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An Unforgettable 2021



An Unforgettable 2021

An Unforgettable 2021

By: Ambassador Mary Beth Leonard 

As we prepare to transition to 2022, we are grateful for the friendships, strengthened partnerships, and progress accomplished toward U.S. and Nigerian goals this past year.  On behalf of the entire U.S. Mission, I extend our warmest wishes for a healthy, peaceful, and joyous holiday season. 

At the outset of 2021, we all had high hopes of controlling the COVID-19 pandemic.  Now, another variant has come to the center stage of global concern.  However, thanks to renewed global health collaboration efforts, vaccine development and distribution is gradually making headway.

At the U.S. Mission, we are fortunate to have dozens of our staff working side by side with our Nigerian counterparts to monitor and respond to the pandemic.  The strength of our support is reflected in the over $130 million we have contributed towards the COVID-19 health response and the hard work of staff who provide expertise, technical assistance, and logistics support. So far, we have pledged 36 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine to Nigeria — of which 18 million have been delivered to date, and the balance of 18 million will be shipped in the coming weeks. The pandemic has shown us how interdependent our world is.  No one is safe until everyone is safe.  Through robust global dialogue and ingenuity, we will continue to build global health security in the new year together. 

I firmly believe that, together, the world will overcome COVID-19, the same way that we have overcome other global health challenges.  Together, we have brought HIV/AIDS to a point where epidemic control is within our reach.  We achieved the eradication of wild polio virus as all of Africa is now certified as wild polio virus free.  In Nigeria, the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has invested more than $6 billion in the national HIV/AIDS response, where measures of our success include more than 1.6 million men, women, and children currently on HIV treatment.  In partnership with the Federal Ministry of Health, we remain committed to completing the task of placing all people living with HIV on treatment and to strengthening capacity and commitment at all levels. 

In fact, we have many reasons to remain positive about the progress made this year toward our shared goals.  This past year, I had many opportunities to engage with Nigerians from all walks of life, from Kebbi to Akwa Ibom, and Ife to Jos.  One common theme inevitably prevails – Nigerians seek a more secure living environment to raise and educate their children, earn a decent living, and strengthen their communities.  We have done our utmost to address these concerns through a variety of mechanisms.   

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Countering violent extremism in Nigeria remains a top priority for both our countries.  We were proud to support such efforts with the delivery of twelve Super Tucano aircrafts, which are already being employed to assist the Nigerian Air Force in their fight against violent extremist organizations.  We have also worked with civil society, civilian law enforcement, the judiciary, and corrections officials to combat insecurity, strengthen effective and equitable access to the rule of law and justice, protect human rights, and together create a safer Nigeria.

Nigeria is the United States’ second largest trading partner on the continent, and we seek ways to further deepen this vital economic relationship.  During 2021, we strengthened this partnership in important sectors such as agriculture, healthcare, information and communication technology, and renewable energy. On this latter issue, together our nations recognized the impact of climate change.  We welcomed President Buhari’s commitment to strive for zero carbon emissions by 2060 at the COP26 summit, as the United States agreed to slash methane emissions by 30 percent by 2030.  Separately, we welcomed the arrival in Nigeria of well-respected American brands such as United Airlines and Burger King.  United Airlines’ direct flight from Washington, D.C. to Lagos – already booked solid for weeks ahead – is a testimony to our strong economic and people-to-people ties  

Simultaneously, we worked with organizations such as the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded West Africa Trade Hub to co-invest in existing rice and tomato companies to improve yield, resilience, and to create more jobs for Nigerians.  Perhaps the most significant U.S. economic and development commitment in the past year was the launch of a five-year, $2.17 billion Development Objectives Assistance Agreement between Nigeria and the United States.  As USAID celebrated its 60-year anniversary in 2021, we similarly recommit to our shared goal of a healthier, more educated, more prosperous, more stable, and more resilient Nigeria – this new agreement helps us get there.  

In 2021, and despite the challenges of COVID-19, we were extremely gratified by the great number of high-level, in-person and virtual meetings between U.S. and Nigerian leaders, which touched on our shared political, military, civil society, and economic goals.  During his visit to Nigeria, Secretary of State Antony Blinken articulated our shared policy goals, and met with civil society and tech innovators who are contributing to a stronger, more inclusive democracy in Nigeria.  Deputy National Security Advisor Jon Finer, Commander of the United States Africa Command, General Stephen J. Townsend, and others also visited Nigeria and similarly underscored the Biden Administration’s commitment to partnering with Nigeria to solve global challenges and advance shared interests. 

As we look forward to the coming year, we are proud to be breaking ground on a new, more accommodating, and modern Consulate in Lagos that reflects the centrality of Nigeria to our foreign policy goals and will better serve the Nigerian public.  Finally, we look forward to continuing our robust, inclusive, and issue-based dialogue at the African Leaders Summit hosted by President Biden.  This ongoing conversation remains so vital to Nigeria’s own democracy strengthening efforts as the 2023 presidential elections approach.  

On behalf of the U.S. Mission in Nigeria, I extend our appreciation for the friendships and partnerships which have formed throughout the year.  We wish you a peaceful and prosperous holiday season and New Year. 

* Mary Beth Leonard is US Ambassador to Nigeria 

An Unforgettable 2021

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China Calls on Developed Countries to Mop Up Their Climate Troubles



China Calls on Developed Countries to Mop Up Their Climate Troubles

By: Michael Mike

The Chinese Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr. Yu Dunhai has called on developed countries to mop up climatic challenges they caused in developing countries, insisting that there is urgent need for them to take responsibility of international injustices especially regarding climate change.

He stated this in Abuja on Thursday at a “Seminar on Taking New Opportunities for China – Nigeria Cooperation in Deepening Reform in the New Era.”

Yu said it was unfair for developed nations to transfer the burden of developments on developing countries especially climate change and other challenges caused as a result of industrialisation.

The government envoy said China became among the top economies by adopting people centered approach and lifting 800 million people out of poverty over the past 70 years.

He further explained that his country achieved it development goals because it was open to all countries for exchange of ideas and that has been one of the major strengths the country had displayed to the world.

Yu said his country had adopted people centered approach to become relevant among the committee of nations by advocating stability among nations and in the last 70 years, it had never been to war with anyone.

He described China and Nigeria as strong partners that have been working towards the development of one another.

On his part, the head of department, political science and international relations, University of Abuja, Professor Sheriff Ibrahim, while giving a historical background on China’s development, recommended that Nigeria must be deliberate in its pursuit of development.

He noted that Nigeria has alot of good policies that require self decipline among leaders and followers to implement.

Another professor from the University of Abuja, Bibi Farouk decried that Nigeria has not grown to its commensurate capability because its leaders refused to develop the country’s infrastructure.

He said Nigeria and China need to look at technological development in its partnership agreement to help each other grow.

He advised that Nigeria should open its markets for China to enable it benefit from Chinese technology.

China Calls on Developed Countries to Mop Up Their Climate Troubles

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UN Says Barrier to Women’s Economic Emancipation Must be Crunched



UN Says Barrier to Women’s Economic Emancipation Must be Crunched

By: Michael Mike

UN Women has called for economic empowerment of women in Nigeria and the rest of West Africa, insisting that systemic inequality and other barriers standing in the path of women’s economic emancipation need to be crunched.

Speaking at Women’s Economic Empowerment Learning Week in Abuja, with the theme: “Accelerating the progress of Women’s Economic Empowerment in Sub-Saharan Africa amidst changing contexts,” UN Women Country Representative to Nigeria and ECOWAS, Ms. Beatrice Eyong told the gathering of stakeholders from countries in West Africa, that deliberations should be on Women’s Economic Empowerment through Affirmative Procurement in Africa, the challenges identified, the key achievements highlighted by country offices, the policy environment needed to stimulate women’s access to public procurement opportunities, and the role of the private sector in transforming economies and pioneering change.

She said: “As we gather here today, we are reminded of the importance of addressing systemic inequality, opportunity inequality, and outcomes that have inhibited women’s economic empowerment. Though progress has been made, much remains to be done in accelerating progress and institutionalizing transformation to ensure women’s economic autonomy.”

Eyong said: “I am confident that through the conversations and deliberations that would ensue today, challenges would be addressed, solutions proffered, and a pathway tendered to women’s and girls’economic well-being building a society where every woman and girl has the opportunity to thrive and contribute to national development.”

She noted that UN Women works globally to make the vision of the Sustainable Development Goals a reality for women and girls and stands behind women’s equal participation in all aspects of life, focusing on four strategic priorities: Women lead, participate in and benefit equally from governance systems; Women have income security, decent work and economic autonomy; All women and girls live a life free from all forms of violence; Women and girls contribute to and have greater influence in building sustainable peace and resilience, and benefit equally from the prevention of natural disasters and conflicts and humanitarian action

Eyong while stating that significant progress has been made in advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment in Nigeria, which has resulted in the development of a National Women’s economic empowerment policy, the first of its kind in Nigeria, applauding the approval of an affirmative procurement policy in Kaduna State, and the development of a private sector GBV fund.

UN Says Barrier to Women’s Economic Emancipation Must be Crunched

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UK Awards Chevening, Commonwealth scholarships to 82 Nigerians



UK Awards Chevening, Commonwealth scholarships to 82 Nigerians

By: Michael Mike

The British Government has awarded 82 Nigerians, the prestigious Chevening and Commonwealth scholarships to study a wide range of master’s degrees and PhD programmes in the UK in 2024.

This year, 32 scholars received the Chevening scholarships, and 50 scholars have been awarded the Commonwealth scholarship so far.

A pre-departure ceremony was held in Abuja on Thursday for scholars based in Abuja and environs, while a similar ceremony will hold in Lagos next week, and will be hosted by the Deputy Head of Mission, Abby Bernard, for scholars in Lagos and nearby cities.

At the Abuja pre-departure reception, the British Deputy High Commissioner, Mrs. Gill Lever, congratulated beneficiaries who succeeded in securing a scholarship through the highly competitive application and interview process.

The British Government has awarded 82 Nigerians, the prestigious Chevening and Commonwealth scholarships to study a wide range of master’s degrees and PhD programmes in the UK in 2024.

This year, 32 scholars received the Chevening scholarships, and 50 scholars have been awarded the Commonwealth scholarship so far. A pre-departure ceremony was held in Abuja yesterday for scholars based in Abuja and environs, while a similar ceremony will hold in Lagos next week, and will be hosted by the Deputy Head of Mission, Abby Bernard, for scholars in Lagos and nearby cities.

At the Abuja pre-departure reception yesterday, the British Deputy High Commissioner, Mrs. Gill Lever, congratulated beneficiaries who succeeded in securing a scholarship through the highly competitive application and interview process.

Speaking at the ceremony, Lever said:
“The UK continues to support the educational development of Nigerians and remain transparent and inclusive in the selection process across board.
“I challenge each of you to aim for excellence in your studies, to be great ambassadors for Nigeria in the UK, and to take advantage of every opportunity during your scholarship – through growing your knowledge, enriching cultural exchange, and confident networking – and then bringing those experiences back to Nigeria and doing great things for your country while creating a positive change in this country and the world.”

Also speaking at the reception, Director Operations, British Council Nigeria, Idowu Akintade, said: “We hope the skills and knowledge you gain from this scholarship opportunity prepares you to make positive impact in the development priorities of Nigeria.

“I encourage you all to build a strong network and continue to be great ambassadors of the prestigious Commonwealth and Chevening Scholarships.”

Chevening and Commonwealth Scholarships are awarded to individuals who demonstrate intellectual ability, leadership potential and a commitment to development of their home country.

Nigeria has a huge alumni base with over 4500 (3000 Commonwealth and 1500 Chevening) alumni across both scholarships with very prestigious people impacting and contributing to Nigeria’s development.

UK Awards Chevening, Commonwealth scholarships to 82 Nigerians

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