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World Humanitarian Day 2024: Moving Minds Alliance Calls for Urgent Action to Support Young Children in Humanitarian Crises



World Humanitarian Day 2024: Moving Minds Alliance Calls for Urgent Action to Support Young Children in Humanitarian Crises

By: Michael Mike

Moving Minds Alliance has urged global leaders and humanitarian actors to prioritise the needs of young children and families affected by crises and displacement.

A message commemorating the World Humanitarian Day (WHD) signed by the Network Communications Manager of the organisation, Lola Ayanda stated that Moving Minds Alliance being a global network of 39 organisations advocating for more resources to be allocated to support children in crisis, emphasised the critical importance of Early Childhood Development (ECD) in humanitarian settings.

The statement read that: “The early years (0-8) are crucial. The first years of life are fundamental for a child’s future. In crisis situations, young children face severe risks to their physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional development. These risks can be mitigated through integrated and holistic solutions that address the comprehensive needs of young children and their caregivers, including health, nutrition, protection, and early learning opportunities.”

The statement added that this World Humanitarian Day, we are advocating for:
”Increased funding and attention: Despite the overwhelming evidence of the long-term positive impact of early interventions, support for young children remains underfunded in humanitarian responses; only 1% of humanitarian funding goes to early learning, only 2% for WASH. Funding for supporting parents and responsive caregiving is often unbudgeted. We urge donors and policymakers to increase resources for ECD programs in crisis settings.

“Support for Local Actors: Humanitarian response must support and not displace successful local solutions. It should foster effective coordination and communication mechanisms that empower local actors, ensuring that ECD interventions, especially in crisis and emergencies are culturally appropriate and sustainable.

“Inclusive National ECD Policies: Governments should establish and fund comprehensive national ECD policies that include both refugee children and their host communities. These policies should prioritise quality and gender-transformative services, ensuring that all children have equal opportunities to thrive.”

Director of Moving Minds Alliance, Tricia Young said: “Every child has the right to a bright, safe, and healthy childhood and future, regardless of their circumstances,” adding that: “We commend colleagues across the globe for their tireless efforts and honour those amongst us who have lost their lives in the process of serving humanity. We also use this medium to call on the global community to stand in solidarity with young children in humanitarian crises not just in words but in action and most importantly funds.”

Moving Minds Alliance, in the statement, reaffirmed its commitment to fostering collaboration, knowledge sharing, and innovative approaches to support young children and families affected by crises worldwide, inviting partners, donors, and policymakers to join its efforts in ensuring that no child is left behind due to humanitarian emergencies.

World Humanitarian Day 2024: Moving Minds Alliance Calls for Urgent Action to Support Young Children in Humanitarian Crises

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Chinese Embassy Will Work to Ensure 13 Newly Signed Agreements with Nigeria See the Light of Day-Envoy



Chinese Embassy Will Work to Ensure 13 Newly Signed Agreements with Nigeria See the Light of Day-Envoy

By: Michael Mike

The Chinese Ambassador to Nigeria, Yu Dunhai has said he has commenced work to ensure the implementation of the 13 agreements recently signed by Nigerian and Chinese governments during the visit of President Bola Tinubu to China, insisting that making sure that all the agreements see the light of the day.

Dunhai who addressed journalists at the Chinese Embassy in Abuja on the importance of Nigeria’s President state visit to China and the cooperation agreements signed between the two countries, noted
that Tinubu’s visit opened a new vista in China and Nigeria bilateral relations.

He explained also that with the upgrade of bilateral relations, there would be an increase in activities between both countries, with the impending movement of Chinese investors into Nigeria.

He said: “During President Tinubu’s visit, the relevant government departments of the two sided signed a total of 13 cooperation documents, covering such areas as high-quality Belt and Road cooperation planning, the implementation of the global development initiative, economic growth, human resources, application of Beidou Satellite Navigation System, export of peanuts to China, and the media exchanges.

“Among them, one of the bilateral cooperation documents covers around 19 projects that China and Nigeria are cooperating and intend to cooperate with. In addition, multiple cooperation arrangements were signed between relevant departments, state governments, and Chinese companies during the visit.”

The envoy responding on what would be done to ensure that the 13 MOUs signed by China and Nigeria are implemented, said: “That is exactly my mission and task. That is my priorities. From the Chinese side, the two sides we signed 13 cooperative documents.Actually, I believe it’s much more than that, because there are other cooperative documents signed, not between the department to department, but between department to company.

“So I think the two sides, we are going to follow through with all those side documents. I’m sure that I’m going to be very busy, and the people here in Abuja are going to be very busy, and maybe in Lagos, and in many other states, because there are going to be a lot of incoming visiting delegations from China.And I’m sure that there are going to be a lot of outbound delegations from Nigeria to China. I think the only purpose is to try to materialize, to translate the consensus reached by our two presidents, the documents that we signed, into reality. So I have a lot of work to do, and I think that’s also the responsibility of our two sides.

“So as ambassador, I’m certainly looking forward to working with all sectors, and to materialize all those cooperative documents.

“So as the new Chinese ambassador, I look forward to working with people from all walks of life to bring China-Nigeria relations to a new height.”

He also stressed that President Tinubu’s visit to China is of great significance to build on the past successes and to further advance China-Nigeria relations and China-Africa relations.

The envoy added that: “China is willing to strengthen coordination and cooperation with Nigeria in multilateral affairs, and jointly safeguard the interests of developing countries.

“Going forward, we will work closely with all sectors of Nigeria to implement the important consensus reached by our two countries and ensure that we translate the consensus between our two leaders into concrete actions in order to move forward for upgrading bilateral cooperation.”

On what should be expected from the upgrade of China-Nigeria relations, Dunhai said it means that China and Nigeria are going to be more closely knitted together, to ensure our relations are stronger and we are going to cooperate more in all areas.

He added that: “So that’s why I believe that this visit is unique, is historical, and also I personally feel that this is a great success.
I’m sure that with this visit, it’s going to provide us with a huge potential to increase our trade values”.

Chinese Embassy Will Work to Ensure 13 Newly Signed Agreements with Nigeria See the Light of Day-Envoy

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Pakistani Armed Forces Remain largest contributors to UN peace keeping –Envoy



Pakistani Armed Forces Remain largest contributors to UN peace keeping –Envoy

By: Michael Mike

The High Commissioner of Pakistan to Nigeria, Sohail Khan has said the Pakistani Armed Forces remain the largest contributors to the United Nations’ peacekeeping operations across the globe, a position that has been maintained since 1960.

Khan, who is a retired Major General in the Pakistani military, made this known at the Pakistani High Commission in Abuja on Friday during Pakistan’s Defence and Martyrs Day celebration, which is held annually on September 6 since 1965.

He noted that the commemoration day was to pay homage to the armed forces of Pakistan who protected the motherland from internal and external aggression with bravery.

He disclosed that 23,900 officers and five Generals had sacrificed their lives in the Global War against Terrorism, with Pakistan losing over US$152 billion in the process.

The High Commissioner said Pakistan has kept responsible nuclear state status and the armed forces’ management of the command and control system has been distinguished.

He emphasised that one major significance of the occasion is honouring martyrs and members of the armed forces for their dedication and sacrifices.

On his part, the Defence Advisor at the High Commission, Col. Mushtag Kamran stated that September 6 signified the unflinching resolve, unity, and sense of sacrifice to defend the motherland at all costs.

He praised the sons of the soil who sacrificed their lives to protect freedom and sovereignty, urging others to strive for a better tomorrow.

The event was attended by senior Nigerian Armed Forces officers, ambassadors, attachés, and diplomatic corps, and featured traditional Pakistani cuisine, with a pledge from Pakistani officers to continue to defend the motherland following the footsteps of martyr.

Pakistani Armed Forces Remain largest contributors to UN peace keeping –Envoy

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US Provides $6.5 million for Flood Related Humanitarian Needs in Nigeria



US Provides $6.5 million for Flood Related Humanitarian Needs in Nigeria

By: Michael Mike

The United States, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), is providing more than $6.5 million to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to address flood-related humanitarian needs across Nigeria.

According to a statement on Thursday by
the Development Outreach and Communications Team of USAID, the funding is part of USAID’s Fiscal Year 2024 support and will enable local partners to respond to flooding and other disasters.

The statement revealed that IOM is allocating $3 million to address flood-related humanitarian needs across the country.

Flooding has affected over 619,000 people in 29 Nigerian states since mid-August, according to Nigeria’s National Emergency Management Agency. The floods have claimed 210 lives, displaced nearly 228,700 people, and damaged more than 84,800 homes.

According to the statement, this response is part of a larger humanitarian assistance effort. In Fiscal Year 2024, USAID has provided nearly $100 million in previously announced funding to Nigeria to respond to the urgent needs of those impacted by disasters, including floods.

USAID Mission Director, Melissa Jones said:
“The United States remains committed to supporting the people of Nigeria as they face the challenges posed by climate change and increasingly frequent natural disasters. Our enduring partnership is rooted in a long history of delivering humanitarian aid across the nation.”

US Provides $6.5 million for Flood Related Humanitarian Needs in Nigeria

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