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NDLEA promotes 3,248 officers, honours 12 Commands, 148 personnel



NDLEA promotes 3,248 officers, honours 12 Commands, 148 personnel

By: Michael Mike

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) has promoted 3,248 officials, including seven senior personnel to the position of Deputy Commander General and Assistant Commanders General.

The Chairman/Chief Executive Officer of the agency, Brig. Gen. Buba Marwa (Retd) personally decorated the three Deputy Commanders General of Narcotics, (DCGNs) and four Assistant Commanders General of Narcotics (ACGNs) at a colourful ceremony in Abuja where 12 state commands and 148 other personnel were given awards and commendations for their outstanding performances in the first half of the year.

Speaking at the event, Marwa said the exercise is an indication that the agency has now entrenched the culture of excellence.

He said: “Without grandstanding, we can say that we have raised the bar. Our weekly drug supply reduction effort is a testament to our performance. The innovative approach we have taken to drug demand reduction is commendable. The intricate and effective intelligence we deploy to track drug barons and dismantle cartels is a testimony to the capability of the new NDLEA we have collectively forged. Our success rate at prosecution is a definitive statement that we are doing our job.

“Our fears have been allayed about what tomorrow holds for the NDLEA and its personnel. Even while we are still in a state of rapid evolution, there have been seismic changes, and we have evolved a better, more efficient, and sustainable system that guarantees viable work conditions, good staff welfare, and enhanced job performance. We have since been able to settle the problem of career progression by expanding the agency’s structures. We are cooperating more with regional opposites and international partners. All these translate into ample opportunities for upward mobility for focused, hardworking officers.”

Marwa, while stating that the past two and a half years had seen a lot of changes in the Agency, said: “We have tried to reward hard work and professionalism by granting higher responsibilities to officers. Everyone to whom promotion is due has been considered. We are also expanding training opportunities. In the last 18 months, we have conducted over 150 trainings, involving more than 6,000 officers.”

He charged them not to rest on their oars, noting that: “We have adopted global best practices, and we have no doubt that the NDLEA of our dream is here before us. I am therefore charging you to take more pride in your work. Society today appreciates our efforts. Just last week, on World Drug Day, the President and Commander in Chief gave assurances of his administration’s unwavering support for NDLEA. Our international partners and foreign governments are watching us and are giving us the needed push. And among drug law enforcement agencies, we are rated highly.

“Our name is out there for good. Therefore, the onus is on us not to slacken but to continue the good work.

“It is not yet time to rest on our oars. We have no option but to sustain the momentum of our upward trajectory, build on our performance, and continue to protect our hard-earned reputation. It is on this note that I demand more from us in terms of hard work, discipline, valour, professionalism, commitment, and all the time-honoured virtues that enshroud labour with dignity.”

Responding on behalf of the promoted and honoured officers, DCGN Joyce Titus-Awogbuyi expressed appreciation to Marwa for providing inspiring leadership for the agency and motivating the personnel to break barriers and excel in their areas of responsibility.

She said the promotion and commendations will further encourage her and others to contribute more towards achieving the corporate goal of ridding Nigeria of substance abuse and illicit drug trafficking.

NDLEA promotes 3,248 officers, honours 12 Commands, 148 personnel

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NSCDC Boss Says Time Has Come for Institute of Registered Administrative Managers to Assist in Building Worth Administrators



NSCDC Boss Says Time Has Come for Institute of Registered Administrative Managers to Assist in Building Worth Administrators

By: Michael Mike

The Commandant General of the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), Dr. Ahmed Audi said the time has come to enhance the influence of the Institute of Registered Administrative Managers of Nigeria and position it as a key player in the country’s public and administrative sectors, building worthy administrators

Audi, made the statement after he was decorated as the Institute’s fourth president on Tuesday. He promised to boost the body’s role in shaping national policy and governance

The new president said: “I shall work hard to explore opportunities available to uplift the standards of the Institute and also make efforts to advance the quality of service and research to enhance the knowledge and administrative competencies in our quest for excellence for members and the general public.”

Audi however called for collaboration, insisting that to achieve these goals, all members need to actively contribute their ideas to expand the Institute’s influence across both public and private sectors.

He said: “We must collectively work towards advancing the quality of service, research, and administrative competence within the Institute.”

He also stressed the importance of improving the Institute’s research and service standards, noting that this is essential to driving progress in Nigeria’s bureaucratic framework.

He appealed for teamwork, saying, “I therefore solicit your support and collaboration through your active participation and contribution of ideas and insights as we make collective efforts to achieve the objectives of this noble Institute and accomplish our shared goals.

“Being a team player, I solicit your cooperation for a combined effort to drive the change we desire, to reposition the Institute for greater relevance in national discourse, public policy, and advocacy,” the president pledged.

A member of the governing council of the institute, Ohiemero Izegaegbe, in his welcome address, expressed confidence in the new leadership, urging the Council and incoming president to leave a lasting legacy by helping the Institute achieve charter status during their tenure.

Izegaegbe said: “We plead to the current members of Council and the incoming President that they will have their names written in indelible anal of history if the Institute attain a charter status during their tenure.”

NSCDC Boss Says Time Has Come for Institute of Registered Administrative Managers to Assist in Building Worth Administrators

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By: Our Reporter

The Nigerian Army College of Logistics and Management (NACOLM) is embarking on Africa Study Tour (AST) 2024 to Cameroon, Uganda and Ghana respectively with the students of Senior Leadership and Staff Officers Course (SLSOC) 2/2024. The tour which is expected to be from 8 – 14 September 2024 is part of an important component for students to get first-hand knowledge of the socio-economic, cultural, and political issues in the host countries and also constitutes a vital part of the College’s curriculum for the students.

The tour is designed to expose the students to the socio-economic, political, and security imperatives that are fundamental to the development of the African state, and expose them to the realities of the African environment as compared to the theoretical knowledge gained through various lectures and studies. More so, to acquaint the students with the problems and prospects that are common and peculiar to the countries visited and lastly, to allow the students to know other countries and compare notes with what is obtainable in Nigeria. The theme for the 2024 Africa Study Tour is “Enhancing National Security through Regional Cooperation for Socio-Economic Development”.

The overall Team Leader for the tour is the Commandant of the College Major General Wisdom Etuk. Similarly, the Deputy Commandant/Director of Studies NACOLM Brigadier General JIB Manjang is leading the team visiting Cameroon. More so, the Acting Director Management Leadership and Staff Studies Colonel S Julius is heading the team to Uganda, while the Acting Director Administration Colonel IM Ismaila is leading the team to Ghana.

In view of this important event, you are please requested to disseminate this information for the awareness of the general public through your reputable medium. Thank you for your continued cooperation.


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By: Our Reporter

Six weeks ago, the Headquarters (HQ), 2 Division Nigerian (NA), commenced EXERCISE SHINING STAR 6, which was inaugurated on Friday, 9 August 2024, by the General Officer Commanding (GOC), 2 Division NA, Major General Obinna Onubogu. The inauguration ceremony which took place at Major General JM Inienger Sports Complex, Adekunle Fajuyi Cantonment, Ibadan, was to officially introduce students of the training course to what they would expect during the training period. It further revealed the level of commitment required of them in order to adapt to training demands, and the anticipated end results in theatres of operations.

The GOC 2 Div, used the forum to motivate and encourage the students, telling them to use the training opportunity in building the needed capacity required to impact positively on their individual lives and contribute meaningfully to the NA and the nation at large.

Following the successful completion of the training period, 433 students were graduated on 6 September, 2024, at Major General OF Azinta Shooting Range, Adekunle Fajuyi Cantonment, Ibadan.

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, the GOC 2 Division NA, who was the Special Guest of Honour (SGoH), congratulated the students for successfully going through the rigorous training packages. He said the training was in keeping with the Command Philosophy of the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lieutenant General Taoreed Lagbaja, NAM, in the area of training and motivation. He added that the training was designed to improve their professional skills and capacity to perform optimally in all assigned military tasks. “I have been following up on your training activities over the past six weeks. I was also being briefed regularly by your training officer. It is therefore impressive to note that your compliance to the training requirements, as well as the rules and regulations guiding the school, is very commendable. I am indeed confident, that with the quality of training you have all received during the period, you have become better soldiers, who always, will be ready to discharge military duties in the most professional manner.”

“You must remain focused, disciplined, and be good ambassadors of the NA”, General Onubogu said. He urged the graduands, to adhere strictly to the NA policy on the use of Social Media (SM); saying they should avoid taking official pictures of themselves and their colleagues, or indulging in other unprofessional conducts in the SM space, which could be detrimental to the image and reputation of the NA. He also admonished the soldiers to desist from gambling, drug abuse, and other vices capable of destroying their careers.

The GOC, commended the Division Training Officer (DTO), Colonel Mfon Akpan, and his training crew for a good job done. He charged the DTO, to commence proactive plans towards training more soldiers in line with the COAS Command Philosophy, which seeks ” To Transform the NA into a Well – trained, Equipped and Highly Motivated Force Towards Achieving Our Constitutional Responsibilities Within a Joint Environment .” He further expressed gratitude to the COAS, for the support given to the Division during the period, while assuring continuous training of troops to meet international best practices.

While delivering his welcome address, Colonel Akpan, stated that the exercise was designed to develop troops’ professional competence, with the aim of equipping them to undertake all assigned tasks within 2 Division Area of Responsibility (AOR) and beyond. He said that troops were taught and guided on several endurance mechanisms as well as tactical approaches to battle circumstances which could result to successes in NA operations.

He added that the objectives of the training were achieved, while appreciating the GOC 2 Div, for providing all the needed resources that led to a successful training. He further thanked the GOC, for his unrelenting guidance and directives throughout the period of the training; expressing his deep confidence on the troops to deliver positive results in the field.

The closing ceremony was well attended by commanders and staff officers of the Division. A total of 3 officers and 430 soldiers were graduated during the event.

Highpoints of the event, were the falling plate firing competition amongst the graduating students, presentation of awards to the best student in academics, best firer as well as the most disciplined student.


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