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UK Awards Chevening, Commonwealth scholarships to 82 Nigerians



UK Awards Chevening, Commonwealth scholarships to 82 Nigerians

By: Michael Mike

The British Government has awarded 82 Nigerians, the prestigious Chevening and Commonwealth scholarships to study a wide range of master’s degrees and PhD programmes in the UK in 2024.

This year, 32 scholars received the Chevening scholarships, and 50 scholars have been awarded the Commonwealth scholarship so far.

A pre-departure ceremony was held in Abuja on Thursday for scholars based in Abuja and environs, while a similar ceremony will hold in Lagos next week, and will be hosted by the Deputy Head of Mission, Abby Bernard, for scholars in Lagos and nearby cities.

At the Abuja pre-departure reception, the British Deputy High Commissioner, Mrs. Gill Lever, congratulated beneficiaries who succeeded in securing a scholarship through the highly competitive application and interview process.

The British Government has awarded 82 Nigerians, the prestigious Chevening and Commonwealth scholarships to study a wide range of master’s degrees and PhD programmes in the UK in 2024.

This year, 32 scholars received the Chevening scholarships, and 50 scholars have been awarded the Commonwealth scholarship so far. A pre-departure ceremony was held in Abuja yesterday for scholars based in Abuja and environs, while a similar ceremony will hold in Lagos next week, and will be hosted by the Deputy Head of Mission, Abby Bernard, for scholars in Lagos and nearby cities.

At the Abuja pre-departure reception yesterday, the British Deputy High Commissioner, Mrs. Gill Lever, congratulated beneficiaries who succeeded in securing a scholarship through the highly competitive application and interview process.

Speaking at the ceremony, Lever said:
“The UK continues to support the educational development of Nigerians and remain transparent and inclusive in the selection process across board.
“I challenge each of you to aim for excellence in your studies, to be great ambassadors for Nigeria in the UK, and to take advantage of every opportunity during your scholarship – through growing your knowledge, enriching cultural exchange, and confident networking – and then bringing those experiences back to Nigeria and doing great things for your country while creating a positive change in this country and the world.”

Also speaking at the reception, Director Operations, British Council Nigeria, Idowu Akintade, said: “We hope the skills and knowledge you gain from this scholarship opportunity prepares you to make positive impact in the development priorities of Nigeria.

“I encourage you all to build a strong network and continue to be great ambassadors of the prestigious Commonwealth and Chevening Scholarships.”

Chevening and Commonwealth Scholarships are awarded to individuals who demonstrate intellectual ability, leadership potential and a commitment to development of their home country.

Nigeria has a huge alumni base with over 4500 (3000 Commonwealth and 1500 Chevening) alumni across both scholarships with very prestigious people impacting and contributing to Nigeria’s development.

UK Awards Chevening, Commonwealth scholarships to 82 Nigerians

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UN Says Barrier to Women’s Economic Emancipation Must be Crunched



UN Says Barrier to Women’s Economic Emancipation Must be Crunched

By: Michael Mike

UN Women has called for economic empowerment of women in Nigeria and the rest of West Africa, insisting that systemic inequality and other barriers standing in the path of women’s economic emancipation need to be crunched.

Speaking at Women’s Economic Empowerment Learning Week in Abuja, with the theme: “Accelerating the progress of Women’s Economic Empowerment in Sub-Saharan Africa amidst changing contexts,” UN Women Country Representative to Nigeria and ECOWAS, Ms. Beatrice Eyong told the gathering of stakeholders from countries in West Africa, that deliberations should be on Women’s Economic Empowerment through Affirmative Procurement in Africa, the challenges identified, the key achievements highlighted by country offices, the policy environment needed to stimulate women’s access to public procurement opportunities, and the role of the private sector in transforming economies and pioneering change.

She said: “As we gather here today, we are reminded of the importance of addressing systemic inequality, opportunity inequality, and outcomes that have inhibited women’s economic empowerment. Though progress has been made, much remains to be done in accelerating progress and institutionalizing transformation to ensure women’s economic autonomy.”

Eyong said: “I am confident that through the conversations and deliberations that would ensue today, challenges would be addressed, solutions proffered, and a pathway tendered to women’s and girls’economic well-being building a society where every woman and girl has the opportunity to thrive and contribute to national development.”

She noted that UN Women works globally to make the vision of the Sustainable Development Goals a reality for women and girls and stands behind women’s equal participation in all aspects of life, focusing on four strategic priorities: Women lead, participate in and benefit equally from governance systems; Women have income security, decent work and economic autonomy; All women and girls live a life free from all forms of violence; Women and girls contribute to and have greater influence in building sustainable peace and resilience, and benefit equally from the prevention of natural disasters and conflicts and humanitarian action

Eyong while stating that significant progress has been made in advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment in Nigeria, which has resulted in the development of a National Women’s economic empowerment policy, the first of its kind in Nigeria, applauding the approval of an affirmative procurement policy in Kaduna State, and the development of a private sector GBV fund.

UN Says Barrier to Women’s Economic Emancipation Must be Crunched

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Gaza War: ICRC Reiterates Calls for Civilian Protection



Gaza War: ICRC Reiterates Calls for Civilian Protection

By: Michael Mike

The President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC),
Mirjana Spoljaric has called for the protection of civilians in Gaza and respect for the laws of war.

Spoljaric, who was in Gaza to advance efforts that alleviate the devastating humanitarian toll the ongoing conflict is taking on civilians, reiterated the importance of protecting civilians in Gaza and respect for the laws of war.

She also reiterated the ICRC’s call for the hostages to be immediately released.

According to a statement from ICRC, Spoljaric travel to the region is happening in several stages, with a visit to Israel expected over the coming weeks.

The statement issued before her visit read: “In Gaza, President Spoljaric will spend time with the ICRC team on the ground and visit the European Hospital, where ICRC medical teams have been conducting life-saving surgery alongside local healthcare workers.

“The ICRC has also been providing medical and other supplies to health care facilities as well as livelihood support to displaced people.

“The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) has been providing ambulance and other core healthcare services in extremely dangerous circumstances in Gaza since the fighting escalated. Many humanitarian and health workers, including members of the PRCS, have been tragically killed in the conduct of their duties over the last weeks.”

Spoljaric was quoted in the statement to have said: “The level of human suffering is intolerable. It is unacceptable that civilians have no safe place to go in Gaza, and with a military siege in place there is also no adequate humanitarian response currently possible.

“The purpose of my visit is to advance efforts that alleviate the desperate humanitarian situation. I will convey my deep concern for the plight of civilians and underline the ICRC’s utmost commitment to doing everything we can to ease their suffering. We have urgently appealed for civilian life to be protected and respected on all sides, in line with international humanitarian law, and I reiterate that appeal today.

“An unimpeded and regular flow of aid must be allowed to enter Gaza. All those deprived of liberty must be treated humanely. The hostages must be released, and the ICRC must be allowed to safely visit them.

“The last week provided a small degree of humanitarian respite, a positive glimpse of humanity that raised hopes around the world that a path to reduced suffering could now be found. As a neutral actor, the ICRC stands ready to support further humanitarian agreements that reduce suffering and heartbreak.”

Gaza War: ICRC Reiterates Calls for Civilian Protection

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Germany gives €81m grant to ECOWAS for electricity, others



Germany gives €81m grant to ECOWAS for electricity, others

By: Michael Mike

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has received Germany support in the sum of €81 million grant to address vital areas of development in the subregion

This brings to €500 million, the total Germany’s support over a decade.

The President of ECOWAS, Dr. Omar Alieu Touray made the announcement on Sunday when he received the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz who is in Abuja on a two day visit to Nigeria.

Touray revealed that the grant will cover peace and security, social protection in the sub-region amongst other things.

The Commission’s President, said: “Recently, we concluded an agreement of €81 million that the government of Germany and the people of Germany has decided to grant ECOWAS to support in various areas.

“The grant will cover areas such as peaceful and inclusive society, climate and energy transition, sustainable and economic development, health, social protection and population. These are important sectors and we appreciate Germany for their support.”

He equally disclosed that ECOWAS and Germany have agreed to work closely to address the numerous challenges facing the sub-region.

Touray during a joint press briefing with the German counsellor, said: ” Your Excellency during our discussion, we talked about the challenges that this region is facing such as insecurity, and infrastructure deficit. We have agreed to continue working together. Our regions are closely linked. What happens in one area affects the other and then we appreciate what Germany is doing individually and through the European Union for supporting this region.

“We are appreciative of the partnership that the region continues to enjoy with Germany and the EU particularly in the area of peace and security, and strong governance.”

On his part, the German Chancellor stressed the need to support the subregion in developing its infrastructure and other institutions, noting that it was important to improve trade exchanges in the subregion.

He said: “These are structures that have to be set up in order to improve the exchange at the level of ECOWAS countries. Strengthen the economic, strengthen power of countries that are united in this organisation.”

He also listed health, peace and security amongst other areas of cooperation with ECOWAS.

The German Chancellor In the area of security, said his country is in support of ECOWAS stand on Republic of Niger.

He stressed that his country does not support the evil take over of government .

He said: “The situation of peace and security in the region is important. The times are turbulent and we have to make sure that in such times peace and security can be provided for and ECOWAS has played an important part in the recent past as far as that is concerned.

” So we particularly value the exchange with ECOWAS on this subject matter. It is about not accepting military coups demanding that a return to constitutional authority takes place and provide for peace and security in the region.

Germany gives €81m grant to ECOWAS for electricity, others

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