
Aggressive stray elephants killed six travelers in Borno



Aggressive stray elephants killed six travelers in Borno

By Jidda Alkali

A herd of aggressive elephants have eaten crops and destroyed farmlands in Kala Balge local government area of Borno state.

It was reported that the elephants have been terrorising for the past three years.

Residents of the area said, this year is not different from last year.

“After destroying farmlands, they became aggressive and wild, so they started attacking people.” A community leader said.

On November 7, 2023, the herd of elephants invaded the Rann IDP camp in Kala Balge; however, it was repelled by GF.

On December 17, 2023, they even became more aggressive in attacking people. They attacked women who went to fetch firewood and travelers, and six (5 women and 11-year-old boys) travelers drowned in the Abunumire River bordering Nigeria and Cameroon while being attacked by the elephants.

It’s estimated that stray elephants destroyed crops worth $1.2 billion annually to the farmers.

The victims of the animal destruction have been pleading with the Nigerian government and international community for compensation for their crops destroyed and protection from elephants, as farming is the only source of their livelihood, but with no success.

Aggressive stray elephants killed six travelers in Borno

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