
“The First Regular Combatant: Brigadier Zakariya Maimalari’



“The First Regular Combatant: Brigadier Zakariya Maimalari’

By: Balami Lazarus

Whenever I read a book, especially nonfiction, where you feel history sandwiched between facts and figures, reading through the book was an emotional journey of pain and tears because of the situations that subsequently arose to the killing of Brigadier Zakariya Maimalari and others. This work gave me an insight on the modern history of the Nigerian Army, where our indigenous officers and men played a role in the growth and progress of the Nigerian Army. ‘The First Regular Combatant: Brigadier Zakariya Maimalari’ written by one Haruna Yahaya Poloma, of which I got a copy through my able President of my Alma Mata, Brigadier Maimalari Secondary School Old Students Association (BBRIGMSSOSA), Mr. Danladi Abatcha.

In this review, I will not bother you with the fundamentals of a book review, like the publisher’s name, year of publication, chapters/pages, and so on, since I am not under any obligation or examination condition to do that. However, it is worth noting that it is registered intellectual material with the International Standard Book Number (ISBN: 978-978-958-109-2). The book captured everything said in print by those the author interfaced with, past and present, in the course of writing. And this review is automatically in line with what Prof. Helon Habila said in the blurb at the outside back cover page: “Haruna Poloma’s narrative style is an ingenious and innovative approach to life writing. It does what biographies do best, mixing history and literature… documenting the past through dialogue and description.” This is exactly what the author did in his work. 

The content of the book is principally centered on the late Brigadier Zakariya Abubakar Sadiq Maimalari from cradle to his last days in a bloody military coup de dat of 15th January 1966. Poloma gave detailed accounts of Maimalari’s life, concentrating more on his military life and career through findings and available source materials aided by schoolmates, friends, relatives, associates, and most importantly, his professional military colleagues, both seniors and juniors.

Brigadier Zakariya Maimalari’s military career was traced and catalogued beautifully from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS) in the UK with historical pictures as an officer cadet. The author was able to add other pictures of the subject as a fully commissioned officer and places he worked up to the last dark day of 15th January 1966 when he was killed by Major Emmanuel Ifeajuna, his Brigade-Major, at a point blank range in IIkoyi, Lagos. Poloma’s book is therefore a one-stop literature on official military matters that has to do with the late Brigadier Zakariya Maimalari. I believe anyone that cares to go through the book will have his/her mind disabused because his/her impression of who Brigadier Zakariya Maimalari was and what became of him were all presented in the book. Let me now give some knocks to the work where most times I do have disagreement with some authors who are refusing to take corrections or suggestions on why they should be different in their style of work or publishing, as the case may be. 

In one of my recent reviews, an author angrily disagreed with my observations, corrections, and/or suggestions and shamelessly came up with unwarranted porous excuses. But for Yahaya’s book, I will say his picture on the back cover page boldly written About the Author” as part of the blurb that has wrongly become an in-thing promoted by printers and amateur publishers is uncalled for. In professional publishing, it will rather be inside the back cover page and very brief. Be as it may, I therefore write this review with the utmost sense of purpose as an experienced publisher. Finally, the author, Mr. Haruna Yahaya Poloma, has done a good job on Brigadier Zakariya Maimalari. It was well researched, written, and presented. Kudos, my brother.

*Balami, a Publisher/Columnist: 08036779290.

“The First Regular Combatant: Brigadier Zakariya Maimalari’

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