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IOM seeks revalidation of National Action Plan to tackle issues of displacement



IOM seeks revalidation of National Action Plan to tackle issues of displacement

By: Michael Mike

The United Nations International Organisation for Migration (IOM) has promoted the need for the revalidation of the National Action Plan (NAP) to tackle issues that affect Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in the country.

IOM Chief of IOM Mission in Nigeria, Mr. Laurent De Boeck, disclosed this in Abuja at the 7th National Humanitarian Coordination Technical Working Group (NHCTWG) meeting, to revalidate the NAP on IDPs in Nigeria.

De Boeck, who was represented by Head of Policy Governance Liaison and Support of IOM, Daniel Salmon at the event organised with support of the Swiss, Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation and in close coordination with IOM and WFP, described the national policy on IDPs as dynamic framework designed to ensure transparency, accountability, and effective coordination of humanitarian responses to IDPs.

According to him, the NAP undergoes regular joint reviews to adapt to evolving contexts and ensure continuous improvement, through inclusive and democratic processes.

De Boeck said, “What has been fantastic is the process of people from different parts of Nigeria, from the civil society, governments or international partners all coming together, to discuss the critical matters of internal displacement in Nigeria.

”There are more than three million IDPs in Nigeria. This document provides us roadmap to go beyond purely humanitarian assistance and look at how to constructively develop sustainable pathways for internal displacement.

“It sets out the obligations and responsibilities of each government entity under the national policy and relevant benchmarks, timelines and indicators to facilitate monitoring accountability.

“This document identifies the budgetary requirements for implementation of the national policy to enable necessary allocation and resources of the fund as a result of the collaborative and inclusive process.

“This involved input and feedback of various stakeholders, including line ministries, institutions, state authorities, UN agency, NGOs and displaced communities through technical working group meetings, bilateral consultations, focus group discussions and validation workshops.”

In separate interview, the Head of Nigeria Office/Field Director, International Public Opinion Research and Analysis,
Mubarak Yusuf, said three documents were reviewed for the revalidation.

He said the first document was the NAP on IDP policies, noting that no fewer than 200 participants who were engaged, participated in consulting throughout the process.

He said: “The NAP is trying to ensure that critical activities of the policy are outlined and this is a process seamlessly that have started right from August 2022 with a number of actors.

“What we are looking at particularly now is revalidating this document, Also, looking at it from framework of the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and poverty alleviation, to measure what extent these activities will aid in alleviating poverty, particularly the vulnerable population.”

IOM seeks revalidation of National Action Plan to tackle issues of displacement

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Zulum’s Special Adviser Laid to Rest in Anambra State



Zulum’s Special Adviser Laid to Rest in Anambra State

…Governor Zulum Sends High-Powered Delegation to Burial

By: Our Reporter

The late Special Adviser on Community Relations to the Governor of Borno State, Hon. Chief Kester Kenechukwu Ogualili (Aguiyi), who passed away on May 9, 2024 in Maiduguri after a brief illness, was buried in his hometown of Umueze-Umudioka town in Anambra State on Friday. The burial was attended by a 5-man high-powered delegation representing Governor Babagana Umara Zulum.

Speaking on behalf of Governor Zulum at the burial, Tarpaya Asarya, leader of the delegation and Hon. Commissioner of Trade, Tourism and Investments, described Kester as a perfect gentleman, loyal, hard-working, and a dependable bridge builder between the government and the non-indigene community in Borno State.

Meanwhile, the delegation stopped in Abuja on their way back from Anambra State to also convey their condolences to Vice President Kashim Shettima over the demise of Kester, whom he had mentored, and the loss of his mother-in-law. The Vice President expressed gratitude to Governor Zulum for sending a delegation to attend Kester’s burial.

According to Vice-President Kashim Shettima, Kester was the longest-serving Special Adviser in the history of Borno State, having been first appointed in 2011 and reappointed in 2015 and 2019. Governor Zulum retained him as Special Adviser in 2023.

Other members of the delegation included Hon. Alhaji Hassan Alao Yusuf, Special Adviser on Community Relations; Hon. Christopher Godwin Akaba, Senior Technical Assistant on Jobs Creation and Youth Empowerment; Hon. Lanre Obadiah, Senior Special Assistant on Publicity; and Chief Udechukwu Oko Ike (Go Easy), Chairman of Ohaneze APC support group.

Zulum’s Special Adviser Laid to Rest in Anambra State

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Fika Emir commissions a mosque in Potiskun



Fika Emir commissions a mosque in Potiskun

By: Yahaya Wakili

His Royal Highness, the Emir of Fika, and the Chairman of the of the Yobe State Council of Chiefs, Alhaji (Dr) Abali Muhammadu Ibn Muhammadu Idrissa, CON, CFR, are today commissioning the mosque, Malaysia Masjid, and Alminnah International Academy, Tandari Potiskum, Yobe State.

The royal father was ably represented by the Shettima of the Fika emirate council, Alhaji Bukar Abubakar, and the representative of His Royal Highness, the Emir of Pataskum. Alhaji Umaru Bubaram Ibn Wurwa Bauya.

In his welcome address, the Director of School, Dr. Muhammed Ahmed, said that Alminnah International Academy started temporarily at Masjid Arrazaq last two years with only two classes, and the school now has ten classes. The response from parents was overwhelming, and demand for more space and classes grew rapidly.

“Recognizing the need to provide quality education to more students, we decided to expand the school to accommodate more students and meet the community’s educational needs.

“Our mission is rooted in three core pillars: memorizing the Holy Qur’an, studying Arabic and Islamic sciences, and acquiring western education. We believe that a harmonious blend of these elements will provide our students with a holistic educational experience,” he said.

He revealed that by integrating the memorization of the Holy Qur’an with rigorous academic studies. Note that we aim to instill in our students a profound connection to their faith and culture while equipping them with the necessary skills to thrive in a globalized world.

“Our vision at Alminnah International Academy is to create well-rounded students who excel in their studies and live by strong values. We want our students to be knowledgeable, ethical, and ready to make a positive impact on society,” Dr. Ahmed said.

He pointed out that we are not just building a school; we are building a community, a community where students, parents, and teachers work together to create a positive and enriching educational experience. We will also cultivate a culture of respect, integrity, and excellence together.

“As we start this exciting journey, I want to thank everyone who has helped make this school a reality. Your support and dedication have been essential in bringing our vision to life. Together, we will strive to make Alminnah International Academy a place of excellence in education, where young minds are nurtured, dreams are achieved, and futures are built.

Dr. Muhammed Ahmed then appealed to the authorities to provide electricity and a road to this area; additionally, we also requested the installation of solar boreholes and streetlights around the school and its surroundings to enhance security.

Fika Emir commissions a mosque in Potiskun

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Nigeria: UN condemns attack in Gwoza



Nigeria: UN condemns attack in Gwoza

The United Nations strongly condemns the suicide bomb attacks on civilian populations in the Gwoza Local Government Area of Borno State, northeast Nigeria.

UN said the exact number of people killed and injured remains unknown, but it appears that dozens of people have reportedly been killed and others seriously injured.

“On 29 June, members of a non-state armed group allegedly attacked a wedding party in Gwoza town with a person-borne improvised explosive device. Dozens of people were reportedly killed in this attack, including children, women and men. Reportedly, this was followed by another two attacks later the same day.

“I am horrified by this attack on civilian populations and condemn such acts in the strongest terms. I stand in solidarity with the Government of Nigeria, and the families and communities of all those affected.

“On behalf of the United Nations, I remind all parties to the conflict to adhere to their obligations under international humanitarian law to protect civilians from harm.

“I have reached out to the Borno State Government to express my condolences and offer any support that the United Nations and the humanitarian community can provide to aid the victims of the attack.” United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Nigeria, Mr Mohamed Malick Fall said in a Statement on Attacks in Gwoza, Borno State

Nigeria: UN condemns attack in Gwoza

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