The Panic of Growing Older, Better Late Than Never
The Panic of Growing Older, Better Late Than Never
By:Balami Lazarus
The title of this write-up is derived from the beautiful literary work of Dr. Lenrie Leopold Wilfred Peters, a fine African poet from Gambia who died in 2009 in Dakar, Senegal. I acknowledged Dr. Peters and his publishers for lifting the title of one of his works. Permit me here to tell you that I was recently in my faraway home, which I will neither call a village nor a town, because I am not competent or qualified to do so, knowing fully well that only experts in the fields of urban and town planning are competent enough to do that.
However, Shaffa in Borno State, for me, is a semi-urban settlement. At Shaffa, I see my once-active mother, who is aging with wear and tear taking a toll on her from the ailments associated with aging. I can see frustration over her inability to do something herself. I can also see her thoughts of vanity demonstrated by her lack of interest in so many things. Life is becoming meaningless for her at this advanced age. Suddenly, the panic of growing older struck me with a pang of hammer on anvil as it were in the blacksmith shop. Thank God, we are there for you. Richard, my brother, is the closest to her doing the right thing. Sometimes back in 2020, I attended a seminar on investments, and one of the speakers spoke intensively on old age and aging.
The article is written from the point of view of investments for the rainy days of old age, which will surely someday come with aging that will take its toll on you and me as long as man lives. Active days shall be over, and diminishing returns shall set in. There will be no more profits but losses and deficits, the balance sheet reads. This scenario is real; therefore, you need to have plans and investments. Ignoring old age as a life project is bad without plans. You then find yourself with no resources, no investments to give you money and comfort that might likely prolong your life to age gracefully in good health, God willing.
Ants are one of the largest insects that belong to the insecta class. Weather or not, ants are among the most active creatures on earth; they are known to be seasonal investors. Their gathering and storage sense is wonderful. Ant stores are deep in the earth crust, well secured for the purpose of keeping their foods for tomorrow. Therefore, as tiny as they are, their wisdom supersedes that of other animals, including some humans, in terms of saving for the future.
Investments have been one of the most difficult things to do for many people, both young and old. Many of us spend our money on wants, not needs, and equally want to run businesses by ourselves, not thinking of putting our money into organized, profitable business ventures. Well, I will not blame some people for not doing that. More so, the enabling environment is not conducive. And probably it might be due to a lack of understanding or awareness, hindering many from investing for a lifetime.
To peacefully navigate through old age and the aging phase of life, one needs to put a safety valve on financial income for the voyage of the old age project. Old age without any source of income is the worst life situation, where life will practically be meaningless. Yes, you are now old and aging—a burden, a liability, and beggarly poor physically and in health. Children have grown and gone; grandchildren are keeping away from you because you have nothing to offer. Aging is knocking hard on you each day. Better late than never.
What will it cost to be old and aging without any source of income? The impact on old age and aging is colossal. But with good, profitable investments in either real estate, stocks, agriculture, or any other source of steady income, aging will be graceful without stress but fun throughout. At this stage and situation, you are more stable emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually in a cozy manner in the company of friends and relatives who are always there and/or asking what to do for you. Because you have what it takes to keep some of them around you. While some of your contemporaries are still trudging and sweating hard with young people who are equal to their grandchildren,
Better late than never, young men should begin to develop habits for life savings or investments where their money will work and grow for them. Though the harvest may be long, patience and time will no doubt be in your favor in the future. This simple principle is more applicable in the capital market, known as the stock market. The formula is: money + stocks x time = patience. Therefore, patience is equal to capital appreciation or dividends in millions or billions of naira over a long period of time. People should learn to look out for financial assets and investments. Getting old and aging is certain as one lives.
Balami, a Publisher/Columnist (8036779290)
The Panic of Growing Older, Better Late Than Never