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Humanity First in the 21st Century



Humanity First in the 21st Century

By: Omar Muhammad F.

At this 21st Century where developments as become a global project, what should be topmost on our mind is “Humanity First”.
In everything we do, humanity first. This is the motto of this association and believe. We however, encourage a peaceful resolution and diplomatic approach. In the 1990s a breakthrough agreement negotiated between Israeli and Palestinian leaders in Oslo, Norway, set out a process for a mutually negotiated two-state solution to be gradually implemented by the end of the decade. Although the process showed initial promise and progress, a combination of dissatisfaction and distrust led to the breakdown and delay of the process. After frustration and provocation led to the outbreak of violence in 2000, the process proved difficult to restart before coming to a virtual halt after 2008.

On the other hand, by the time the Trump administration unveiled its peace plan, which it touted as the “Deal of the Century,” the Palestinians had determined that the United States could no longer play a fair role as mediator in the conflict. The first part of the plan, which proposed significant development in the economy and infrastructure of the Palestinian territories, was announced in June 2019. The second part of the plan, the political component, was released in January 2020 and envisioned predetermined solutions to final status issues: Israel would keep nearly all of its West Bank settlements, impose sovereignty over the Jordan Valley located along the West Bank’s eastern border, and retain an undivided Jerusalem as its capital, while Palestinians would receive demilitarized self-governance within a reduced West Bank territory and the Gaza Strip. The plan, which was received favorably by Israeli leaders but condemned by Palestinian leaders, did little to revitalize negotiations before the end of Trump’s presidency. In 2021 the administration of U.S. Pres. Joe Biden began restoring aid to the Palestinians and promised to reopen the PLO office in Washington, D.C.

Looking at a way forward, the two-state solution has long been proposed as the best hope for peace in the Israel-Palestine conflict. It would see an independent Palestinian state established alongside the existing one of Israel – giving both people their own territory. It is the official position of the UK, US, United Nations – and even Israel itself – but many now say there is little hope of achieving it because the Palestinians don’t feel the judgement is just.
The world needs to work on this solution and bring in the Palestinians opinion once and for all in order to bring an end to this horror. We hope the world would act strongly towards bringing this conflict to an end. We hope all the parties especially the Israel government will respect the international law and bring an end to this war. The killing of innocent souls in Gaza region is becoming unbearable. The leadership in the world should please rise up and adopt strategies that will bring about peace in the world.

We see conflict all over the world, like in the case of the kidnapped pilot by the Papua Movement in Indonesia. The Kidnapping of the Susi Air Pilot in Papua is no uncall for at thie century where the aviation world has taken a new dimension especially from the advancement in Indonesia.
Indonesia recently flew its first commercial flight using palm oil-blended jet fuel, as the world’s biggest producer of the commodity pushes for wider use of biofuels to cut fuel imports.
Operated by flag carrier Garuda Indonesia, the Boeing 737-800NG aircraft carried more than 100 passengers from the capital Jakarta to Surakarta city about 550 kilometres (342 miles) away, Garuda Indonesia CEO Irfan Setiaputra said.

What is expected is an environment where people around the world will be able to live freely without any fear, doing their duty without the fear of kidnap like the case of the Susi Air Pilot. For several weeks now we learnt of the kidnapping of Captain Philip Mark Mehrtens by the members of the KKB led by Egianus Kogoya in Papua Province, Indonesia.

The Captained has stayed for about nine months now since he was abducted in February of 2023. Since the kidnapping there have been series of negotiation to secure the release of the Pilot. Papua Regional Police Chief Inspector General of Police Mathius Fakhiri said “Negotiation Process to free the Susi Air Pilot is on-going.”
I will like to condemn with strong terms any inhuman behavior around the globe, be it a war or kidnapping of any kind. Again, a subtle reminder that we are first humans before anything in this world. Whatever choices or decisions we take should always have a human face, that way we will have a society where peace and justice will reign. Humanity should be first above all.
I urge the armed separatist group particularly its leader Kogoyo to respect the rule of law and release the Pilot healthy and unharmed out of respect for humanity and international law, for his right to dignity inherent in a person. Our world accepts civil and diplomatic manner of solving any form of conflict. There are always other diplomatic ways of attaining freedom without infringing on the rights of individuals or even the society at large.


Humanity First in the 21st Century

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Nigeria, Egypt Work at Improving Volume of Trade



Nigeria, Egypt Work at Improving Volume of Trade

By: Michael Mike

Egyptian Ambassador to Nigeria, Mohamed Fouad has decried the volume of trade between Egypt and Nigeria which stood at $190 million in 2023, stating that conceited efforts are already on to improve it.

Speaking at the commemoration of Egypt’s 72nd anniversary of the 23rd July Revolution in Abuja, the envoy who expressed suprise at the level of bilateral relations between both countries, said he was however glad that deliberate efforts are on to improve on it going forward.

He said two major programmes have been lined up as part of the efforts to improve interactions between both countries.

He noted that bilateral political consultations scheduled to hold in Nigeria during the last quarter of the year and the business council in September, are aimed at bettering the relations between the two countries.

He said: “In terms of volume of trade I have the numbers of 2023, $190 million as I said, these figures does not live up to the economic potential of both countries.

In short, this is why we’re trying to focus and to live up to our potential as the biggest countries in the continent.”

He added, “Today, Egypt and other African countries strive to address challenges that are not less enormous than those they en countered during the struggle for independence.

“These challenges include the need to invest in human capital, energy transition, and infrastructure development, bolster economic growth and create jobs, combat terrorism and extremism, and empower youth and women.

“In this connection, Egypt and Nigeria have been redefining their longstanding historic ties.

“Our peoples and governments are tapping into their enormous economic and cultural potentials as we envisage the next chapter of our solid partnership. From security, countering-terrorism, to energy, communications, digital transformation, trade, and infrastructure, to agriculture, health care and modern education, our two countries are proceeding with determination on the path to forge a modern and forward-looking partnership anchored in our common values and shared objectives.

“Against this backdrop, we are gearing up – together with our Nigerian colleagues – to hold the third round of our bilateral political consultations in Abuja during the last quarter of this year. We also look forward to the upcoming meeting of the Egypt-Nigeria Business Council in Lagos next-door September, which will help connect the business communities of our two countries, providing them with the opportunity to explore possible ways and means to enhance our bilateral trade and investments relations.”

Nigeria, Egypt Work at Improving Volume of Trade

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Nigeria: Police speak on two murder cases in Borno



Nigeria: Police speak on two murder cases in Borno

By: Our Reporter

The Borno State Police Command has arrested a 24-year-old young man, Usakahyel Adamu, for killing his 90-year-old grandfather, Yakubu Ibrahim.

The Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), DSP Nahum Daso, said the incident occurred on July 7, 2024, at about 1600 HRS.

According to the police, One Adamu Yakubu ‘M’ of Paga Gusi Village Kwaya-Kussar L.G.A. reported at Kwaya Kusar Police Station that, on the same date, at about 1400 HRS, his son, Usakahyel Adamu ‘M’ 24 years old, used a hoe and hit his grandfather, Yakubu Ibrahim ‘M’ 90 years old, on the head. As a result, he sustained a serious injury and died on the spot.

“Investigation further revealed that the said Usakahyel had an altercation with his grandfather on the allegation that his grandfather was insulting him and pushing him without any reasonable cause. The suspect has been arrested, and the hoe was recovered and registered as an exhibit. The suspect will be charged with the DPP for legal advice and prosecution,” ASP Daso said.

He also said that “on the 4th of July, 2024, at about 0430 HRS, one Bulama Mulikabu M’ of Kautikari Village, Chibok LGA, reported at Chibok Police Station that on the same date, at about 0700 HRS, one Lydia Aji F’, 40 years old, and her husband, one Aji Makinta M’, had a violent fight, which resulted in the wife Lydia Aji striking her husband on the head with an axe, and he died on the spot.”.

He further explained that “investigation further revealed that the couples had a misunderstanding over their daughter, Rachael Aji, 13 years old, who stole a goat and sold it to an unknown person. The angry father then asked them to leave his house. The case is still under investigation.”

Nigeria: Police speak on two murder cases in Borno

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Governor Buni suspends the chairman of Machina LG in Yobe



Governor Buni suspends the chairman of Machina LG in Yobe

By: Yahaya Wakili

The Governor of Yobe State, Hon. Mai Mala Buni CON, has approved the suspension of the Chairman of Machina local government council, Hon. Idrissa Mai Bukar Machina, with immediate effect due to the act of misconduct and insubordination.

This was contained in a release issued by Alhaji Shuaibu Abdullahi, Press Secretary to the Secretary to the State Government, which was shared with newsmen in Damaturu, the Yobe state capital,.

His Excellency, Governor Mai Mala Buni, has, in the exercise of the powers conferred on him by Section 2 of the local government law (as amended) of 2019, approved the suspension with immediate effect.

The statement further revealed that, subsequent to the above, His Excellency has also directed the suspended chairman to hand over the affairs of the local government council to the vice chairman pending further directives.

Governor Buni suspends the chairman of Machina LG in Yobe

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