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NESREA Shuts Down 46 Facilities in 10 States for Environmental Violations



NESREA Shuts Down 46 Facilities in 10 States for Environmental Violations

By: Michael Mike

The National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA) has sealed 46 Facilities in 10 states of the Federation for various forms of environmental violations.

The enforcement exercise was carried out in Borno, Gombe, Ogun, Enugu, Edo, Osun, Oyo, Plateau, Nasarawa and Taraba States.

According to a statement on Friday by the spokesperson of the agency, Amaka Ejiofor, the facilities were shut down for refusing to comply with the provisions of the National Environmental Regulations. Their offences include Violation of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act, lack of Environmental Audit Report, and failure to develop and implement an Environmental Management Plan.

Some facilities were also sanctioned for not installing an Effluent Treatment Plant, non-availability of the necessary permits relevant to their operations, and poor housekeeping, among others.

The Director General of NESREA, Dr. Innocent Barikor while expressing displeasure over the non-compliance status of many facilities, warned that the trend was unhealthy for the health of the citizens and the environment.

He said: “It is disheartening these errant facilities carried on their operations in a manner that endangered the environment despite Notices of Compliance Concerns served on them as required by law. The Agency would continue to enforce the provisions of the 35 National Environmental Regulations and would not fail at any time to impose appropriate penalties on violators.”

He added that: “Laws are made for the smooth running of the society and compliance with the laws enhances wholesome development. I encourage Nigerians to be true environmental vanguards by obeying the laws and reporting any environmental violations.”

NESREA Shuts Down 46 Facilities in 10 States for Environmental Violations

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2027: Chairman UMAPO tips Senator Lawan as Buni’s successor in Yobe



2027: Chairman UMAPO tips Senator Lawan as Buni’s successor in Yobe

By: Yahaya Wakili

The Chairman of the of the United Marketers Association Potiskum local government and its environs (UMAPO), Alhaji Nasiru Mato, has said that Senator Ahmed Ibrahim Lawan, Ph.D., GCON, Sardaunan Bade, is supposed to be the governor of Yobe State in 2027.

Alhaji Mato said Sardaunan Bade is unparalleled in Yobe history, so if he becomes the governor of Yobe State in 2027, I believe he would approach so many things in the state.

The chairman disclosed this to reporters in his office. He said now is the time to develop Yobe State,  to empower the people of Yobe, to empower businessmen, farmers, pastoralists, and even transporters, as well as to upgrade the dignity of our state.

He pointed out that now is the time for Yobe State to need people like Sardaunan Bade who will bring development to the state, and he has all the requirements and is also capable of governing the state because he did a lot of things in his zone and we saw it.

“Since Nigerian democracy was restored in 1999, no federally elected politician in the whole Northeast region, not even Yobe State, has ever had the wealth, expertise, connections, or experience that Senator Ahmed Ibrahim Lawan possesses.” Mato said.

According to him, the exceptional work of the distinguished President of the 9th Senate, Senator Ahmed Ibrahim Lawan, is unmatched in Yobe state history, so if he becomes the governor of Yobe state in 2027, inshallah, he will develop the whole Yobe state within the shortest time.

Speaking on the allegations, Senator Ahmed Lawan didn’t extend his empowerment to other zones in the state. Mato said first of all, people should know the position of the Senate President. The Senate President seat is not for Yobe State; it is a seat for all Nigerians. 

“Senator Ahmed Ibrahim Lawan, come there under his constituency; nobody from zone A or zone B come and vote for him; only the people from his constituency, which is zone C, come and vote for him and take him to the National Assembly.

The position of the Senate President is for the whole country, not Yobe State; he is just the leader of all senators who come from various constituencies across the country.

“It has become evident that Senator Ahmed Ibrahim Lawan, Ph.D., GCON, Sardaunan Bade, is devoted to significant empowerment, not just lip service. So if given the chance, I am confident he will duplicate this exceptional accomplishment throughout the state by the grace of God,” he added.

According to Mato, the people of Yobe state should go back and think, since the creation of the state, just like preaching to people who hear the preaching he understands, and who didn’t hear the preaching, let him go and meet Ulamas and translate to him.

“Since the creation of the state, if we get development, people know; if we don’t get development, people know; and now everybody knows the situation we are in and the cost of living. Therefore, it is time to look for a good leader who can deliver, who can rescue the state from its present situation, and who can help the people and revive the economy of the state.” The UMAPO chairman said.

2027: Chairman UMAPO tips Senator Lawan as Buni’s successor in Yobe

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By: Michael Mike
Several families affected by floods in Sierra Leone in 2022 have received humanitarian assistance from the ECOWAS Commission worth the sum of $690,719.00

The humanitarian assistance to affected households was launched by the Government of Sierra Leone with the ECOWAS Resident Representative in Sierra Leone, Amb. Harouna Moussa in attendance.

Sierra Leone’s Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Honourable Kenya Ballay stressed the importance of the ECOWAS humanitarian assistance which will benefit affected persons in eight districts in the country.

The items including bags of food, financial assistance as well as water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) essentials are being distributed to the six thousand verified beneficiaries in collaboration with the Achievers Foundation.

The ECOWAS Commission has been extending humanitarian assistance to affected communities in member states.


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Wife stabs husband to death in Yobe



Wife stabs husband to death in Yobe

By: Our Reporter

The Yobe state police command said it is saddened by the unfortunate actions of a couple that led to the death of a promising young man due to the consequences of an abusive marriage.

A statement from DSP DUNGUS ABDULKARIM, Mnipr, on Wednesday said that on 26-06-24, at about 1000 hrs, the C Divisional Police Headquarters received a complaint from a neighbor in Abbari Ward, Damaturu, about a couple, Ibrahim Yahaya, 25 years old, and Zainab Isa, 22 years old.

The couple had a violent argument on the same date at about 0900 hours, which escalated into a scuffle. The wife used a knife to stab the husband in the chest, and he subsequently died from his grievous injury before the police rescue team arrived.

The assailant was brought to the state CID for a discreet investigation and subsequent arraignment before the court for determination.

According to her confession, she did not intend to kill her husband but stabbed him in self-defense during a beating and kicking incident resulting from the husband while she was still recovering from a recent medical operation from childbirth.

She further stated that their marriage had been marred by violence from the outset, often occurring when she requested food or money, and had continued even after the birth of their first child and the arrival of their second child, despite her husband’s inability to provide for their needs.

The Commissioner of Police, CP Garba Ahmed, urges couples to report abuse to the authorities for a durable solution or file a complaint with the nearest Sharia or family court for possible redress. The command calls on community members to address marital relationship issues with keen interest and a socioeconomic perspective to prevent escalation from minor crises to larger ones, such as homicide.”

Wife stabs husband to death in Yobe

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