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French Envoy Insists Insecurity Major Clog in Nigeria’s Economy



French Envoy Insists Insecurity Major Clog in Nigeria’s Economy

By: Michael Mike

The Outgoing French Ambassador to Nigeria, Ms. Emmanuelle Blatmann has noted that insecurity continues to undermine Nigeria’s push for greatness, stating that Nigeria has all it takes to be among the economic greats globally.

Blatmann, who has been withdrawn from Nigeria to take up the position of Director for Africa and the Indian Ocean at French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, said: “Nigeria should solve the security challenges and see how many businesses would roll in.”

The envoy while narrating what Nigeria should have gained had there been no challenges with security in the country, noted that countries in Europe were looking to Nigeria to solved their energy problem as a result of the war in Ukraine but had to seek solution elsewhere because the country could not provide the needed energy as a result of insecurity and the activities of oil bunkers.

She said: “You know one thing that has frustrated me over the last two years is the problem in the oil and gas sector. When Ukraine war started, all the European countries were trying to diversify their supply of gas and oil and obviously many of them turn to Nigeria and because at that time due to oil bunkering Nigeria was not only able to increase its capacity and supply but sometimes but sometimes was not able to meet the already existing contracts and was not meeting the quota OPEC had fixed, the European countries have to look elsewhere.”

She lamented that this could have gone far in bringing back oil boom to the country and it was rather unfortunate that the opportunity was lost.

She equally decried that at a point in time some oil exploration companies have to close down as they alleged that 90 percent of oil pumped into the pipelines were stolen.

French Envoy Insists Insecurity Major Clog in Nigeria’s Economy

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Pakistani Armed Forces Remain largest contributors to UN peace keeping –Envoy



Pakistani Armed Forces Remain largest contributors to UN peace keeping –Envoy

By: Michael Mike

The High Commissioner of Pakistan to Nigeria, Sohail Khan has said the Pakistani Armed Forces remain the largest contributors to the United Nations’ peacekeeping operations across the globe, a position that has been maintained since 1960.

Khan, who is a retired Major General in the Pakistani military, made this known at the Pakistani High Commission in Abuja on Friday during Pakistan’s Defence and Martyrs Day celebration, which is held annually on September 6 since 1965.

He noted that the commemoration day was to pay homage to the armed forces of Pakistan who protected the motherland from internal and external aggression with bravery.

He disclosed that 23,900 officers and five Generals had sacrificed their lives in the Global War against Terrorism, with Pakistan losing over US$152 billion in the process.

The High Commissioner said Pakistan has kept responsible nuclear state status and the armed forces’ management of the command and control system has been distinguished.

He emphasised that one major significance of the occasion is honouring martyrs and members of the armed forces for their dedication and sacrifices.

On his part, the Defence Advisor at the High Commission, Col. Mushtag Kamran stated that September 6 signified the unflinching resolve, unity, and sense of sacrifice to defend the motherland at all costs.

He praised the sons of the soil who sacrificed their lives to protect freedom and sovereignty, urging others to strive for a better tomorrow.

The event was attended by senior Nigerian Armed Forces officers, ambassadors, attachés, and diplomatic corps, and featured traditional Pakistani cuisine, with a pledge from Pakistani officers to continue to defend the motherland following the footsteps of martyr.

Pakistani Armed Forces Remain largest contributors to UN peace keeping –Envoy

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US Provides $6.5 million for Flood Related Humanitarian Needs in Nigeria



US Provides $6.5 million for Flood Related Humanitarian Needs in Nigeria

By: Michael Mike

The United States, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), is providing more than $6.5 million to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to address flood-related humanitarian needs across Nigeria.

According to a statement on Thursday by
the Development Outreach and Communications Team of USAID, the funding is part of USAID’s Fiscal Year 2024 support and will enable local partners to respond to flooding and other disasters.

The statement revealed that IOM is allocating $3 million to address flood-related humanitarian needs across the country.

Flooding has affected over 619,000 people in 29 Nigerian states since mid-August, according to Nigeria’s National Emergency Management Agency. The floods have claimed 210 lives, displaced nearly 228,700 people, and damaged more than 84,800 homes.

According to the statement, this response is part of a larger humanitarian assistance effort. In Fiscal Year 2024, USAID has provided nearly $100 million in previously announced funding to Nigeria to respond to the urgent needs of those impacted by disasters, including floods.

USAID Mission Director, Melissa Jones said:
“The United States remains committed to supporting the people of Nigeria as they face the challenges posed by climate change and increasingly frequent natural disasters. Our enduring partnership is rooted in a long history of delivering humanitarian aid across the nation.”

US Provides $6.5 million for Flood Related Humanitarian Needs in Nigeria

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U.S. Donates 10,000 Doses of Mpox Vaccines



U.S. Donates 10,000 Doses of Mpox Vaccines

By: Michael Mike

United States government, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has donated 10,000 doses of the mpox (formerly referred to as “Monkeypox”) vaccine to its Nigerian counterpart to support the nation’s ongoing efforts to respond to the current mpox outbreak.

Mpox is an infectious viral disease that occurs in humans and animals. It can be transmitted through close contact including sexual interactions. The prevention of mpox is through vaccination. Individuals of 18 years of age and older are determined to be at high risk for mpox infection and highly recommended to take the vaccine.

The vaccine is a two-dose primary series for use in persons who have never received smallpox vaccine and a single booster for individuals previously vaccinated with a smallpox vaccine

The U.S. Ambassador Richard Mills, speaking at the event to hand over the vaccines to the National Primary Healthcare Development Agency, said: “We are pleased to know that this is a timely donation that will reach the affected areas across the country and those who are most vulnerable to mpox infection.”

He added that: “We encourage the Government of Nigeria to continue to mobilize domestic resources to secure more vaccines to combat mpox.”

It has been reported that the federal government has prioritized five states (Bayelsa, Edo, Cross-River, Lagos, and Rivers) with the highest burden of mpox cases. The vaccines are expected to be given to those most at risk of mpox including close contacts of mpox cases and frontline healthcare workers with a provision for reactive vaccination in other states as the need arises.

When questioned on the safety of the vaccine, Mills said: “Yes, the vaccine is safe. Safety tests have been conducted during clinical trials, and the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control reviewed the results of these trials before granting approval for the use of the vaccines in Nigeria.”

USAID in a statement on Tuesday promised to continue to provide technical support and collaborate with the Government of Nigeria to improve prevention, preparedness, detection, response, and resilience to infectious disease outbreaks.

It said it is also supporting the Government of Nigeria with strengthening primary health care and routine immunization systems as well as supporting overall systems strengthening including health, education, nutrition, governance systems, and the rule of law.

U.S. Donates 10,000 Doses of Mpox Vaccines

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