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HIV Trust Fund: PMB launches N62.1billion



HIV Trust Fund: PMB launches N62.1billion

HIV Trust Fund: PMB launches N62.1billion

President Muhammadu Buhari has on Tuesday in Abuja launched a N62 billion trust fund to help Nigeria end AIDS as a public health threat and place more people living with HIV on treatment annually.

Speaking at the launch of the HIV Trust Fund of Nigeria (HTFN), the President in a statement by presidential spokesman, Femi Adesina pledged that his administration would continue to prioritize health interventions to address killer diseases and public health emergencies.

”At the last United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS, I made a call for a renewed global action to address the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Africa.

”Ending AIDS as a public health threat in Nigeria will require increased domestic funding. We have continued to make good our commitment of placing more people living with HIV on treatment annually using national resources.

”However, strong domestic resource mobilization with an enduring partnership and shared responsibility is required to sustain the response to HIV and other emerging public health emergencies,” he said.

President Buhari noted that Nigeria’s purposeful partnership with the private sector in the response to COVID 19 pandemic had provided a readily available financing solution to leverage on and sustain HIV response.

He commended the National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA) and the Nigeria Business Coalition Against AIDS for their efforts in establishing the HIV Trust Fund of Nigeria to secure a generation of babies free of HIV.

He also expressed delight with the attendance of notable global key players in HIV response and from the private sector at the event and the pledges made.

”Going forward, I hope The HIV Trust Fund of Nigeria will galvanize more of the private sector and other partners to surpass the target of Sixty-Two Billion Naira in the next five years,” he added.

The private sector-led funding for the HIV Trust fund of Nigeria is expected to crystalise a sustainable financial mechanism for the mobilisation and deployment of domestic private sector resources, particularly aimed at preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV in the country.

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According to the Executive Director, Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), Ms Winnie Byanyima, a total of 1.7 million Nigerians are living with HIV, while 1.6 million of that figure are on treatment.

Byanyima further noted that there is an urgent need to scale up domestic funding as Nigeria leads with the highest number of HIV infections among children.

She said although COVID-19 has pushed back intervention on the pandemic, ending AIDS is not just a moral but an economic imperative.

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New UNAIDS Report that Debt Crisis Has Left Health Chronically Underfunded in Africa



New UNAIDS Report that Debt Crisis Has Left Health Chronically Underfunded in Africa

By: Michael Mike

Growing public debt is choking sub-Saharan African countries, leaving them with little fiscal room to finance health and critical HIV services, a new report by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS).

The report said domestic revenues, debt relief and development aid: Transformative pathways for ending AIDS by 2030 Eastern and Southern Africa/ Western and Central Africa, shows that the debt crisis is putting in jeopardy progress made towards ending AIDS.

It added that sub-Saharan Africa accounts for the largest number of people living with HIV, with more than 25.9 million people of the 39.9 million living with HIV globally. The region’s success in having reduced new HIV infections by 56% since 2010 will not be sustained if fiscal space is constrained.

The report, released ahead of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, showed that the combination of growing public debt payments and spending cuts set out in International Monetary Fund agreements in the next three to five years will, if unaddressed, leave countries dangerously under resourced to fund their HIV responses.

The UNAIDS Executive Director Winnie Byanyima said: “When countries cannot effectively look after the health care needs of their people because of debt payments, global health security is put at risk,” adding that: “Public debt needs to be urgently reduced and domestic resource mobilization strengthened to enable the fiscal space to fully fund the global HIV response and end AIDS.”

The report said debt servicing now exceeds 50% of government revenues in Angola, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Uganda, and Zambia, adding that even after debt relief measures, Zambia will still be paying two-thirds of its budget on debt servicing between 2024 and 2026.

It said there has been a noted decline in HIV response spending since 2017 in Western and Central Africa, from 0.3% of GDP in 2017 to just 0.12% in 2022.

It said Western and Central Africa will need to mobilize US$ 4.18 billion to fully fund the HIV response in 2024. This will climb to US$ 7.9 billion by 2030 unless efforts are scaled up today to stop new HIV infections.

While US$ 20.8 billion was available for the HIV response in 2022 in low and middle-income countries through both domestic and international sources, this funding was not enough to sufficiently finance the HIV response. Western and Central Africa for example had a funding shortfall of 32% in 2022.

In 2024 alone, Eastern and Southern Africa will need to mobilize almost US$ 12 billion to fully fund the HIV response. This amount will climb to around US$ 17 billion by 2030 unless new HIV infections are reduced.

It said to enable increased domestic resource mobilization for countries to respond effectively to their pandemics, sub-Saharan African countries will need to strengthen their tax systems, including closing tax exemptions which currently cost countries an average of 2.6% of GDP in lost revenue across the region. Donors need also to scale up financial assistance for health and the HIV response between now and 2030, while creditors should offer debt relief to heavily indebted countries to ease the burden.

Byanyima said: “World leaders cannot let a resource crunch derail global progress to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030.”

New UNAIDS Report that Debt Crisis Has Left Health Chronically Underfunded in Africa

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Flood in UMTH: Professor Ahidjo’s demonstrated leadership in emergencies



Flood in UMTH: Professor Ahidjo's demonstrated leadership in emergencies

Flood in UMTH: Professor Ahidjo’s demonstrated leadership in emergencies

By Dr. James Bwala

The flooding in Maiduguri, the capital of Borno State in northern Nigeria, has presented serious issues for the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital (UMTH). The administration of the hospital has been putting a lot of effort into determining the extent of the impact as they prepare to put in place a comprehensive strategy to deal with these environmental issues and guarantee that medical care is provided as usual.

UMTH considers improving its infrastructure resilience to be one of its main tactics. In order to lessen water accumulation during future heavy rains, the hospital intends to improve the drainage systems surrounding its property. It also intends to participate in community outreach programs that educate locals about flood risks and promote preventive measures like proper waste disposal and land management techniques that can lessen the effects of flooding. Furthermore, UMTH has improved its alliances with both governmental and non-governmental groups in order to streamline the mobilization of resources in times of crisis.

Speaking on the destruction caused by the flood at UMTH, the CMD stated that flooding presents serious problems for communities all around the world and calls for efficient response systems. The Chief Medical Director (CMD) has started a number of programs to lessen the negative effects of floods and prevent them from happening again. He claims that the hospital works to lessen vulnerability and increase resilience in affected populations and patients by implementing comprehensive flood control policies and strategic planning.


The creation of early warning systems that enable prompt alerts for approaching floods is one of the CMD’s planned initiatives. By utilizing cutting-edge meteorological data and predictive analytics, these devices will help UMTH communities get ready for any future flooding. Additionally, public awareness campaigns have been crucial in informing the public about the dangers of flooding and in supporting preventative measures like emergency evacuation plans, which the hospital intends to utilize going forward. These programs are made more effective by including community input, which guarantees that decision-making processes are informed by local expertise.

Two crises were brought about by the flooding: the immediate risk to patient safety and the interruption of medical services. In response, UMTH took extensive steps to protect its patients’ wellbeing while guaranteeing the continuity of their care. These actions included creating emergency procedures. Also, a plan for the allocation of funds for flood control and working with the government to enable prompt responses may be understood in the efforts to assess the level of disruption by the flood. 

The mobilization of medical staff to obtain vital medical supplies and support patients in evacuation attempts was a crucial component of UMTH’s reaction. Employees put in a great deal of effort to move patients who were at risk from impacted locations on the hospital grounds, giving priority to those who needed intensive care or had chronic illnesses. In addition, patients were accommodated in makeshift shelters that were established upstairs at the hospital.

Significant worries about patient safety and the operational integrity of medical equipment have been raised by the water occurrences at the cancer centers and radiology departments. The Chief Medical Director, or CMD, has stated that quick evaluations are essential to determine the level of harm done to these devices, especially considering how important they are to treatment plans and diagnostic imaging. Flooding can affect these sophisticated instruments’ calibration as well as performance, which might result in inaccurate readings or inefficient therapy delivery. Therefore, it is essential that a thorough assessment be carried out prior to any device being approved for usage.

Professor Ahmed Ahidjo

The CMD also stresses the need for thorough backup planning and routine maintenance to reduce the likelihood of similar events in the future. This entails making investments in waterproofing techniques for crucial sections of healthcare facilities to guarantee that equipment can tolerate unforeseen environmental difficulties. The current state of affairs emphasizes the necessity of proactive risk management techniques and serves as a reminder of the vulnerabilities present in the healthcare system.

The Chief Medical Director (CMD) made admirable efforts to guarantee that patient care remained a top priority in the face of these challenges. These preventative actions included arranging for the deployment of resources, improving staff coordination, and putting emergency protocols in place to handle the flood of patients impacted by the catastrophe. In times of crisis, the response from patients and their families demonstrates a complex interaction between heightened expectations and thankfulness.

The majority of patient relations’ responses to these initiatives were favorable. Numerous people conveyed gratitude for the CMD’s leadership amid a turbulent moment, emphasizing how prompt actions reduced possible health risks related to flooding. The construction of makeshift hospitals in safer locales demonstrated compassion for patients in times of emergency and built a rapport between medical staff and patients. Since it strengthens the therapeutic connection at the heart of efficient healthcare delivery, this trust is crucial.

Indeed, the flooding has had a substantial impact on the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital (UMTH), exacerbating pre-existing issues within the healthcare system. Thousands of patients depend on the hospital, a major healthcare facility in northeastern Nigeria, for both routine and emergency care, making it an indispensable resource. There is an urgent need for more governmental and non-governmental help in light of the flood issues currently facing the region in order to guarantee that UMTH can carry on offering vital medical services to the community, Nigeria, and all of west Africa.

Dr. James Bwala, PhD, writes from Abuja.

Flood in UMTH: Professor Ahidjo’s demonstrated leadership in emergencies

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Nigeria’s Health Sector Set For Revamp With $4.8bn Investment – VP Shettima



Nigeria’s Health Sector Set For Revamp With $4.8bn Investment – VP Shettima

*** Commissions Sahad Hospitals in Abuja, describes Mijinyawa as a trustworthy businessman

By: Our Reporter

The Vice President, Senator Kashim Shettima has announced that the federal government’s health sector reforms have already attracted over $4.8 billion in potential investments.

According to him, the investments are part of the commitment of the administration of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to revitalising Nigeria’s healthcare system.

Disclosing this on Saturday at the commissioning and grand opening of Sahad Hospitals in Abuja, Senator Shettima outlined a comprehensive strategy to address longstanding challenges and propel Nigeria’s healthcare system into the future.

“Our health sector calls upon us all to unite. The promise of this day is one we cannot overlook. It is through such collaboration and shared dedication that we can guarantee every Nigerian receives the care and support they deserve,” he declared.

The Vice President noted that the health sector reforms under the Tinubu administration are anchored on a robust roadmap designed to tackle persistent issues that have plagued the system for decades.

He said, “This Administration’s ambitious health sector reforms, which have already attracted over $4.8 billion in potential investments, signal a strong commitment to revitalising our healthcare system.

“These reforms are anchored on a comprehensive roadmap designed to address longstanding challenges, and central to this are four key pillars: transforming healthcare governance, improving population health outcomes, unlocking the healthcare value chain, and strengthening health security.”

Detailing the government’s strategy, Senator Shettima highlighted initiatives launched by the Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Prof Muhammad Ali Pate saying, “We have set out to achieve this by boosting domestic production of essential medical supplies and drugs, and by strengthening primary healthcare through the doubling of fully functional centres across the nation.”

The Vice President acknowledged the challenges that remain, regretting that “Nigerians continue to grapple with pressing healthcare challenges, such as surging costs of medicines, long hospital waiting times, and a shortage of health workers”.

He emphasised that the full impact of the reforms, particularly in improving access to quality healthcare, hinges on private sector involvement.

“Our private sector is a critical part of the solution, especially in the face of the long-standing brain drain among our medical workforce.

“Investing in the health sector engages the talents and skills of our citizens, generating numerous job opportunities for graduates and technicians. This is a notable aspect of our national development narrative,” the Vice President explained.

Senator Shettima revealed that the National Economic Council (NEC), which he chairs, has prioritised investments in developing Nigeria’s human capital, with health and nutrition being key thematic areas.

“Each of our state governors is fully on board. We have all acknowledged that no nation can optimise its opportunities without investing in its healthcare, and for us, this is only the beginning,” he assured.

Reiterating the administration’s commitment to the goal, the VP said, “We welcome this intervention, not just because it aligns with the agenda of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, who has demonstrated his commitment to unlocking Nigeria’s healthcare value chain, but also because of its far-reaching implications for our national development.

“We stand prepared to move forward together into the future, and I assure you that the government will continue to be your steadfast partner in this effort to serve the nation and humanity, with full support to achieve our shared goals.”

The Vice President described the Chairman/Founder of Sahad Group of Companies, Alhaji Ibrahim Mijinyawa, as a good and trustworthy businessman, even as he recounted how he intervened when Sahad Stores Ltd was locked up by the Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (FCCPC).

He stated: “When the FCCPC locked up his store, I had to call the head of the agency to say, ‘Please, reopen the store before you come and tell me what happened’. I did so because I know how helpful Sahad Stores is to many Nigerians

“He (Alhaji Mijinyawa) is a very good man. He has used his business to touch many lives. If he was a selfish man, he would have kept his money to himself and his children and grandchildren alone, because he has enough to take care of himself till he leaves this world.

“But he has decided to continue helping humanity. I had so many engagements scheduled for this weekend but had to appeal to them that I can’t attend their events because I feel we should support such a person that is working for the course of humanity. We all need to support him,” the VP added.

On his part, the Deputy Senate President and Chairman of the occasion, Senator Barau Jibrin, on said words are not enough to thank the Chairman of the hospital, Alhaji Mijinyawa, for his philanthropy, good quality services to the less privileged people, assuring that Sahad Hospitals will not be an exception.

Senator Jibrin who was represented at the event by Senator Garba Musa Maidoki said he was looking forward to seeing the hospital serve humanity, both high and low-income Nigerians, even as he urged the hospital authorities to liaise with other NGOs that finance medical services for the less privileged so that the people of the community who have been displaced can have access to the facility.

Also, the Minister of State for Health and Social Welfare, Dr. Tunji Alausa, thanked the Chairman of the hospital, saying the hospital does not only mark a new chapter of healthcare in Nigeria but a celebration of a vision that exemplifies what could be achieved when public-spirited individuals invest in the health of their fellow citizens.

Noting that the commissioning of the 200-bedded Sahad Hospital is a testament to the unwavering commitment of a private citizen, he said Alhaji Mijinyawa has taken a bold step to complement the efforts of the federal government in improving quality healthcare for citizens.

The Minister said the challenges of healthcare services today are multifaceted, requiring more innovative efforts from both the government and private sector.

Earlier in his remarks, the Vice Chairman of Sahad Hospital, Dr. Shamsuddeen Aliyu, described the hospital as a state-of-the-art facility built to showcase their unwavering commitment to providing quality healthcare and upholding the well-being of those it serves.

According to him, the hospital represents more than just a physical structure; it embodies the vision for a healthier future where everyone has access to comprehensive and compassionate care.

Explaining that Sahad Hospital has a 200-bedded capacity with seven operating theatres, 13 dialysis machines, as well as 10-bedded ICU units, Shamsuddeen said, “Our team has worked tirelessly to ensure that every aspect of the hospital – from the design to equipment – is centered around patients’ needs.”

Nigeria’s Health Sector Set For Revamp With $4.8bn Investment – VP Shettima

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