Modu Sheriff administration and I was writing for the newspapers as a journalist. I think we became very close because we share the same attitude and vision. Our culture, books, and views of life are the same. So, I would say we think alike.
Q: How would you describe the VP’s activities in the last year of this administration, and do you see distractions?
A: Well, they are too numerous to mention his activities generally. For distractions, there are also numbers. However, the VP is focused. Remember he said in one of his many sayings during the campaign that you should stop throwing stones at every dog that barks at you or you may not reach your destination on time? So, I want to tell you that this is his posture toward distraction. And you can see that he remained focused, building on the renewed hope initiative of the government by trying to bridge gaps across people, culture, and religion. He has also been in and out of the country, connecting and networking to build relationships for security, the economy, and others. For every achievement, there is a working person, and the VP is one of those working to achieve the dreams of Mr. President and give Nigeria hope.
Q: Your writings speak volumes about the VP; do you also consult with him before you write?
A: No. I know him too well to read his lips, and I can also study his moods, especially his reactions to what I wrote. Like I said, he is my teacher and mentor, so I guess there is this chemistry of understanding what to do and what not to do between us, which came naturally. Secondly, I am a professional in my field with good experience in political writing. It is therefore easy for me to look at situations and determine with precision what I need to do as a professional. For someone like the VP, all I need to know are the vital signs, which are obligations to me because of the closeness. I watched his back media wise, and he does mine brotherly.
Q: Recently, you wrote defending the VP on the issue of 2027. Why do you think some people want him replaced? Did he offend those calling for his replacement?
A: You know, this is actually laughable.
VP Kashim Shettima did not offend anybody, but the gang was politically motivated. For me, it is normal in politics to have those who want you there and those who are pushing for you to be out of place. But let me tell you something. Recently, the President appointed the Zenith Bank Chairman to lead the loan team. Jim Ovia was VP Shettima’s boss when he was still working in the bank. What does that tell you? Does it look like there is friction between the VP and his principal? The closeness between VP Kashim Shettima and the Zenith Bank Chairman is well known to Mr. President. As those people claim in their dreams that there is friction, I do not think we have been seeing this development coming. Mr. President is well educated and knows very well those he can work with. He has a history of gathering intellectuals around him. That is also the reason for choosing VP Kashim Shettima as his running mate and partner in the governance of Nigeria. Together, they have been doing tremendously well, and as I said in my writing, there will be no replacement as suggested by those doomsayers.
Q: You sounded very confident about the political future and the likely play for Tinubu and Kashim Shettima in 2027. What is giving you such confidence, as in some of your writings?
A: I don’t know, actually. But I keep having my dreams, and I believe in them. It has happened in the past and has come to be true. It is happening again, and I keep my belief. So many people fighting over 2027 think they are gods. This administration has only been around for about a year now. If they think they have all it takes to govern better than what the current occupants of the seat of power are doing, I hope that as Nigerians they should be kind to render support through their vision to help Nigeria develop well. The president and his vice president are calling on those who have vision for the development of Nigeria to come forward with suggestions. They must not be in position before they can bring out their good road map to make Nigeria better. If they are waiting to come to a position before they give suggestions or bring their ideas to the table, then I would suggest that those are not thinking of making Nigeria great but are working towards their selfish desires to occupy seats for the betterment of their families and not Nigeria.
Q: Can you at least mention those you think are already fighting over 2027? And those calling for the replacement of the VP?
A: My friends, we know the writing on the walls. You go and read some of the writing floating in the newspaper spaces. We have over one hundred live newspapers in the country, and they have been reporting issues recently. Engaged in some of these newspapers, you can come up with names likely to be those you are looking for. I do not know any of them other than those I have read through on the pages of the newspapers, and I believe you can do the same.
Q:. On May 29, this administration will be celebrating one year. Do you think there are things to celebrate?
A: Well, if I may ask you, do you think there are no things to celebrate? You see, sometimes we ask questions for which we already know the answers. Of course, there are thousands of things to celebrate about Nigeria. I hope you have been following the various achievements made by our military, the police, and other security agencies in the areas of insecurity in the country. I hope you have written about the successes in the economic sector. There are several achievements in health, agriculture, the road, and what have you. I may not have time to mention others, but we have days counting to May 29, and you can do us the favor of going around to hunt on the successes and achievements of the Tinubu and Kashim Shettima administrations since their coming to power on May 29, 2023. Nigerians are eager to hear from you because they can count on you, and I urge you to be fair in your reports.
Q: On a final note, what do you think this government should do based on the assessments of people on what they did or did not do for Nigerians and how to improve on their promises?
A: First of all, let me make it clear that you are asking the wrong question here because I am not a member of the economic team of this administration. Secondly, what I hear people saying may be different from what you hear that people are saying, so do not expect me to give an answer to what is going on about what you hear. However, I can speak for what I hear, and that is a positive note on the many challenges that this administration was able to sum up. Two key issues have been on the board since this administration came on board on May 29, 2023. That is the issue of insecurity and Nigeria’s economy. I think that you would agree with me that the Tinubu-Shettima partnership has done creditably well in tackling these menaces in the areas of security and economy. If you do agree with me, then I can tell you that the government by measurements has done well and should be given the passing mark for demonstrating rear leadership.
Kashim Shettima is focused, trying to bridge gaps across people, culture, and religion in Nigeria. – Dr. Bwala
The challenges with IEDs at the “Hadin Kai” theater will soon be history – Former TC General Ali

The challenges with IEDs at the “Hadin Kai” theater will soon be history – Former TC General Ali
Before becoming the 10th Commander of the Multi-National Joint Task Force (MNJTF) in Chad, General Ibrahim Ali was the last theater commander (TC) of Operation Hadin Kai in North-East Nigeria. He succeeded in getting three Chibok girls and their children out of the Sambisa and vowed to get Lear Sharibu anywhere credible intelligence could locate her. He spoke with Bodunrin Kayode just before proceeding to his present command in N’djamena. Excerpt:
Q: General, before I proceed to matters of this war theater, I would like you to compare and contrast your last command with “Hadin Kai,” which you are about to leave after only 6 months.
The level of threat in the Jos. 3 Division area is quite different from the one in the North East Theatre Command. We know that the threats in the theater Command are more. This is because in the 3 division area, the threats are more like intercommunal clashes—you know, farmers and herders crises, kidnapping, cattle rustling, and things like that—but here in the Northeast, it is insurgency and terrorism. Which is higher in terms of mortality than those ones. So it was not easy, but I came with the experience I had from Jos, and before getting to Jos, I had been to the Northeast five times, and this will be my sixth time coming here. So I came with all those experiences I had earlier, and it really helped me. I had a fair knowledge of the modus operandi of the insurgents and the terrorists, and I was able to counter them. And this time around, we had better equipment to confront the insurgents than we used to have when I came earlier in the five times I mentioned. So, with the additional and improved equipment level and other platforms, we were able to degrade them to a very appreciable level.
Q: Is it true that the rule of engagement in the 3D theater was that soldiers were not allowed to take out anybody, even if the bandit was the aggressor messing around with ancestral lands and you were seeing him live?
A: No! No! That is not true. Because I remember the former President, commander in Chief, shortly after I went to Jos, especially the early period of my stay there. There was a directive from the Presidency in which the President said that “any person seen with an AK-47 rifle should be taken out. I remember that vividly, and it trickled down the Chain of Command and came to us. Which was equally sent to all my troops. Any person carrying an AK-47 rifle and attacking another community will be taken out. This is because he is an aggressor. And I can tell you, if you check the record, that there were a couple of militants that we took out, in Plateau and in Sabon Kaduna. I lost, during my stay as a junior officer in 3 divisions, about 3 to 4 soldiers, if I remember well. So, we cannot sit down and see them eliminating our troops, and we say that we are not supposed to fire because of the rule of engagement. It’s not true; any person carrying a weapon, at least an AK-47 rifle, is an aggressor, and he should be taken down. And that is what I was doing. The only peculiarity of the Jos area, of course, was when you talked about the inter-communal crisis. Communities or tribes fighting themselves, we had to come in between. And in that situation, as long as they are not carrying arms, we cannot start shooting them. Unless, of course, any of the other groups are carrying arms, then you definitely have the go-ahead to take them down.

Q: But is it true that mostly in the night beyond Mangu, Riyom, Ganawuri, etc.,troops were non-operational just pinned down, which is why the senator representing Plateau South, a retired general, was saying recently that he wants the defense chief to re-enact the rule of engagement to make them operational during the night too, to counter the bandits who operate mostly in the night or the wee hours of the morning?
No, we carried out patrols when I was the GOC. You know, I left there almost six months ago. When I was a GOC, we carried out patrols in the daytime and at night. We did carry out our night patrols. So, I am not aware of the fact that troops just stay confined to their locations. We carried out our patrol both day and night when I was there.
Q: Do we have night patrols or operations here in Operation Hadin Kai?
A: ….. Cuts in. Off course we do.
Q: Except that certain areas are shut down as early as 4 p.m., like the Maiduguri-Damaturu road, because of the aggression of the insurgents.
A: Yes, those are supply routes, main supply roads. We shut them down for security reasons, and that has been going on for a long time. You know. It’s for the security of the civil populace that plys the route that we can control the movement. And we make sure that people are not exposed to attacks.
Q: So, looking at the Northeast theater that you managed for about 6 months before shipping out, What, in your own perception, are achievements?
A: I will just mention a few; there are quite a lot of achievements, several achievements in the 6 months I have stayed. First of all, I, my staff, and my officers and men conducted Operation Desert Sanity 2 and Lake Sanity 2. We conducted Operation Mountain Sanity as well. So, these operations have to a large extent degraded the terrorist.
Q: Cuts in. Mountain sanity is the Mandara stretch in Gwoza.
That is right, Mandara Mountains; we made a lot of recoveries. In Ukoba, Sambisa, we made a lot of recoveries. We were able to get very sound intelligence on where they have stashed their arms, ammunition, and weapons. The records are there, the photos are there, and I am very happy to say that I was able to rescue three out of the many Chibok girls that were abducted several years ago. I was able to rescue three of them from the operations we conducted. And there were two non-governmental organizations (NGO) staff that we rescued. Three others have not been seen, and we heard that they were killed by the terrorist. So, I am happy that we were able to rescue those two as well. I am talking about those that were picked up in Gamboru Ngala. Also, we were able to at least reduce the frequency of attacks on people. You can attest to the fact that the attacks that we used to experience in the past have been reduced by the terrorist attacks. We don’t have such attacks as we are used to any more. So, what they are trying to do now is attack farmers. Now that they have been degraded to an appreciable level, they are trying to get soft targets like the farmers. And we are taking adequate measures to counter that. You will know the terrorists once you are able to degrade them. They will look for other exit routes to cause damage. We are happy that we are able to degrade them, even though they will always change tactics. So now the tactics that were adopted were that they were trying to kill farmers to stop them from farming this year. And they intensified the use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and bombs along our routes of movement. So we are contending with that as well.
Q: So, what about Lear Shaibu? Did you get close to her?
Lear Sharibu; we are not sure where she is. We have been getting conflicting information about where exactly she is. But we have not lost hope yet; we think she is alive, and if we get good intelligence, we will definitely try to rescue her.
Q: So, what were some of the operational challenges that clogged the progress of troops in sectors 2 and 1?
The challenges I experienced were, first of all, the issue of equipment. Another challenge is the high attrition rate of the equipment. So, it’s not that the equipment is not available. What I am saying is that the equipment is available, but before you know it, it is damaged. How? Because of the bombs encountered and the IEDs on the way, ok. A lot of Emeralds were bombed. Before you know it, when we go out for any major operation and come back with the troops, those vehicles will have gone over mines, which will damage most parts of the vehicle. We have the time to repair it, so we can deal with the subsequent operations. However, some of them are not going to be repairable at all. So, we need replacements, and this thing takes time. So, these are some of the challenges that we faced.
Q: IEDs have been a major challenge since your predecessor was here. Now you are facing them as a major challenge too. Is there any long-term plan to deal with these IEDs once and for all because the insurgents will still do them anyway?
A: Of course, that is the most preferred weapon for terrorists and insurgents. Especially now that they don’t have vehicles, they lack arms and ammunition. They have resorted to the widespread use of IEDs. We have just identified counter-IED equipment, which the Nigerian Army has purchased and will very soon deploy in the theater.
Q: Sector 3 is very peculiar. Lots of meshes: the Tunbus, the Timbuktu triangle. So how did you handle those challenges in Sector 3? Are they still IEDs, or are there other natural issues other than IEDs and flooding?
A: Of course, one of the major issues in Sector 3 is flooding. So now that we have had some experience in some areas, we have worked out ways to counter it the next time so that it doesn’t happen. By creating dykes, water floods areas to channel the water when it comes back. So, these are some of the things we have done. And we are clearing the waterways of the hyacinths and the giant grasses. So, this thing will also allow us to freely go through the channel linking the Lake Chad Basin area.
Q: And were you satisfied with the cooperation from your colleagues in the air?
A: Yes, absolutely yes.
Q: Cuts in. At times we see them bombing and producing their own reports outside the theater, or are those bombing under your command?
A: Yes, we plan everything with joint operations; you know, we plan together. You know, we mostly get the intelligence, and we pass it on to them to carry out the air rides. Yes, they do conform to our directives here.
Q: What about the Navy guys in Baga and your amphibious troops? What’s next for them? What is their plan to end all of this?
A: The Navy, like I said, is involved in actively clearing the waterways that have been overtaken by the water hyacinths and going forward. They are going to be carrying out more serious amphibious operations in the Lake Chad Basin area.
Q: I believe that when you get over there in Chad, there will be a correlation between that side and this side, so that they will be able to weed out the criminals. This is because I learned that even on Tumbus Island, there are so many that nobody actually knows the number of them for effective planning. But I believe you people will take each day as it comes. Is that correct, General?
A: Yes, that is it.
Q: What then is your message to the people of this whole theater as you are leaving, especially concerning the defected insurgents surrendering daily? We have heard so many reports about them, you know, especially now that you are going to the other side of Lake Chad to do the same job in conjunction with foreign troops.
A: What I will tell them is that they should not look backwards. Of course, they shouldn’t lose hope either; they should continue to give support in times of information and intelligence. They should continue to talk to their brothers who are out fighting and tell them to lay down their arms and come out. I think the Governor has a good heart and wants the best for them. They should give him a chance and listen to him. They should come out of the bushes and lay down their arms. Now we have over 100,000 who have surrendered. Over 100,000. I think that is a sign that we are getting to the end of the tunnel. The crisis is coming to an end. Of course, there will be some die-hards. But of course, such die-hards will find themselves to blame at the end of the day. That is my message to them.
Q: My mind is on the wounded soldiers at the 7th Division hospital. Are you satisfied with the facility, having spent just six months managing the troops? In case you were here for another 6 months. What would you have done differently with the functional medical facility in the barracks?
A: Of course, it is to improve the hospital by buying more equipment. We can increase and buy more. Even though what we have is adequate and there is a system whereby we move some of them to 44 in Kaduna, you know, And even in Damaturu now, we have a few hospitals there. So, we have the capability to take care of the strength of the troops here.
Q: And we believe the new Chief will take care of the tertiary one being built here to ease the pressure on the UMTH and 44?
A: Of course.
Q: Thank you very much, General Ali. I wish you the best.
A: Thank you.
The challenges with IEDs at the “Hadin Kai” theater will soon be history – Former TC General Ali
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