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NDLEA, ALGON partner on drug war, to set up WADA committees at LGs, communities



NDLEA, ALGON partner on drug war, to set up WADA committees at LGs, communities

By: Michael Mike

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) and the Association of Local Governments of Nigeria (ALGON) have agreed to work together to curb the menace of substance abuse and illicit drug trafficking in communities across the country.

According to a statement on Saturday by the spokesman of the anti-narcotics agency, this was one of the agreements reached at a meeting when the National President of ALGON, Hon. Aminu Muazu Maifata led other leaders of the umbrella body for all local government chairmen in the country on a courtesy visit to the Chairman/Chief Executive Officer of NDLEA, Brig Gen. Buba Marwa (Rtd) at the agency’s headquarters in Abuja.

Addressing the ALGON leaders, Marwa expressed the preparedness of NDLEA to work with the council chairmen to ensure that people at the grassroots are well sensitized about the dangers of abusing illicit drugs and also provide help for those already indulging in the unhealthy habit.

He told them that: “We are particularly happy that you’re here to identify with our work and partner with us because you are the closest tier of government to the people especially the grassroots and our communities where majority of Nigerians reside. This is more so because the drug scourge is in virtually all our communities, no community across the country is spared and as such, we need your partnership to cascade all our efforts in terms of drug demand reduction and even the supply reduction, down to the remote communities.

“This partnership is also important coming at a time when we’re deploying our personnel to the local government areas to establish our physical presence in the rural communities so that we can support you to curb the scourge of drug abuse and illicit drug dealing, which fuel crimes and criminalities in those areas.”

He encouraged the ALGON leaders to mobilise their members nationwide to set up local government drug control committees and war against drug abuse, WADA, committees comprising traditional rulers, community gatekeepers, opinion and religious leaders as well as market and women groups, among others at the community level. These committees similar to what obtains at the national and state levels, he said, will work with NDLEA commands to coordinate the fight against the drug menace in the communities.
He encouraged them to also take advocacy and drug test as major components of their efforts when they return to their local governments to begin implementation of the various strategies discussed at the meeting. He added that to make drug test easier, the Agency has mass produced quality test kits easy to use at home, offices and others with the aim of early detection and providing treatment for those who test positive as well as engendering deterrence.

In his remark, the ALGON National President lamented the negative impact of drug abuse on the health, businesses and security of lives and property at the grassroots while expressing the commitment of the body to work with NDLEA to ensure that the ugly development is urgently reversed.

He said: “As the body of local governments in Nigeria, we appreciate the enormous work this Agency is doing under your leadership and that is why we have come to partner with you so that we can collectively stamp out the drug abuse problem from our communities.”

He assured that they will emplace necessary structures that will facilitate the deployment of NDLEA personnel to their council areas.

Other ALGON leaders at the meeting include: Mr. Itiako Ikpokpo, Director General; Hon. Bala Chamo, National Publicity Secretary; Hon. Aminu Jairo Hassan, National Welfare Officer; Hon. Adamu Bukar, National Auditor; and Hon. Shehu Jega, Chief of Staff to the National President.

NDLEA, ALGON partner on drug war, to set up WADA committees at LGs, communities

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NAPTIP Promises More Bite to Fight Against Trafficking in Persons



NAPTIP Promises More Bite to Fight Against Trafficking in Persons
…To Embrqce Data Collection

By: Michael Mike

The National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) has promised to give more bite to its ongoing war on trafficking in persons by embracing data collection and collaborating with all important stakeholders.

The Director-General, Prof. Fatima Waziri-Azi gave this promise on Monday at the opening of capacity building for NAPTIP officers and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) on Human Trafficking and the Harmonised Reporting Tools.

The DG, who was represented by the agency’s Director, Legal and Prosecution, Mr. Hassan Tahir noted that the place of data in national development cannot be over emphasized. She added that: “Data collection is the basis of our programming for human trafficking. It is a known fact that data drives policy interventions and operational activities in several fields, and particularly the counter-trafficking sphere. Reliable data enables us to identify trends, allocate resources effectively, and craft evidence-based strategies that are impactful towards the detection and elimination of the heinous crime of human trafficking.”

She said: “To all the participants, this workshop provides you a unique opportunity to make a difference in counter trafficking efforts in Nigeria especially in the Agency. You are privileged to have been selected to be here. I therefore, urge you to remain focused and fully engaged throughout this training. Your role is critical, and the skills you acquire here will not only enhance your capabilities but also empower you to train other data collection officers across the various formations of NAPTIP nationwide and to other stakeholders especially the CSOs. I therefore congratulate every one of you.”

The DG revealed that: “The Consultants, and other experts have been carefully selected and they will guide you through various pertinent topics. The excellence shown in this training will undoubtedly have a positive impact throughout the entire Agency, bolstering our collective efforts against human trafficking.

Waziri-Azi said: “Let me remind you all that what we are doing this week will also help us to report our activities better with proper evidence presented. You are aware of the Performance Bond that I signed early this year with the Honourable Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice. That Performance Bond is based on the 8 priorities of the present administration which is evidence based. You are key to achieving that Performance Bond as the Agency relies on you as Data officers of your Departments and Units to track those activities we said would be carried out and ensure full compliance, with evidence of achievements harvested. This would be done alongside your work plans which are also in tandem with the National Action Plan.”

She told the participants that: “Our job as a critical Agency of government is to always stand tall in contributing to national development and ensuring the safety of our vulnerable population whom criminal elements are seeking to devour. We have from the onset vowed to make life unbearable for human traffickers and all those involved in various acts of violence against persons in Nigeria, and we are not ready to shy away from that responsibility. We shall continue to make our communities difficult for human traffickers to operate.

“I encourage you to give your utmost best at this workshop. The knowledge and skills you gain here will be invaluable and will significantly contribute to the success of our comprehensive national anti-trafficking efforts, which would place Nigeria in a different light among the comity of nations in combating this transnational organized crime.

“Please be reminded that this workshop is a serious one and must be seen as that. At the end of it, each one of you especially officers of the Agency will be required as you are already aware, to step the training down in your Departments and Units. Based on performance, some of you would also be selected and sent to the Commands to cascade the training. I will therefore, be expecting an assessment on each participant at the end of the workshop from the facilitators.”

On his part, the agency’s Director, Research and Programme Department, Mr. Josiah Emerole, said: “This capacity building has come at a very auspicious time when the Agency is focusing more on evidence based programming which only proper data collection, analysis and dissemination can provide. It is also coming at a time when the present administration of President Bola Tinubu is focusing on evidence based performance from all Ministries Departments and Agencies (MDAS) in line with the performance bonds signed with Ministers.”

He disclosed that at the end of the workshop, the following are expected: “The reporting tools will be used as the accepted template for reporting counter trafficking activities in the Agency and to the Agency. The CSOs and other stakeholders are to adopt same template in reporting to the National Stakeholders Consultative Forum (NSCF).

“CSOs present are to step down this training to other member organisations for uniform reporting while training for STF on the template will be conducted during the Bootcamp early August 2024.

“NAPTIP participants shall step down the training in their respective Departments and Units.

“Selected participants would facilitate step down trainings across the NAPTIP Commands in the next activity phase.”

A Goodwill Message from the Acting Country Representative of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Nigeria Country Office, Danilo Campisi, said that: “Based on lessons learned from implementing the first NAP of 2009 to 2012, Improved data collection, monitoring, evaluation, and reporting of the level and success of implemented activities through the development of a harmonized data collection system with stringent reporting tools and guidelines that allow for high-quality and timely reporting is one of the integral objectives for the implementation of the current NAP, which significantly explains further, our reason for being here today.”

Campisi, who was represented by UNODC’s Associate Programme Officer, Project Officer “From Policy to Action,” Ifeoma Karebo said: “Human trafficking as we are aware, remains a grave concern, threatening the dignity and rights of individuals, particularly women and children. UNODC is dedicated to supporting the strengthening of the Nigerian government’s policy framework and response to trafficking in persons.

“This training workshop whose primary aim is to equip NAPTIP officers and CSOs with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively implement the NAP, embodies our commitment to turning “Policy into Action”. We aim to enhance stakeholder coordination, improve data collection and analysis, and develop a more gender-sensitive approach to combating human trafficking. By fostering a comprehensive understanding of the NAP among different stakeholders and developing their competencies, we are laying the groundwork for a more robust and coordinated response to human trafficking across Nigeria.”

NAPTIP Promises More Bite to Fight Against Trafficking in Persons

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Nigeria to receive over 50% of global water fund to West African countries



Nigeria to receive over 50% of global water fund to West African countries

By: Michael Mike

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), has said Nigeria will get at least 55 percent of the global water fund coming to member states of the regional bloc.

ECOWAS Commissioner for infrastructure, Energy and Digitization, Sediko Douka, disclosed this at the 5th ordinary session of the Ministerial Monitoring Committee (MMC), meeting for a Framework for coordination and monitoring of Integrated Water Resources Management, IWRM, in Abuja.

He said Nigeria’s share is based on her large population and contribution to the regional bloc’s levy.

Douka who explained that West African states have been committed to the integrated water management leading to an action plan in 2000 and frame work in 2001 stressed the need for a new form of water management to tackle water related problems.

The ECOWAS commissioner stated that the essence of the ministerial monitoring committee meeting was to revitalise cooperation and implementation of the regional water policies for development of the region.

Nigeria’s Minister of Water Resources and Sanitation, Professor Terlumun Utsev, while declaring the meeting open, called for unity among member states for the development of the water sector.

He said. “To truly see growth in the sub-region, we need to be united and work as a team, especially when it comes to the management of our water resources, both surface and underground.”

Utsev, who stressed that the subregion is blessed with great potential, added that it is only through collaboration and partnership that the region could overcome the present economic situation.

“The sub-region has a great amount of potential, and through working together, we can foster a region that can solve its challenges – from climate change, poverty, unemployment, inequality, and more,” the Minister noted.

The meeting by members of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), comprising water resources experts from Member States and West African basin organisations held from June 25-27, 2024, for the 11th ordinary session of the technical expert committee of the Permanent Framework for Coordination and Monitoring of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in West Africa.

The meeting aimed to revitalise the regional IWRM process by reviewing the implementation of resolutions from the 4th Ordinary Session.

Key resolutions to be produced include promoting new transboundary basin organisations, structural reform and capacity building of water resources management centres (WRMC), regular PCMF meetings, and establishing a regional consultation mechanism on integrated ecosystem management.

The TEC meeting will be followed by the 5th Ordinary Session of the Ministerial Monitoring Committee of IWRM in West Africa, on Friday, 28th June 2024.

This session will consider reports and recommendations from the experts’ meeting, including the draft ECOWAS-WRMC Strategic Plan 2020-2030, the Draft Directive on the Development of Water Infrastructure in West Africa, the draft guideline on the management of shared water resources in West Africa, the revival of the program for promoting new transboundary basin organisations in West Africa, and the operationalisation of the Regional Water Observatory.

Nigeria to receive over 50% of global water fund to West African countries

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9th EU-Nigeria Business Forum: Business leaders, policy makers to explore new investment opportunities



9th EU-Nigeria Business Forum: Business leaders, policy makers to explore new investment opportunities

By: Michael Mike

Nigerian and European business leaders, policy makers and institutional stakeholders will converge on Abuja on July 2, 2024 to identify and explore investment opportunities along specific value chains during the 9th European Union-Nigeria Business Forum.

The Forum, which is holding in the federal capital for the first time, according to a statement on Sunday is being organised by the EU Delegation to Nigeria and ECOWAS, in close coordination with EU Member States and the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment.

Themed “Investing in jobs and a sustainable future”, the event will take place at Abuja’s Continental Hotel.

The EU Ambassador to Nigeria and ECOWAS, Samuela Isopi, said the Business Forum, aside from fostering engagement between businesses, policymakers, and stakeholders from Nigeria and the EU, will also facilitates trade, investment, and partnerships through networking, discussions, and policy shaping, to promote economic cooperation between the EU and Nigeria and stimulate sustainable growth for both parties.

She said: @It is important to note that for the first time since its inception, the 2024 edition of the EU-Nigeria Business Forum will be held in Abuja. This will provide an opportunity for the EU, its Member States and the private sector from Europe and Nigeria to engage the new administration on their investment agendas in a transparent and inclusive manner, with a view to fostering confidence and commitment to a stronger and sustainable partnership.”

As part of the EU Global Gateway Strategy, she explained, EU-funded projects will complement private sector investment in areas, which bring about critical social, economic, and environmental sustainability.
In the case of Nigeria, particular attention is paid to the harnessing of local talent, particularly among youth and women, as well as economic, social, and environmental resilience. Against this backdrop, she stated, the 9th EU Nigeria Business Forum will focus on current and prospective investment in the digital, health, and agricultural sectors.

According to Ms Isopi, the Business Forum will discuss options and respective benefits towards establishing a bilateral legal framework between the EU and Nigeria, bringing certainty, stability, and sustainability to bilateral trade and investment relations.

Minister of Industry, Trade, and Investment Dr. Doris Uzoka-Anite, expressed her support, saying: “I commend the EU Delegation to Nigeria and ECOWAS, as well as the EU Member States, for their dedication to promoting economic cooperation and stimulating sustainable growth. Let us seize this opportunity to pave the way for a prosperous future for both Nigeria and the EU.”

The Forum will run in a hybrid format, targeting sectoral associations, business community, and entrepreneurs, and is expected to attract at least 400 in-person participants, excluding those who will join the event virtually. It will also feature panels on a range of issues, including Confidence in the Nigerian Economy – sustainable solutions to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Digitalisation Leapfrog, Healthy Economies Thrive, and From Agriculture to Agribusiness.

9th EU-Nigeria Business Forum: Business leaders, policy makers to explore new investment opportunities

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