My Binoculars: Of stubborn Goats and disobeying Pastors of the RCCG.
My Binoculars: Of stubborn Goats and disobeying Pastors of the RCCG.
By: Sam Kayode
A new phrase just popped up in Nigeria. Someone out of anger as a senior Pastor himself in the Redeemed Christian Church of God RCCG, called some erring Pastors in the church where he is the senior personal assistant SPA to the General Overseer GO “stubborn goats” .
Here is my understanding of stubborn goats, a language used commonly by parents while we were kids. When we flouted their instructions, we were labeled as “stubborn goats” by them. And they will not spare the rod and spoil the child.
So what is wrong when a Pastor calls erring colleagues of a church he is involved in protecting stubborn goats? Or even just “goats” known to be extremely stubborn compared to the calm and foolish sheep. Here is the meaning of stubborn goat from the dictionary.
“Refusing to comply, agree, or give in; obstinate. “difficult to handle, treat, or overcome. Adj Someone who is stubborn or who behaves in a stubborn way is determined to do what they want and is very unwilling to change their mind. (obstinate). “
And that was exactly how the Pastors in my understanding behaved to earn the wrath of the senior PA who obviously spat fire on behalf of his father the GO. Why must you preach after it has been agreed in workers and Pastors meeting that nobody should preach anywhere in the world after the teaching of the GO? That itself means such Pastors are indisciplined and disrespectful of the directive of the Church authority.
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They are rebellious against the aging GO. Ordinarily they should just say the grace and go home after the satellite is switched off and the GO has stopped preaching. That day was a special day reserved only for the GO and nobody else so why should any Pastor want to preach after the GO has spoken? That was the anger of the younger Adeboye.
Nobody should, not even a provincial Pastor should preach after what the Holy spirit has directed the GO to say. I don’t agree that this action warrants suspension of the young Pastor Leke Adeboye. He can only be cautioned internally not to take such matters to the media again since it could easily have been sorted with an internal memo punishing the erring Pastors for doing wrong or flouting their doctrines.
He should by now understand that many people are looking out for the downfall of his father Pastor Adeboye from the day the church announced that a department for political enlightenment has been created to sharpen the minds of it’s members as the election year draws near.
They see it as giving an edge to one of their own Vice President Professor Yemi Osinbajo, a pastor who is aptly qualified to become the next President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. This is a heavy baptism for the young Leke Adeboye to understand that some wrongs are better left for the elders of the church like his father to correct.
His public apologies on the same social media angle he fired the erring Pastors will go a long way to calm down the frayed nerves of those he may have offended unknowingly.
I believe this will enable Leke to know who he is dealing with next time and learn not to offend them even if he is trending on the right path of righteousness as he was taught by his father and by God. May God help us all.
My Binoculars: Of stubborn Goats and disobeying Pastors of the RCCG.