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IOM seeks revalidation of National Action Plan to tackle issues of displacement



IOM seeks revalidation of National Action Plan to tackle issues of displacement

By: Michael Mike

The United Nations International Organisation for Migration (IOM) has promoted the need for the revalidation of the National Action Plan (NAP) to tackle issues that affect Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in the country.

IOM Chief of IOM Mission in Nigeria, Mr. Laurent De Boeck, disclosed this in Abuja at the 7th National Humanitarian Coordination Technical Working Group (NHCTWG) meeting, to revalidate the NAP on IDPs in Nigeria.

De Boeck, who was represented by Head of Policy Governance Liaison and Support of IOM, Daniel Salmon at the event organised with support of the Swiss, Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation and in close coordination with IOM and WFP, described the national policy on IDPs as dynamic framework designed to ensure transparency, accountability, and effective coordination of humanitarian responses to IDPs.

According to him, the NAP undergoes regular joint reviews to adapt to evolving contexts and ensure continuous improvement, through inclusive and democratic processes.

De Boeck said, “What has been fantastic is the process of people from different parts of Nigeria, from the civil society, governments or international partners all coming together, to discuss the critical matters of internal displacement in Nigeria.

”There are more than three million IDPs in Nigeria. This document provides us roadmap to go beyond purely humanitarian assistance and look at how to constructively develop sustainable pathways for internal displacement.

“It sets out the obligations and responsibilities of each government entity under the national policy and relevant benchmarks, timelines and indicators to facilitate monitoring accountability.

“This document identifies the budgetary requirements for implementation of the national policy to enable necessary allocation and resources of the fund as a result of the collaborative and inclusive process.

“This involved input and feedback of various stakeholders, including line ministries, institutions, state authorities, UN agency, NGOs and displaced communities through technical working group meetings, bilateral consultations, focus group discussions and validation workshops.”

In separate interview, the Head of Nigeria Office/Field Director, International Public Opinion Research and Analysis,
Mubarak Yusuf, said three documents were reviewed for the revalidation.

He said the first document was the NAP on IDP policies, noting that no fewer than 200 participants who were engaged, participated in consulting throughout the process.

He said: “The NAP is trying to ensure that critical activities of the policy are outlined and this is a process seamlessly that have started right from August 2022 with a number of actors.

“What we are looking at particularly now is revalidating this document, Also, looking at it from framework of the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and poverty alleviation, to measure what extent these activities will aid in alleviating poverty, particularly the vulnerable population.”

IOM seeks revalidation of National Action Plan to tackle issues of displacement

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Borno Acting Governor Receives Wife Of the Former President, Haj. Aisha Muhammadu Buhari



Borno Acting Governor Receives Wife Of the Former President, Haj. Aisha Muhammadu Buhari

…. As She Pays Condolence Visit Over The Passing of Former Borno Governor’s Mother

By: Our Reporter

Hajiya Aisha Muhammadu Buhari was in Maiduguri to offer her commiseration and prayers to the bereaved family of late Galadima Modu Sheriff over the demise of Hajiya Aisa, mother of former Borno Governor, Senator Ali Modu Sheriff.

Hajiya Aisa passed away on Sunday in Abuja at the age of 93 following a prolonged illness.

While at the residence along Damboa road in Maiduguri, the Former first lady, prayed to Allah to grant the departed soul eternal rest describing the exit of late Hajiya Aisa Modu Sheriff as a colossal loss.

The Acting Governor was accompanied by the APC State Party Chairman Hon. Bello Ayuba, Secretary to the Borno State government Hon. Tijani Bukar, Members of the State Assembly, members of the state executive council, Deputy Chief of Staff Alhaji Haruna Hassan Tela, Special Advisers, Senior Special Assistants, Principal Secretary Alhaji Mohammed Adamu Lawan.

Others were Commissioner for Women Affairs and Social Development Hon. Zuwaira Gambo, APC women leader Borno State, Hajiya Fati Kakinna Alkali Monguno, Special Advisers, Senior Special Assistants, Special Assistants, Permanent Secretaries and other top government officials.

Borno Acting Governor Receives Wife Of the Former President, Haj. Aisha Muhammadu Buhari

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Africans Rising, 400 CSOs Across Africa Asi Ruto to Stop Clampdown on Protesters in Kenya



Africans Rising, 400 CSOs Across Africa Asi Ruto to Stop Clampdown on Protesters in Kenya

By: Michael Mike

Africans Rising and 400 civil society organisations and movements across Africa and the diaspora have sent a strong letter to President of Kenya, William Ruto to stop the clampdown on protesters.

The letter and the massive support for it show the widespread solidarity of African people for the cause of the Kenyan people against misgovernance, corruption and economic hardship.

The letter makes the following specific demands of the Ruto government: Stop killing protesters; Stop the abductions of protesters, produce all those who have been abducted, investigate and punish perpetrators and desist from such acts; Respect the human and constitutional rights of protesters; All those who have been arrested for protesting must be released immediately and unconditionally; Instead of confronting protests with violence, the government can respond to the
protesters’ demands against over-taxation, corruption and misgovernance.

The letter also noted that “even though the protests have abated, concerns remain that participants in the protests do not feel safe”.

It mentions the track record of Kenyan security forces following up on organisers of protests, intimidating, abducting and abusing their human rights, and cautions the government that the coalition will monitor and take on any post-protest acts of abuse.

The letter said: “We believe that in the spirit of Ubuntu, whatever affects one African affects all Africans.”

Africans Rising, 400 CSOs Across Africa Asi Ruto to Stop Clampdown on Protesters in Kenya

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X-raying Governor Idris’s First year and first Term



X-raying Governor Idris’s First year and first Term

By: Ibrahim jirgi

Over the past year, Kebbi State Governor Comrade Dr. Nasir Idris has made outstanding progress in transforming the state, particularly the state capital. Since assuming office, Governor Idris has implemented various initiatives to boost internally generated revenue and ensure the state is better equipped to meet the needs of its people.

One of the key areas of focus for Governor Idris has been enhancing revenue collection in the state. By implementing effective measures and strategies, the Governor has been able to significantly increase the state’s revenue generation capabilities. This has allowed the government to allocate more resources towards critical development projects and services for the people of Kebbi State.

In addition to improving revenue collection, Governor Idris has also prioritized security in the state, particularly in the southern region where farmers were facing significant challenges. By implementing comprehensive security measures and working closely with security agencies, Governor Idris has been able to restore peace and safety in the area.

Today, farmers can now go about their work without fear, contributing to the overall development and prosperity of the state.
Governor Idris has also invested in infrastructure development, particularly in the state capital of Birnin Kebbi.

The rehabilitation and construction of roads, roundabouts, an ultra-modern motor park, secretariat complex, and feeder roads are all part of the Governor’s efforts to modernize the capital and make it comparable to other state capitals in the country.

Furthermore, Governor Idris has fulfilled his campaign promises by providing full employment to those in casual jobs in the state civil service. This has not only reduced unemployment in the state but has also improved the living standards of many families. Additionally, the health sector in Kebbi State continues to receive the Governor’s attention, ensuring that quality healthcare services are accessible to all residents.

In recognition of the importance of traditional institutions, Governor Idris recently approved the creation of two additional districts and appointed new district heads in the state. Similarly, the Governor has also approved the creation of new village areas and appointed village heads, demonstrating his commitment to preserving and promoting the cultural heritage of the state.

Without a doubt, Governor Idris has made significant strides in transforming Kebbi State in his last year in office. From boosting revenue collection, enhancing security, and investing in infrastructure and human capital development, Governor Idris has shown strong leadership and dedication to improving the lives of the people of Kebbi State.

His visionary approach and proactive governance have set the state on a path towards greater prosperity and development.

(Jirgi, a journalist, reside in Abuja and wrote from Triple CEE Media ltd)

X-raying Governor Idris’s First year and first Term

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