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Nigeria and UN Launch US$306 million Appeal Fund to Tackle Urgent Food and Nutrition Crisis in Northeast



Nigeria and UN Launch US$306 million Appeal Fund to Tackle Urgent Food and Nutrition Crisis in Northeast

By: Michael Mike

An appeal for US$306 million has been launched to tackle projected food security and nutrition crisis in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe (BAY) states during the lean season of May to September.

The appeal was launched on Tuesday in Abuja by the Government of Nigeria, national and international partners, with the aim of fast-tracking food assistance, nutrition supplies and services, clean water, healthcare, and protection support to people in severe need during the period in the three states that were heavily impacted by the over a decade Boko Haram crisis.

According to the Government-led Cadre Harmonisé analysis released in March this year, some 4.8 million people are estimated to be facing severe food insecurity, the highest levels in seven years in the BAY states,

The report specified that children, pregnant and lactating women, older persons, and people living with disabilities are among those who are most vulnerable.

The appeal launched on Tuesday is expected to at least provide urgent succour to 2.8 million and make them insusceptible to the lean season food insecurity and nutrition crisis with a multi sectoral plan put in place.

A statement on Tuesday by United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), said this food and nutrition crisis, which has been compounded by soaring food prices, is primarily due to continued conflict and insecurity in the BAY states, alongside climate change impacts. It threatens to become catastrophic without immediate and coordinated intervention. The prices of staple foods like beans and maize have increased by 300 to 400 per cent over the past year following the removal of the fuel subsidy and the depreciation of the naira. Inflation is outpacing the ability of families to cope, making essential food items unaffordable.

It added that malnutrition rates are of great concern. Approximately 700,000 children under five are projected to be acutely malnourished over the next six months, including 230,000 who are expected to be severely acutely malnourished and at risk of death if they do not receive timely treatment and nutrition support.

Speaking at the launch of the plan, the Director General of the National Emergency Management Agency, Zubaida Umar said: “The mobilization of funding and resources to address this lean season food security and nutrition crisis envisaged in the north-eastern part of the country is a step in the right direction in complementing the Federal Government’s efforts to prevent the deaths of people as a result of malnutrition-related complications, adoption of negative coping mechanisms and other health related issues among others.”

Announcing the release of $11 million from the Nigeria Humanitarian Fund to jumpstart the emergency response, United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator Mohamed Malick Fall, said, “I am confident that we have the capacity to address these increased needs in support of Government efforts, what we need now are resources. Joining hands together, pooling resources, to save lives and stop the suffering”.

The Acting Representative of UNICEF Nigeria, Dr Rownak Khan, on his part, said: “UNICEF is deeply concerned about the escalating food security and nutrition crisis in the BAY states. The alarming rise in severe acute malnutrition among children underscores the urgent need for immediate action. This year alone, we have seen around 120,000 admissions for the treatment of severe acute malnutrition with complications, far exceeding our estimated target of 90,000. We must ensure that lifesaving nutrition commodities reach every child in need. This is not just a call to action; it is a race against time to save lives and protect the future of millions of vulnerable children,”

While highlighting that immediate actions need to be taken for longer term results, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Representative ad interim in Nigeria, Dominique Koffy Kouacou, said, “given the urgent situation, urgent interventions are required to support short-, medium- and long-term needs of vulnerable populations. The focus therefore needs to be on building resilience supported by emergency agriculture, including seeds, fertilizer, livestock and technical training, and developing agribusiness for better production and better nutrition”.

The World Food Programme (WFP) Country Director, David Stevenson, said: “We need to get out of conflict into solutions, and the solution is peace and production. Meanwhile, there remains a conflict in the north-east that requires our collective urgent assistance. We are prioritizing access to nutritious foods by providing cash-based transfers, specialized nutritious foods, and by supporting local food solutions.”

The statement by OCHA noted that with the lean season coinciding with the rainy season, there is a need for collective efforts to improve access to drinking water, sanitation facilities, and hygiene to combat the spread of infectious diseases, particularly among the more than 2 million internally displaced persons in camps and overcrowded settlements in the BAY states. This is crucial to help break the vicious cycle of disease and malnutrition that threatens the lives of young children and other vulnerable people.

It further said alongside efforts to protect lives, there is also a need to strengthen people’s resilience by supporting agricultural livelihoods which sustain over 80 per cent of the vulnerable people across the BAY states. Limited funding for agricultural livelihoods continues to perpetuate cyclical food insecurity.

It recalled that this is the fourth time that the UN and humanitarian partners are launching an operational plan for the BAY states pointing to the need to address the root causes of hunger and malnutrition. This includes but is not limited to advancing peace-building efforts, improving access to essential health care services, supporting food production systems, enhancing social protection services, and mitigating climate change shocks.

The lean season food security and nutrition crisis multisector plan is part of the 2024 UN-coordinated Humanitarian Response Plan for Nigeria.  

Every year, countries in the Sahel face a difficult “lean season” period between planting and harvesting. During this time, food supplies are low, pasture for livestock is scarce, and households rely on various coping strategies to meet their food needs.

Nigeria and UN Launch US$306 million Appeal Fund to Tackle Urgent Food and Nutrition Crisis in Northeast

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ECOWAS Court Leadership Visits ECOWAS Commission Auditor General for Collaboration



ECOWAS Court Leadership Visits ECOWAS Commission Auditor General for Collaboration

By: Michael Mike

The President of the ECOWAS Court of Justice, the Honourable Justice Ricardo Claúdio Monteiro Gonçalves, accompanied by the Honourable Justice Sengu Mohamed Koroma, Vice-President of the Court, paid a courtesy visit to the Office of the ECOWAS Auditor General on 16 October 2024.

This meeting marks the beginning of a strengthened collaboration between the two institutions, in a spirit of transparency and good governance within the Community. 
In his address, João Alage Mamadu Fadia, Auditor General of ECOWAS Institutions, hailed the visit as a highly symbolic gesture, reflecting the willingness of the Court’s new management to work closely with his Office.

He recalled the scope of the ECOWAS mission, by stating that: ‘Serving a community of 15 Member States and more than 400 million citizens is an immense responsibility’. He also emphasized that the audit function is not limited to a control role, but also includes accompanying and advising institutions, in order to help them adhere to best governance practices. 

‘Our role is not to police, but to ensure that administrative and financial operations comply with established standards,’ he said.

He added that collaboration with the Court of Justice was crucial to enhancing transparency in the management of public affairs. 

In response, the Honourable Justice Ricardo Gonçalves expressed his commitment to working closely with the Office of the Auditor General throughout its mandate. ‘We recognise the important role of audit in improving our internal processes. We are here to express our willingness to follow your recommendations and to benefit from your advice in order to ensure sound and transparent management of the Court’, he said.

The President of the Court, who was also accompanied by the Chief Registrar, Dr. Yaouza Ouro-Sama, stressed that the management of the Court’s judicial and administrative affairs required meticulous rigour. He added that cooperation with the Office of the Auditor General would be a key factor in the Court’s success in meeting the highest standards of governance and accountability.

The Auditor General, surrounded by several members of his team, including the Director of Operational Audit and the Director of Performance Audit, reiterated his commitment to supporting the Court throughout his mandate, affirming that his Office will always be available to provide technical and advisory support.

ECOWAS Court Leadership Visits ECOWAS Commission Auditor General for Collaboration

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Yobe Gov’t Constitutes Ten-Man Committee On New National Minimum Wage



Yobe Gov’t Constitutes Ten-Man Committee On New National Minimum Wage
By: Sule Mamudo
The Yobe State, Governor His Excellency Hon. Mai Mala Buni CON has approved the constitution of an ten-man committee on the new National Minimum wage recently approved by the federal government.

The ten-man Committee to be the chaired by the Secretary to the State Government has the state Head of the Civil Service as Co- Chair while the remaining will serve as members.

The members of the committee includes the Hon. Commissioner of Finance, Alh. Mohammed Abatcha Geidam, Budget and Economic planning Alh. Garba Gagiyo, Local Govt and Chieftaincy Affairs, Alhaji Ibrahim Adamu Jajere FCNA, and the State Accountant General.
Others are Chairman Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Comrade Mukhtar Musa Tarabutu and TUC Bulama Musa while the Perm Sec Establishment Shuaibu Ibrahim Amshi and that of Public Service Office of the Head of Service Alh Dr. Bukar Kilo mni will serve as secretary and co-secretary respectively.

The ten man Committee will among other terms of reference workout modalities on the successful implementation of the new national minimum wage in the state.

The Committee will also determine the financial implication of the implementation of the new minimum wage at the State and Local Government in addition to make recommendations for Government consideration.

Yobe Gov’t Constitutes Ten-Man Committee On New National Minimum Wage

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UN Women Poaches Christian Religious Leaders to Combat Violence Against Women, Girl



UN Women Poaches Christian Religious Leaders to Combat Violence Against Women, Girls

By: Michael Mike

UN Women and the Organisation of African Instituted Churches (OIAC) have called for Christian leaders to escalate action to curb violence against women and girls.

This appeal came during a two-day UN Women and Ford Foundation-supported workshop for members of the OAIC.

OAIC is a community of leaders of different churches. The workshop aimed to enhance the knowledge of Christian leaders of the nuances of gender-based violence, initiate collective action against gender-based violence through the various church mechanisms, and provide the opportunity for Christian leaders and churches to network and consolidate on the fight against gender-based violence.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), one in three women worldwide has experienced physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime. The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) reports that an estimated 137 women are killed daily by a partner or family member globally, highlighting the severe consequences of GBV.

In Nigeria, GBV remains a significant challenge, manifesting in various forms, such as domestic violence, sexual assault, and harmful traditional practices. These issues are often perpetuated by cultural norms and religious misinterpretations that justify violence and discrimination against women and girls.

Religious leaders, as moral guides and influencers within their communities, play a critical role in either reinforcing these harmful norms or championing efforts to eradicate GBV, this informed the reason behind organizing the workshop to lobby them.

According to a statement by UN Women on Thursday, the workshop is intended to impact sermons delivered by clergies and Christian leaders so that messages delivered over the pulpit have interpretations of religious texts and tenets that address gender inequality, condemn gender-based violence and harmful traditional practices, and promote gender justice.

UN Women Programmes Officer Ibrahim Nurudeen facilitated sessions that demystified some harmful social norms and beliefs common in the religious cycle. Participants affirmed that some tenets need to be appropriately communicated in the contemporary context.

According to the President of the Christian Association of Nigeria, Rev. Daniel Okoh, “We must use this opportunity to deal with deprivation of opportunities for the female members to exercise their God-given talents by their spouses and the leadership of their churches. We must first deal with these issues connected to GBV before we can effectively give moral leadership in this advocacy and, indeed, the battle”.

The workshop provided an in-depth analysis of GBV’ssocio-economic impact, its implications, and the critical role of religious leaders in combating this issue.Participants were equipped with strategies to incorporate gender equality principles in their messages, marriage counselling, and promoting healthy and respectful relationships.

President, OIAC Nigeria, Israel Akinadewo said: “Conclusively, as a noble organisation as ours, I would appeal that after these sessions, we become champions of spiritual battalions combating any form of GBV.”

The statement said by empowering religious leaders with the knowledge and tools they need, UN Women aims to drive a transformative socio-cultural shift towards a more just, equitable, and violence-free society in Nigeria and across West Africa.

UN Women Poaches Christian Religious Leaders to Combat Violence Against Women, Girls

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