
South TV Korea has pursued a policy of selective cooperation with China, USA



South TV Korea has pursued a policy of selective cooperation with China, USA.

To avoid becoming trapped in an overly adversarial relationship with China, while limiting any dilution in its alliance ties with the US, South TV Korea has pursued a policy of selective cooperation with both countries on a range of issues.

This is contained in a publication form, which forms part of the Korea Foundation Korea Fellowship funded by the Korea Foundation and Yeosijae Future Consensus Institute

According to the publication President Moon has used his administration’s signature New Southern Policy to signal his support for the US’s Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy; to enhance South Korea’s strategic options through missile defense, and to strengthen dialogue with China to enhance South Korea’s efforts to promote peace with North Korea.

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South Korea’s middle-power diplomacy, both now and in the past, has been characterized by ambitious policy innovation and a deliberate posture of strategic ambiguity to maximize the country’s foreign policy options.

Many elements of the Sino-US bilateral relationship, such as military and technology cooperation, are now evolving into a far more competitive phase while some of the existing strengths, such as trade and investment, are rapidly diminishing. The relationship has transitioned from one of cooperation and relative stability into one characterized by volatility and competition.

Increased economic and technological competition between China and the US has narrowed the potential space for cooperation. This situation is unlikely to change in the short term given the rivalry between the world’s two largest economies.

The far-reaching influence of the Communist Party of China (CPC) under President Xi Jinping has raised concerns in the US political establishment that the CPC’s expanding global influence could undermine US leadership both in economic and ideological terms.

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