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Zulum: A Beacon Of Hope To Borno’s Less Privileged People



Zulum: A Beacon Of Hope To Borno’s Less Privileged People

By Gbenga Akingbule 

Born without a silver spoon and  struggled through hardwork, perseverance  and unwavering desire to succeed,  Borno State Governor,  Prof Babagana Zulum has since become a household name especially amongst the less privileged persons in the state .

Prof. Zulum is always quick  to share stories  about his  humble beginning amongst the high and mighty,  a gesture observers view as rare display of humility amongst Nigeria’s political elite 

Upon assumption of office  in 2019 , Prof Zulum has consistently associated himself with the less privileged,-  his former constituency where he got first hand experience of the difficult economic hardship bedeveling many Nigerian less privileged people.  

Driven by compassion and his  gennue concern to assist the common people, Prof Zulum had on different occasion while on  visit to the hinterland,  ordered for the immediate halting of his motorcade just to  assist locals walking long distance by giving them a ride on his convoy and also give them cash support.  

Pfrof Zulum passion to liberate his people from the shackles of poverty and education backwardness has led to rise in budgetary provisions and fund releases for the education sector and key ministries that are aimed at empowering the common people.  

For the 2024 buget,  the Ministry of Education was  allocated  the sum of N39 billion to carry out its activities- this effort , amongst others , has removed over one million out- of – school children off the streets of Borno and returned them to the classrooms where their future are being positively shaped to become responsible and productive members of the society.  

”  Out of 1.8 million out -of- school children in 2021, we have taken measures to reduce the number to less that 800. We’re still working assiduously bring down the number ”  Commissioner of Education,  Science , Technology  and Innovation,  Engineer  Lawan Abba Wakilbe said 

No doubt,  the more than a decade long  insurgency in Borno  State had led many children and their parents to flee trouble areas,  thereby obstructing their education where massive destruction to education facilities across the state was evident .

At  a recent function during a public  lecture  held at University of Maiduguri (UNIMAID ) which form part activities to mark the exit of the former Vice Chancellor of the Institution, Prof . Aliyu Shugaba  after completing  his 5 year tenure,  Prof Zulum didn’t mince words when he charged the sea of erudite scholars  present at  the occasion, majority of whom are indigens of Borno State to think outside the box and collaborate to use education as tool for liberating the people of the state .

Zulum was quick to trip down memory lane and revealed how he battled through pletoral of obstacles in his unquenchable quest to gain quality education that has since transformed his life to become a professor of  Soil  and Water Engineer and currently serving his second term as governor of Borno state. 

” coming from my background,  I know how I  suffered , where we do not have competent teachers to teach us in our primary and secondary school.  I never thought I would be a professor,  because both of my parents were not educated,  nobody ever told me to do my assignment while in primary school,  I was on my own.” Zulun said . 

It was therefore not surprising when Governor Zulum recently released the sum of N4.8 Billion as scholarship award to 524  postgraduate  students  from the state , including orphans and less privileged persons.  

 The  scholarship  award according to the governor is meant for  foriegn and local postgraduate students in Science, Technology,  Engineering and Mathematics ( STEM) 

In his usual humanitarian and compassion towards the the less privileged irrespective of ethnicity,  tribe or religion governor Zulum during an early morning visit to a school in Maiduguri,  the state capital gifted a woman form the South East part of the country- a teacher in the  school with the sum of N100, 000 cash for always  showing up eally to her duty post . 

Also , recently,  during a visit to launch grains given to the state by Federal Government , Prof Zulum, shortly after the occasion went towards the direction of the local guard guarding the premises and immediately ordered that the sum of N500 000 be given to him – an amount that is more that his 12 month salary.

The 80 year Chadian  local guard who had lived in Nigeria for over four decades and has over 20 Children was stunned by the governor’s gesture and said the money will go a long way in ameliorating his financial challenges.  

Furthermore, 63 year old Cecelia Joseph, a widow and mother of six children who  was part of the one hundred thousand households that benefited from massive food support scheme carried out by the Borno State Governor.

The aim of the food  support according to Goverenor Zulum is to ameliorate economic hardship being experienced by many vulnerable families across state  including the likes of Cecilia whose husband, a commercial taxi driver was gruesomely murdered by suspected Boko Haram Terrorists over ten years ago. 

Since the demise of her husband,  Cecilia  who had continue to feed from hand to mouth  with her six children revealed that Governor Zulum is the first to have reached out to her with any form of assistance- the food support , she said ” will assist me and my six children immensely ” 

Prof Zulum had ordered that the food support should  be given to all vulnerable residents irrespective of  tribe , religion and political affiliations hence paving the way for Cecilia who hails from far away  Osun State, a devoted Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) member as well as other beneficiaries who are not indigens of the state .

” I’m so grateful to Governor Zulum for wiping away my tears with this food support. But I would appreciate more support from the governor and other well meaning citizens  for the education on my children.  ”  Cecelia  who currently lives in a rented accommodation on the outskirts of Maiduguri , the state capital said .

Governor Zulum had revealed during one of the many food distribution in  the state that  ” We have never distinguish between Christians and Muslims in our food distribution.  What we’re doing is not partisan either , it’s not based on ethnicity or religion ; we advised the community to select one hundred thousand most valuable and bottom poor and this will go a long way in ameliorating the suffering of the masses ” 

While warehouses were being looted acros the country during  the # EndSARS protests,  residents of Borno  state were full of gratitude to Governor Zulum for always coming to their aid with his unprecedented distribution of food ,  cash and clothing to assist the less privileged.  

Following the release of N2 Billion intervention by the President Bola Tinubu  led Federal governmen to cushion the effect of fuel subsidy  removal Prof.  Zulum had announced raising the number of households being targeted for palliatives from 300,000 to 400,000 households. 

Each household according to the Governor,  will be made up of six family members and  multiplied by 400,000 which, by implication, moves Zulum’s new target to two million and four hundred thousand  individuals. 

“Governor Zulum has continued to stand in the gap for many of the less privileged people in Borno state ”  Umar Ali, one of those that recently benefited from the food support scheme established by the governor.

Zulum: A Beacon Of Hope To Borno’s Less Privileged People

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Gov. Buni, Emir of Damaturu, Honours by Yobe University, Nusret



Gov. Buni, Emir of Damaturu, Honours by Yobe University, Nusret

By: Kolo Gulani

The Centre for Research in Qur’anic Studies, Yobe State University in collaboration with Nusret Educational and Cultural Co. Ltd, have honoured the Executive Governor of Yobe State, Hon. Mai Mala Buni and His Royal Highness, the Emir of Damaturu, Alhaji Shehu Hashimi II Ibn Umar Al-Amin El-Kanemi for their unflinching support in Qur’anic Studies and the teaching of Islam in the state.

The award was given today 3rd July, 2024 during a One Day Educational Workshop with the theme: The Prophet PBUH as a Viable Role to Contemporary Societies by Reading the Book. “the Infinity Light” at the Geidam Hall of the University.

Speaking during the event, the Vice-Chancellor of the University, Prof. Mala Mohammed Daura, while declaring the workshop open, stated that the seminar is an educative and enlightening capable of creating awareness among contemporary societies. The seminar is about the prospects of prophetic teachings towards maintaining social peace among contemporary societies, as revealed through the inspiring book, “THE INFINITY LIGHT”

Prof. Daura, who was represented at the occasion by the Deputy-Vice Chancellor (Central Administration), Dr Bukar Jamri, while urging the participants to concentrate on the workshop, said the University will continue to support the Centre for Research in Qur’anic Studies.

He then commended the efforts of the Director of the Centre, Dr Mustapha Adam Jatkawy for organizing the workshop.

In his goodwill message, the General Manager, Nusret Educational and Cultural Co Ltd, Mr Husseyin Selvi, expressed his appreciation to each and everyone that graced the occasion.

Mr. Selvia also stressed the significance of the book with the title, “Infinity Light, Muhammad, the Pride of Humanity” by Muhammad Fathullah.

Meanwhile, the Registrar of the University, Dr. Kalli Alkali Yusuf Gazali, who doubled as the Guest Speaker at the workshop, dwelled on the role of Nigerian Turkish International College (NTIC) and Nusret to Nigerians.

Gov. Buni, Emir of Damaturu, Honours by Yobe University, Nusret

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ICRC, NEDC Provide Aid to Victims of Gwoza Bomb Attacks



ICRC, NEDC Provide Aid to Victims of Gwoza Bomb Attacks

By: Michael Mike

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the North East Development Commission (NEDC) have come to the aid of victims of Gwoza suicide attack.

The surgical team of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) supported the State Specialist Hospital of Maiduguri in performing lifesaving surgeries and in providing emergency treatment for people who were critically injured during the blasts in the town of Gwoza in the north-east.

According to a statement by the ICRC, 41 patients, including children and women, arrived in Maiduguri Hospital between Saturday and Sunday, some continue to receive the needed care, and the ICRC has provided medical drugs and consumables to support the hospital’s emergency response.

The statement quoting the deputy
head of the ICRC sub-delegation in Maiduguri, Diana Japaridze, said: “It is heart wrenching to see civilians killed and wounded,”“We strongly remind to all those involved in the fighting that civilians, especially children and women must be spared, and that hospitals must be sanctuaries of life, not scenes of deadly violence.”

The statement added that: “Indiscriminate attacks and attacks targeting civilians are strictly prohibited under international
humanitarian law. Healthcare facilities and personnel are also protected and must not be attacked. Attacks against hospitals have devastating humanitarian consequences, as these facilities are the only lifeline for sick and wounded.

“We will continue our support for the civilians who are bearing the brunt of more than a decade of armed conflict including those displaced and injured”. Ms. Japaridze added.

On its part, the North East Development Commission (NEDC) said it is liaising with the Borno State Government on how and what to do to assist the victims of the bomb explosion that claimed the lives of about 30 people and injured over 40 others in Gwoza.

The Managing Director/CEO, NEDC, Ambassador Goni Alkali stated this during his sympathy visit to the victims of the Gwoza bomb blast at the Maiduguri State Specialist Hospital.

The NEDC MD who was received and conduct round the emergency ward of the hospital by the Chief Medical Director, Dr. Baba Shehu Mohammed, assured that NEDC is already working on modalities and strategies on areas of support and assistance to the victims and their families as part of the commissions mandatory services to people and victims of conflict in the region.

The MD/CEO expressed deep sympathy over the pathetic situation and reaffirmed the commissions willingness and determination to assist the victims where necessary in collaboration with the state government.

Earlier the CMD of the hospital appreciated NEDC for the visit and sympathy while disclosing that about 20 victims have so far been discharged including those with minor injuries.

ICRC, NEDC Provide Aid to Victims of Gwoza Bomb Attacks

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ActionAid Blames Government for Economic Woes



ActionAid Blames Government for Economic Woes

By: Michael Mike

ActionAid Nigeria has commended the government for exempting small businesses, manufacturers, and farmers from withholding tax, a move that acknowledges the critical role of local industries and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in driving economic growth and development.

The ActionAid in a statement on Wednesday while acknowledging the beauty of government’s move, sound a clarion call on the looming hunger crisis and pervasive insecurity in Nigeria and said the government should be held accountable for its inaction.

The statement read: “The continuous interest rate hike by the Central Bank of Nigeria, aimed at curbing inflation, has unfortunately not yielded the desired results. While the hikes were intended to reduce inflation, prices continue to soar, leaving many Nigerians struggling to make ends meet.

“Aliko Dangote, Chairman and CEO of the Dangote Group, has warned that the interest rate hike will have devastating consequences for businesses, making it nearly impossible for them to survive. The Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN) has echoed Dangote’s concerns, calling for policies that support local industries. This highlights the need for a comprehensive review of the tax regime to ensure it is fair, equitable, and supportive of local industries.

“ActionAid Nigeria believes that the focus on interest rates alone is misplaced and that the root cause of inflation lies in the production sector. To truly tackle inflation, ActionAid Nigeria urges the government to prioritize production and address the obstacles facing small business owners and farmers, including insecurity and lack of access to credit.

“ActionAid Nigeria also calls for grants and low-interest loans for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to be able to expand and thrive in this economy, as it is the biggest way to tackle poverty. They are the backbone of our economy and supporting them is crucial to addressing the hunger crisis and promoting economic growth. ActionAid Nigeria demands that the government take immediate action to address the pervasive insecurity, including investing in community-led peacebuilding initiatives and providing support to victims of violence. Moreover, small business owners and farmers need access to credit to expand their operations and increase production. We urge the government to implement policies that provide affordable credit to SMEs and support sustainable agriculture practices.”

ActionAid Nigeria demanded that the government expand the tax brackets for multinationals and big companies, as well as reduce tax holidays for them, insisting that: “The government needs to revisit the tax policies that have allowed multinationals to exploit our resources while paying minimal taxes. This is unacceptable and perpetuates inequality. The nation needs a fair and progressive tax system that ensures everyone contributes their fair share.

“In addition, ActionAid Nigeria is deeply concerned about the impact of insecurity on smallholder women farmers, who are critical to Nigeria’s food security. A recent survey conducted by ActionAid Nigeria across the country revealed that 73% of smallholder women farmers affirmed that insecurity has affected their food production, with many reporting loss of crops, livestock, and farming equipment due to violent attacks.

“This is unacceptable and demands immediate attention from the government.
Furthermore, tackling food insecurity is crucial to addressing the hunger crisis, and ActionAid Nigeria calls on the government to invest in agriculture and support small-scale farmers to increase food production and availability. Moreover, addressing poverty and inequality is critical, and ActionAid Nigeria demands investments in social protection programs and progressive taxation to ensure all Nigerians have access to the resources they need to thrive.
In conclusion, while ActionAid Nigeria commends the government for the withholding tax exemptions, it urges the government to take bold and immediate action to address the looming hunger crisis, pervasive insecurity, and obstacles to production.”

The statement added that: “ActionAid Nigeria will continue to push for policies and actions that prioritize the needs of the people, not just the interests of the few. The future of our country and its people is at stake, and we must act now.”

ActionAid Blames Government for Economic Woes

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