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Jubilation as ECOWAS Parliamentarians visit Kano schools



Jubilation as ECOWAS Parliamentarians visit Kano schools

…Barau donates bus, uniforms to 856 students

By: Michael Mike

There was wild jubilation in part of Kano as members of the Sixth Legislature of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament on Wednesday paid sensitization visits to two schools in Kano State as part of activities lined up for the Second Extraordinary Session of the regional legislative arm holding in the North West Nigeria town.

The Deputy President of the Senate and the Acting Speaker of the ECOWAS Parliament, Senator Barau Jibrin, a prominent son of Kano State led the delegation to Aliyu Saidu Bebeji Government Arabic Secondary School and Maryam Abacha American University of Nigeria (MAAUN).

Parliamentarians from 12 countries, including Nigeria, Benin Republic, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Cote D’ Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Senegal, Sierra Leone and the Republic of Togo, are participating in the second extraordinary session of the parliament in the ancient town.

The parliamentarians were met with joyous crowds who were apparently happy that the town was hosting the iconic meeting and that their son touched their lives with impactful projects.

At the secondary school, Senator Barau explained the importance of the ECOWAS in integrating the subregion, stating that they are in the school to bring the Parliament closer to the people and for the students to tap from their wealth of experiences.

He said: “We are here today for the members of the ECOWAS Parliament to know about our educational system and to meet our students, as well as for you, the students, to learn more about the ECOWAS Parliament.

“This school is like my school. I belong to this community. I was the first House of Representatives member of this federal constituency (Tarauni) in 1999.

“Therefore, I am donating uniforms to all the school’s students, one set for each student. I will send tailors to take your measurements for the new uniforms. I will also give a new Sharon vehicle for the school and N1 million to the teachers.”

Similarly, another member of the Parliament, Paschal Agbodike, who represents Ihiala Federal Constituency of Anambra State at the House of Representatives, donated N1 million to the school.

Earlier, the state commissioner of education, Umar Doguwa, thanked the parliamentarians for the visit, describing it as the first in history.

Represented by the Director of Schools of the Ministry, Alhaji Abbas Abdullahi, the commissioner lauded Senator Barau for bringing the ECOWAS delegation to Kano, saying it would benefit the entire state.

On his part, the school’s principal, Yusuf Atiku said: “I am not surprised with what Senator Barau did to us because of his generosity. That is why he is called Maliya.

“We appreciate this kind gesture and support to us. We will never forget what you have done to us. We thank you and the entire ECOWAS Parliament.”

At MAAUN, the lawmakers interacted with the students on the significance of ECOWAS.
Jubilation as ECOWAS Parliamentarians visit Kano schools

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ASUU Accuse Tinubu’s Administration Of Neglecting Agreement, To Escalate Struggle



ASUU Accuse Tinubu’s Administration Of Neglecting Agreement, To Escalate Struggle

By Francis Okoye

The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has accused President Bola Tinubu’s led administration of neglecting agreement reached as well as its demands, and vowed to escalate its struggle until government do the needful.

The ASUU Chairperson UNIMAID chapter said this yesterday while sensitising students of the institution on the lingering demands, which according to him include funding for public university revitalisation, unpaid salaries, and implementation of the University Transparency and Accountability Solution (UTAS).

He said “, Tinubu’s administration is neglecting its agreements with ASUU, prompting the union to intensify its media and public engagements to mobilize support. A referendum will be conducted within four weeks to determine the next line of action, potentially including a nationwide strike. “

He explained that ASUU is resolve to fight for its rights, citing that “we have sent a clear message to the government: address our demands or face the consequences.”

The union accused the Federal Government of being deceptive in handling university matters, dissolving all university governing councils, and paying ASUU members’ salaries through IPPIS despite agreeing not to use the platform.

Dr. Mshelia urged journalists and media houses to pressurise the Federal Government to take action, saying that the UNIMAID chapter has joined the national body of ASUU to demonstrate the urgency of the situation and the need for a united front in the face of government inaction.

“The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) is currently addressing several fundamental issues that have been in dispute for a long time. These issues are crucial to the well-being of the university education sector in Nigeria.

“One of the key issues is university autonomy, which is essential for creating a free intellectual environment that fosters academic advancements. ASUU believes that universities should have the freedom to manage their affairs without unnecessary interference from external forces. This includes the ability to manage their finances, which is why ASUU is demanding quarterly varsity fund releases.

“Another issue is the renegotiation of the 2009 Agreement between ASUU and the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN). This agreement addressed various issues, including funding, salaries, and university autonomy. However, the government has failed to implement many aspects of the agreement, leading to ongoing disputes.

‘Additionally, ASUU is seeking revitalization funds to improve university infrastructure and resources, as well as earned academic allowances (EAA) for its members.The government’s dissolution of university Governing Councils is also a point of contention. ASUU sees this move as an infringement on university autonomy and harmful to the education sector.

“Furthermore, the union is opposed to the increase in registration fees and the introduction of a student loan scheme, which could limit access to education for many students. Finally, ASUU is concerned about the proliferation of universities, which could lead to a decline in quality and standards”.

ASUU Accuse Tinubu’s Administration Of Neglecting Agreement, To Escalate Struggle

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ECOWAS Court Takes Training to Cape Verde



ECOWAS Court Takes Training to Cape Verde

By: Michael Mike

The President of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Court of Justice, Hon. Justice Edward Amoako Asante has officially opened the sensitisation and training programme for lawyers on the Electronic Case Management System (ECMS) of the Court in Praia, Cape Verde.

The programme, holding from June 20 to 25, 2024, aims to enhance the digital proficiency of legal practitioners from Cape Verde and Guinea Bissau, the Lusophone member states of ECOWAS.

In his opening remarks, Justice Asante extended warm greetings from Abuja, Nigeria, and highlighted the Court’s recent sensitisation missions in Lomé and Accra. He expressed his gratitude to the President of the Supreme Court, the Minister of Justice of Cape Verde, and the Cape Verdean government for their hospitality and support.

Reflecting on the history and mandate of the ECOWAS Court of Justice, Justice Asante noted its establishment under the Lagos Treaty of 1975 and its operational commencement in 2001. He emphasised the Court’s expanded jurisdiction to adjudicate human rights cases since 2005, underscoring its role in upholding fundamental rights, the rule of law, and good governance in the region.

Justice Asante discussed the Court’s digitalisation initiatives, which were expedited due to the COVID-19 pandemic, including the adoption of 2020 Practice Directions on Electronic Case Management and Virtual Court Sessions. These measures have significantly reduced litigation costs and enhanced access to justice, he noted.

The new ECMS, he explained, supports electronic filing, service, and management of cases, streamlining judicial processes and making the Court more accessible.
The ECMS features an external user portal for litigants and lawyers, and an internal interface for judges and judicial staff, accessible 24/7 in English, French, and Portuguese. This system facilitates real-time access to case information, court notifications, and virtual hearings, enhancing transparency and accountability.

The training in Praia marks the final phase of a comprehensive programme to equip lawyers from all ECOWAS member states with the skills needed to navigate the ECMS. Previous training sessions were held in Lomé and Accra for Francophone and Anglophone lawyers respectively. 

Justice Asante thanked all participants and organisers, urging everyone to actively participate in the training programme to create a more accessible and efficient justice system for the ECOWAS community.

ECOWAS Court Takes Training to Cape Verde

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NHRC Tells Youth, “Don’t Allow Yourselves Used As Canon Fodders to Deepen Hatred in Nigeria”



NHRC Tells Youth, “Don’t Allow Yourselves Used As Canon Fodders to Deepen Hatred in Nigeria”

By: Michael Mike

The Executive Director of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Dr. Tony Ojukwu has called on young people not to allow themselves to be used as ‘cannon fodders’ to incite and deepen hatred in Nigeria.

Speaking in Abuja at the special event to mark the 2024 International Day for Countering Hate Speech, Ojukwu said: “Sensitising and mobilising young people to combat hate speech is crucial in today’s world, where they are not only the target but also influential voices in their communities.”

He noted that young people who are more in Nigeria should guard against breaking the bond of the country and as such “should not allow themselves to be used as ‘cannon fodders’ to incite and deepen hatred in Nigeria.”

He added that: “Coincidentally, youths form the bedrock of our nation, and this demographic divide should at all times be mobilised for the social and economic development of our dear nation.”

He revealed that the NHRC working with the UN System in Nigeria, youth leaders and other stakeholders will use this commemorative event to create awareness, foster partnerships, and promote strategies to identify, address and counter hate speech.

He noted that: “This event which is jointly organised by the National Human Rights Commission and the United Nations in Nigeria in pursuance of their unique mandates to promote and protect human and in recognition of the roles of youth in nation building as well as serving as natural agents in the promotion of values etched in human rights in the spirit of Chapters 2 and 4 of the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended).”

Ojukwu said: “Hate speech is intricately related to human rights, either in its form or outcome. From the purveyor, it is about right to freedom of expression, opinion, speech or belief. To the recipient, it is a violation of the rights to dignity of human person and the freedom from discrimination based on religious belief, political, ethnic, gender, cultural or other affiliations, amongst many other human rights.

“Hate speeches promote discrimination, divisions, incites violence, all of which impedes voters’ participation and access in the elections.”

On his part, the United Nations Resident Coordinator, Mohamed Fall said the United Nations considers hate speech as any kind of communication in speech, writing or behaviour, that attacks or uses pejorative or discriminatory language with reference to a person or a group on the basis of who they are, in other words, based on their religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, colour, descent, gender or other identity factor.

Fall who was represented the Culture Programme Specialist, UNESCO Abuja Office, Mr. Philippe Delanghe said: “Hate speech contradicts all the values and principles enshrined in international human rights law. It also undermines efforts to achieve the aim of 2030 Agenda and its SDGs to leave no one behind, as it often targets the most vulnerable in our societies and minorities.”

He warned that: “If left unchecked, hate speech can harm peace and development, lay the ground for conflicts and tensions, undermine social cohesion, and contribute to wide scale human rights violations and atrocity crimes.”

He added that: “The devastating effect of hatred is not new. However, new technologies of communication has amplified the scale and impact of hate speech. Social media and the internet are now the most frequent methods for spreading divisive rhetoric and ideologies on a global scale.

“This brings me to the theme of this year, the power of youth to address and combat hate speech. Young people are often most affected by hate speech, particularly online as such young people must be part of the solution, your role in creating public and online spaces that are free from hate speech cannot be underestimated.

“The world must not tramp on freedom of speech and expression, but when speech is used to violate the rights of others it must not be met with silence. Silence implies apathy and even acceptance.”

He revealed that: “At the UN in Nigeria, we are working with multiple stakeholders to promote tolerance. UNESCO is leading the way through its efforts to promote Media and Information Literacy (MIL). We are also currently developing a UN wide Hate Speech Strategy. We count on your support in ensuring the strategy will be translated into effective action.”

He stated that: “As we celebrate a culture of tolerance today, I urge all of us including the government, traditional and faith leaders, civil society, young people, individuals, toincrease our efforts to counter hate speech in line with international human rights law.

“As the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, has said: “Hatred is a danger to everyone – and so fighting it must be a job for everyone.”

NHRC Tells Youth, “Don’t Allow Yourselves Used As Canon Fodders to Deepen Hatred in Nigeria”

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