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Medical doctor clubs colleague in midnight squabble



Medical doctor clubs colleague in midnight squabble

By: Bodunrin Kayode

They started the day peacefully as a team in Damboa a sleepy council head quarters community located about 89km from Maiduguri, the Borno State capital north east Nigeria. No one suspected that tragedy was lurking behind the corner before the usual long night creeps into the compound of Medecins Du Monde (MDM). MDM is a French non governmental organization (NGO) which is involved in medical support to residents in Damboa and of course resident internally displaced people (IDPs). They have their headquarters in Maiduguri. Eleven of the staff of MDM including two security guards live and work inside the MDM guest house compound in Damboa. There was no sign of tension before the end of that working day even in their nearby clinic were the aggressor Dr James Korinjo works with his colleague Dr Francis Akume.

Just about 11.30 pm, on that 17th March, trouble started. Dr James Korinjo who started work with MDM in December 2023 knocked and entered the room of his colleague Dr Francis Akume. Instead of his trade mark stethoscope, he was armed with a knife, screw driver and surgical scissors in his hand obviously to unleash harm. He locked the door behind him and started intimidating his colleague Francis to comply to his devilish demands or prepare for deadly repercussions.
After demanding for the android phone of his colleague Francis, he started a strange live broadcast on Facebook with the phone when he was sure he had gotten him cornered and can film him effectively. Francis a tall lanky young fellow had no choice but to comply at the wrongs done to him because James Korinjo was obviously angry and wanted a revenge over some unexplained bottled up issues with his colleagues as related in the live broadcast made available to this reporter.

Till today, no one can assess the mental status of the strange behavior of this doctor. Even if he was suffering from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), nobody has been able to ascertain. There has been several cases of PTSD among military and non governmental organizations within the war theatre of operations Hadin Kai especially at Damboa. But the behavior of James Korinjo believed to be normal was outright unprofessional and if not that Dr Francis had to dodge some of the hits from the weapons in his hand, he would be a dead man by now.

Hear Dr Francis: ” After instructing me to sit on the bed under duress, Korinjo accused us of poisoning him. He also said we connived with the military to do all manner of harm to him which i don’t understand. He started a live video recording and forced me to say all manner of things i never did into his recording. He virtually forced me to say what i didn’t do and i was helpless in the circumstance. He said i was a small boy but i was making him look small in the organization. He also said that from the coordinator to the field coordinator, we planned to kill him. He actually used my phone for the live broadcast to make people believe it was real and it was done with my approval. Meanwhile i was sitting on the lower side on the bed helplessly watching what next he will do.

” While we were going through the struggle between life and death in my room, Judith Peter our sexual and reproductive health officer came by the window to find out what was going on. She called my name, Francis what is going on? I couldn’t help myself because he was facing me with the weapons i mentioned. So she yelled at James to stop his assault on me which i kept dodging to stay alive. But James would not bulge. And when the entire compound were at the scene and saw that he was adamant, they pounced on the door to my room and brought it down to free me from his hands before he landed the last stab which was meant to kill me.

“Saminu Lewi our data man was one of those who rushed in to disarm him and free me. Sadly in the process he got hit by one of the weapons he was holding. He was badly afflicted with a cut on his head and chest and he too had to be given medical treatment at the Damboa military base to stop his bleeding. He also attended the UMTH for further treatment and is recuperating now.

Assault on Augustine Sharah with a wrench

Meanwhile the head of the MDM in Damboa, Augustine Sharah in a bid to ensure his staff were safe was moving from one room to the other to check his people. And to ensure that another scenario is not playing in another room without them knowing. While going around, he did not know that James was lurking in the corner and targeting him too for an attack. And before he could turn to see who was trailing him, he was hit on the left side of his head by a massive wrench which dealt a nasty blow on him bringing him down unconscious. He said he was told the moment James injured him, the policemen and CJTF were summoned to the compound. The rest of the occupants hibernated to somewhere else and the gate to the house was locked so he couldn’t escape. His arrest was made in the morning. They (policemen and CJTF) kept vigilance all through the night to ensure he doesn’t escape.

According to the medical report, he had “severe traumatic injury, multiple fracture on the scull, sinusitis that resulted in blood oozing out from his nose and mouth, cerebral contusion and oedema/haemorrhage.

After Augustine lost consciousness he was rushed to the nearby military base for urgent first aid to bring him back to life. “The military guys did their best but suggested that his case must be taken to the UMTH as fast as possible to bring him back to consciousness.” Days after being revived at the UMTH, Augustine managed to compose himself and sat down for a long chat with this reporter.

His words: “I became unconscious after the blow on my head by that heavy equipment from James Korinjo. Actually, to answer your question on how those stuffs got to our compound, i can tell you right away that there is no department of works with us. But there was maintenance work that was done in the compound last year and some tools were bought by the organization to help out. I suppose that’s were he got the adjustable spanner (wrench) which he had access to assault me. I was obviously taken to UMTH the following day which was 18th March and i stayed there till 10th of April 2024. I went back for follow up on 8/05/2024. That will determine the next course of action. Meaning if i will be taken to Abuja for superior treatment or abroad to bring back my slurred speech. I was a normal man well coordinated in speech before this attack but now i struggle to express myself. On your question on treatment abroad, the MDM has not discussed taking me abroad yet. This was something we thought was going to happen from the beginning but it didn’t happen. However, they have been talking about seeking other specialist opinion in Abuja.”

Tormenting ordeal at the UMTH

While Augustine was at the UMTH, his wife said they were psychologically harassed by friends and agents of James Korinjo who came in on the 25th of March in the name of checking on him. One Meshelia claiming to be a medical personnel putting on a lab coat came to check on him and left.
But on the 23rd of March, three people who claimed to be family members of James Korinjo barged on him and verbally assaulted Augustine in the presence of his wife accusing him of wanting to punish James for nothing. They accused the wounded man managing to reciprocate on his sick bed of pretending to be ill. After James has inflicted so much harm on him with many witnesses around in Damboa yet they said he was well but pretending to be ill. The friends went ahead to harass him by barging in on him while he was eating and recuperating inside the amenities ward and even snapping his pictures without his permission. They committed a lot of dangerous and unethical atrocities on a patient that should have his privacy even after being moved from the “trauma centre” to the amenities where he was entitled to privacy. Imagine a patient suffering from Dysarthria or -slurred speech due to traumatic brain injury following the assault on his head going through such ordeal based on the directive of Korinjo’s mother who came to town desperately to free her son then in police custody. They sneaked in beating the security of UMTH to harass him consistently. Augustine was however released to go home on the 10th of April and has been taking medications awaiting further verdict of the doctors based on progress he has been making.

On Saminu the second staff assaulted by Korinjo, he was not admitted into the teaching hospital but he was released same day. He kept going for wounded dressing and injections from 18/03/24 to 22/03/24. His stitches were removed on that 22/03/24 and he is alive and stable for now.

Korinjo desperate petition and reaction of the police spokesman

As at the time of writing this report, Dr korinjo was said to have jumped bail and escaped from maiduguri with the help of his mother. He was said to have informed close friends that he was going off to jos to seek for medical treatment. One wonders which treatment he is looking for having written a libelous petition to the Police inspector General alleging bad treatment in the custody of the Borno State Command. Nobody seems to be aware of his exact location now after jumping bail. And nobody is aware if Dr Korinjo was suspended or sacked for bad behavior by MDM known for extreme secrecy in their operations in Borno. Even the head of the Damboa centre doesn’t know his whereabout as at the time of writing this report.
“I have no access to official decisions. I have not been consulted about such. Since the incident I have been focused on recovering.” said head of centre Augustine. After the misdemeanor of Korinjo, a case was filed on the 19th of April against him. The case file is yet to be awarded to a judge as at the time this reporter visited the ministry of justice. But there is assurance that the case will soon come up at least for mention.
Attempts to get the investigating police officer (IPO) Yakubu Gadzama to speak on the matter was turned down. But the police spokesman Nahum Daso an Assistant superintendent of police confirmed that Korinjo has indeed jumped bail. This is because he did not show up according to the bail conditions the police gave to him. He however assured that the Police are on top of the matter as expected. He frowned at the massive bad campaign against the command by the family of Korinjo who are trying to run away from the reality. As at the time of filing this report, Korinjo’s family through his mother who visited Maiduguri was said to have directed their lawyer to file another counter case in Abuja against the Nigerian police and Augustine. The filed suit was served on them on the 19th of last month by one Hassan Bemdo esq.

Medical doctor clubs colleague in midnight squabble

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Cocaine, Loud consignments hidden in incense candles, ladies’ wears seized in Lagos



Cocaine, Loud consignments hidden in incense candles, ladies’ wears seized in Lagos

By: Michael Mike

Operatives of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) have thwarted frantic bids by drug syndicates to smuggle in and out of Nigeria through the Murtala Muhammed International Airport, and some courier firms in Lagos, consignments of Cocaine and Loud, a synthetic strain of cannabis concealed in incense candles, game packs, dry hibiscus leaves and ladies’ native wears.

According to the spokesman of the anti-narcotics agency, Femi Babafemi, a businessman, Abdulwahab Owolabi Alebiosu was last Thursday arrested at his Horizon Court, Lekki, Lagos residence after a consignment of 40 parcels of Loud weighing 20.3 kilogrammes hidden in packs of chessboards, scrabbles, checkers, and poker set, brought in from Canada on a British Airways flight was intercepted at the SAHCO import shed of the Lagos airport during a joint examination of the cargo with men of Customs Service.

He said a search of his home also led to the recovery of more exhibits including some drug paraphernalia, such as, weighing scale, and cannabis potency test kit, while four vaping machines were recovered from his business premises on Admiralty Way, Lekki. A Mikano black truck with registration number FST 657 HP was also recovered from his house.

In the same vein, NDLEA operatives at the NAHCO export shed of the MMIA last Friday intercepted two jumbo bags going to Pakistan. The bags contained dried hibiscus leaves, dried bitter leaves and other food items, which were used to conceal four parcels of cocaine and 14 parcels of Loud, both weighing 1.36 kilogrammes, and further investigations leading to the arrest of a businesswoman, Eze Ogechi who claimed she was sending the illicit consignment to Pakistan on the instruction of her brother, Eze Nnamdi based in the South Asia country.

Also at the Lagos airport, NDLEA operatives attached to Terminal II, Departure Gate of the MMIA, last Thursday intercepted a male Beninese passenger, Orobi Adoubi travelling with a bag containing some female native dresses. The suspect was going to Dubai via Accra, Ghana on an Air Peace Airline flight and a connecting flight to Dubai, UAE on Emirates Airline.

He said a thorough search of the bag revealed eight parcels of Loud weighing 2.1 kilogrammes were concealed in the ladies’ native wears. The suspect claimed he was given the consignment for a fee of N600,000 on successful delivery in Dubai.

Babafemi said not less than 4.5 kilogrammes of the same substance concealed inside the door panels and boot of an imported Toyota RAV 4 vehicle was on Sunday 14th July recovered from a container marked MSDU 5656394 from Canada during a 100% search of the container at Tincan port in Lagos.

He revealed that two suspects: Dada Kole and Alaba Oladewusi have been arrested in connection with the seizure. Meanwhile, a 48-year-old one legged man, Amadu Garba was arrested by NDLEA operatives in his house at Yawuri town, Kebbi State with six bags of cannabis weighing 67 kilogrammes Tuesday 16th July.

In Abuja, two suspects: 60-year-old Ademola Elusakin and 34-year-old Nuhu Friday Adamu were arrested by NDLEA operatives last Monday with 30 kilogrammes of the same psychoactive substance along Kwali-Gwagwalada-Abuja expressway on their way from Lagos to Nasarawa state.

He said Elusakin claimed he procured the consignment from Ghana via Lagos with Keffi, Nasarawa state as his final destination, where they were to supply illegal miners operating in the area.

Babafemi said at least 305 blocks of cannabis weighing 152.5 kilogrammes were recovered from a suspect, Sale Bukar, 39, who was arrested at Geidam in Yobe state on Sunday 14th July while taking the illicit consignment to Diffa, in Niger Republic. While a suspect: Aham Regal Chinemeze, 43, was nabbed last Thursday with 60 kilogrammes of same substance along Owerri – Onitsha expressway, Imo state, Adamu Abdullahi, 24, was arrested with 40.5 kilogrammes last Wednesday along Obajana -Kabba expressway, Kogi state. The consignment was recovered from him in a commercial bus coming from Lagos enroute Kano.

In Plateau state, a raid on the storehouse of a notorious drug dealer, Choji Gyang (aka Pararam) who is currently at large, at Rukuba road, Jos led to the recovery of 34 bags of cannabis weighing 312 kilogrammes while his manager, Kelvin Onwutalu, 43, was arrested. Two suspects: Ifabiyi Johnson, 27, and Adeleke Musiliu, 54, were last Friday arrested with different strains of cannabis sativa weighing 30.4 kilogrammes during a raid in Osogbo, Osun state.

In Jigawa state, the trio of Tukur Yahaya, 55; Idris Haruna, 28; and Tanimu Umar, 29, were nabbed with 90 blocks of cannabis weighing 116.8 kilogrammes at Roni junction, Kazaure local government area last Friday while on their way to supply the illicit drugs to their customers in Kazaure, Yankwashi and Katsina state.

Similarly, the duo of Ibrahim Abdulkadir, 29, and Suleman Mohammed, 22, were arrested with 336 bottles of codeine syrup at Amingo, Kaduna, while Auwalu Hashimu, 35, was nabbed with 45 kilogrammes of cannabis along Zaria- Kano highway.

Acting on credible intelligence, a team of NDLEA operatives backed by soldiers raided a mechanic workshop opposite Benin garage, Akure, Ondo state where they recovered a white Toyota Hilux Van with registration number EE 328 EKY loaded with 652 parcels of cannabis weighing 685 kilogrammes.

In Nasarawa state, 38 kilogrammes of the same psychoactive substance and a locally made AK-47 rifle were recovered from the home of a suspect, Christopher Ombugadu, 32, in Akwanga during a raid on Sunday 14th July.

With the same vigour, commands and formations of the agency across the country continued their War Against Drug Abuse, WADA, sensitization activities to schools, worship centres, work places and communities among others in the past week.

Chairman/Chief Executive Officer of NDLEA, Brig. Gen. Buba Marwa (Rtd) while commending the officers and men of MMIA, Tincan, Kebbi, Nasarawa, Ondo, Kaduna, Jigawa, Osun, Yobe, Plateau, Kogi, Imo and FCT commands of the agency for the arrests and seizures, noted that their operational successes and those of their compatriots across the country are well appreciated.

He urged them not to rest on their oars but continue to intensify ongoing drug supply reduction and drug demand reduction efforts.

Cocaine, Loud consignments hidden in incense candles, ladies’ wears seized in Lagos

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MNJTF Troops Neutralize Four Terrorists in Borno



MNJTF Troops Neutralize Four Terrorists in Borno

By: Zagazola Makama

The Troops of the Multi Mational Joint Task Force(MNJTF) have neutralized four terrorists in Yashinti Village, Nganzai Local Government Area, Borno State, in a swift and decisive operation.

It was gathered that the operation was conducted on July 18, 2024 at about 181100A hours, following intelligence received on terrorist activities in the area.

Intelligence sources told Zagazola Makama that the troops swiftly mobilized to the general area and engaged the terrorists in a firefight, resulting in the neutralization of four terrorists.

The sources said that items recovered from the scene include one AK47 rifle, three AK47 rifle magazines, and seven rounds of 7.62mm x 39mm special ammunition.

This operation is part of the ongoing “Operation Desert Sanity III/Lake Sanity II” aimed at decimating terrorist activities in the region.

MNJTF Troops Neutralize Four Terrorists in Borno

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NSCDC Arrests Three Oil Thieves in Rivers



NSCDC Arrests Three Oil Thieves in Rivers

By: Michael Mike

The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps Commandant General’s Special Intelligence Squad has arrested three suspects for vandalism of oil pipeline, oil theft and illegal dealings in petroleum products at Umuodo, Umuajuloke Community in Omuma Local Government Area of Rivers State.

The CG’s SIS Commander, DC Apollo Dandaura during a briefing on Monday, said the the arrest was made possible through sustained Intelligence that an illegal oil refinery was cited at the crime scene, which made his command to sweep the area, leading to discovery of a large quantity of illegally refined petroleum products suspected to be Automotive Gas Oil (AGO).

He said: “Based on credible Intelligence we swung into action and arrested three suspects at the crime scene with large quantities of illegally refined AGO already stored inside metallic drums while others were inside cellophane bags.”

He disclosed that the names of the arrested suspects are Happiness Nwankwo (F) 45years who claimed to be an indigene of Omuma in Rivers State, Nnoma Nwankwo (F) 30years also from Rivers State and Favour Amadi (F) from Omuma in the same Rivers State.

The commander said: “Some exhibits recovered at the point of arrest are numerous drum ovens containing stolen and syphoned crude oil undergoing processing, Industrial hoses used to tap into well-heads to syphon crude oil, large quantities of stolen crude oil stored inside cellophane bags and kegs, Many metal and plastic buckets, Wheelbarrows, Shovels and Galvanized metal pipes”.

The CG SIS Commander hinted that Investigations have commenced to unravel the involvement of the three suspects and who their sponsors are.

He said that at the expiration of a thorough investigation, whoever is found culpable would have their time in court.

NSCDC Arrests Three Oil Thieves in Rivers

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