National News

Conflicts Among Security Operatives Bane of Nation’s Insecurity, Insists Audi



Conflicts Among Security Operatives Bane of Nation’s Insecurity, Insists Audi

The Commandant General, Nigeria security and CIvil Defence Corps (NSCDC), Dr Ahmed Audi has said role conflict remains the major bane of cohesion among security operatives and one of the causes of failure to nip in the bud various crises presently rocking the country. 

Audi while stating that: “We must not sit down and watch some doom and gloom merchants who denigrate their own country to put clogs in the wheels of peace and progress of our dear country Nigeria,”  said security agencies need each other to perform creditably in the onerous task of ensuring internal security.

Speaking while featuring as a panelist during a panel discussion on “Nigeria’s security and law enforcement agencies and the challenges of policy and programme implementation” organized for the participants of senior executive course 43, 2021, at the National Institute of Policy and Strategic studies (NIPSS) Kuru, Jos, Audi said “there is need for renewed synergy, cooperation and collaboration to tackle the inherent insecurity challenges because no service has a monopoly of any strategy and we must go back to the basics and meet at the drawing board to speak with one voice if we must win this asymmetric war.”

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He said: “To overcome the recent quagmire confronting the nation’s security architecture, there is a need for all security agencies to come together and work assiduously to achieve a common goal.”

A statement on Friday by the spokesman of the NSCDC, Olusola Odumosu quoted  Audi to have said: “Even though there is interdependency, every agency has a clear-cut mandate and we all know our limitations, there is no need for the rift or unhealthy rivalry we are experiencing today which is causing us lots of drawback. We should all look at the bigger picture, which is National Security, in order to put Nigeria back on track and share information and intelligence to solve our security problems.”

The Corps helmsman maintained that NSCDC can boast of well over 20,000 graduates and about 47 PhD holders in the service as at today. He went further to intimate that the Corps personnel have undergone different composition of trainings by virtually all security agencies in the country and this gives it a comparative advantage of versatility and competence to intellectually and strategically collaborate with any agency of government genuinely interested in the growth and development of Nigeria. 

He appealed to the Federal Government and the National Assembly to come up with a robust policy that will create an enabling environment for security operatives to function effectively, lessen their burdens and improve their welfare as this will serve as a catalyst for the operatives to put in their best and perform effectively.

Conflicts Among Security Operatives Bane of Nation’s Insecurity, Insists Audi

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