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China-Africa Infrastructure Cooperation:Building the Groundwork for a Better Future



China-Africa Infrastructure Cooperation:
Building the Groundwork for a Better Future

By: Yi Xin

When speaking of China-Africa cooperation, the word “kaleidoscopic” comes to mind. Recent years have seen fruitful outcomes of the bilateral cooperation in multiple fields. Among them, infrastructure is hardly one to miss.

From the plateau in the east to the coast in the west, from the landlocked countries in the sub-Saharan region to the small island states in the Western Indian Ocean, roads, railways, bridges, ports, schools, hospitals and power stations built with Chinese assistance are paving the groundwork for a better future for a land of promise and potential.

Transport projects drive a more connected future.

“To get rich, build roads first.” This is not just a popular Chinese proverb, but an important takeaway from China’s own development. Drawing on this experience, China has spent decades working with Africa to build the transport backbone necessary for driving economic growth.

It would be remiss not to mention the Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway (AADR), a transport artery connecting Ethiopia and Djibouti and the first electrified transnational railway in East Africa. It is a flagship Belt and Road cooperation project, and one of the two main lines of transport in the Outlook on Peace and Development in the Horn of Africa which China put forward in 2022 to support regional countries in addressing security, development and governance challenges.

The railway greatly improved the access of countries along the route to the outside world. It has cut transport time for freight goods from more than three days to less than 20 hours, and reduced the cost by at least one-third. To date, the railway has transported 680,000 passengers and 9.5 million tons of cargo, with an average annual growth rate of 39 percent in revenue. As countries in the region grapple with soaring oil prices, the electrified railway has played an increasingly important role in delivering essential materials such as edible oil and fertilizers to meet the needs of socioeconomic development.

In May this year, the Chinese contractors handed over the railway’s management and operation to the African side after six years of smooth operation. Ethiopian Minister of Finance Ahmed Shide said, “The Addis Ababa-Djibouti railway line is an example of the ever-flourishing Sino-African relations. The Sino-African partnership has passed the test of time, demonstrated its resilience, and marks a brighter and strong future.”

In recent years, more and more infrastructure projects in Africa undertaken by China have yielded tangible benefits, often exceeding the traditional transport domain. Since the establishment of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in 2000, according to the “China and Africa in the New Era: A Partnership of Equals” white paper, Chinese companies have helped African countries build or upgrade more than 10,000 km of railways, nearly 100,000 km of highways, nearly 1,000 bridges, nearly 100 ports, 66,000 km of power transmission and distribution, an installed power-generating capacity of 120 million kW, a communications backbone network of 150,000 km, and a network service covering nearly 700 million user terminals.

Blue economy cooperation cultivates talent.

The ocean connects countries; it also bears infinite hope. In recent years, under the Vision for Maritime Cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative and The Belt and Road Blue Cooperation Initiative, China has taken concrete steps to forge a blue partnership with Africa.

In China-Africa Cooperation Vision 2035 released at the eighth FOCAC Ministerial Conference in 2021, cooperation on the blue economy is listed as a “new growth area” that can “add value to and sustainably utilize marine resources.” The infrastructure projects in this field have created many local jobs and helped train much-needed engineers, technicians and other skilled professionals for Africa.

The Lamu Port Project in Kenya is an exemplar. It has an important place in Kenya Vision 2030, the country’s long-term development blueprint. Built by a Chinese company, the port is part of Kenya’s bid to become a major trading hub in East Africa.

Over three-quarters of the project’s hirees were African. The Chinese companies send experienced and skilled Chinese workers to provide on-the-job training for local recruits. This was met with much enthusiasm among young Africans. More than 2,500 job opportunities with such tailored training produced a large number of skilled workers. After the project was completed, they were able to find new jobs and lead better lives with the skills they mastered.

Green economy cooperation supercharges energy transition.

China has been an important partner in Africa’s green transition. To date, China has undertaken more than 100 clean energy projects under the FOCAC framework, supporting African countries in making better use of clean energy such as solar, hydro, wind and geothermal power.

The De Aar Wind Farm has changed the energy landscape of South Africa. As the first wind power project financed, constructed and operated by a Chinese company in Africa, it supplies 760 million kilowatt-hours of clean electricity annually, meeting the electricity needs of 300,000 households. This has contributed to closing the gap caused by unstable clean energy and addressing the electricity shortage in South Africa.

China’s continuous efforts to help develop infrastructure in Africa over the decades find roots in Confucian philosophy. To quote The Analects, “ A man of virtue, while establishing himself and pursuing success, also works to establish others and enable them to succeed as well.” In other words, in pursuing its own development, China sincerely hopes to see African countries, which are also important members of the Global South, become prosperous and strong.

(Yi Xin is a Beijing-based international affairs commentator.

China-Africa Infrastructure Cooperation:
Building the Groundwork for a Better Future

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Emir Says Suicide Bombers Attack Wedding, Burial Ceremonies, OthersOver 30 people killed, 100 injured



Emir Says Suicide Bombers Attack Wedding, Burial Ceremonies, Others
Over 30 people killed, 100 injured

By: Michael Mike

The Emir of Gwoza, His Royal Highness, Alhaji Mohammed Shehu Timta has confirmed that multiple suicide attacks were carried out at various locations, including wedding reception and a burial ceremony in Gwoza town on Saturday.

It is believed that the death toll might have risen to 30 deaths as the coordinated attacks which took place on Saturday’s afternoon caused pandemonium as people had to scamper for safety.

Reliable Sources within Gwoza told journalist that: “More than 30 innocent civilians were killed with over 100 sustaining various degree of injuries, even as many of the victims have been evacuated to Maiduguri for medical attention.”

Confirming the incident to journalists, the Emir of Gwoza, said: ” The entire Gwoza council area is in serious mourning following multiple suicide attacks on our community.

“The first suicide attack was masterminded by an unidentified woman who sneaked with two children into a wedding reception of a popular young man in Gwoza, she detonated her Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) killing herself and many people.

“Few minutes after, another suicide bomber sneaked into a burial ceremony at the nearby and detonated Improvised Explosive Devices, and as am talking to you now, the third explosion just occured few minutes ago with more casualties.

“At least, over 100 people were injured, and most of them who sustained serious injuries have been rushed to Maiduguri with military escort for proper medical attention.

“This is just a preliminary confirmation, as details of the casualties are still yet unknown, but I will keep you posted on the any development.”

Reacting to the incidents, member representing Gwoza/Chibok/Damboa federal constituency, Ahmed Usman Jaha, sympathized with the families of those who lost their loved ones in the multiple attacks, even as he prayed Allah to grant the souls of the deceased Aljannatul Firdaus, and wished those who sustained injuries quick recovery

Emir Says Suicide Bombers Attack Wedding, Burial Ceremonies, Others
Over 30 people killed, 100 injured

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Nigeria: A third explosion kills a soldier; 2 CJTF in Gwoza



Nigeria: A third explosion kills a soldier; 2 CJTF in Gwoza

By: Our Reporter

A third explosion killed a soldier and two members of civilian JTF in Gwoza town, south of Borno State, northeast Nigeria, shortly after the first and second explosions were detonated by the terrorist group today (Saturday).

Security sources said the human bomber, a female suicide bomber, shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ as she grabbed the soldier before detonating the vest, which ended her life, the soldier, and two members of the civilian joint task force.

NEWSng gathered that many human bombs were released by the Islamic State for West African Provinces in the wake of fresh bomb attacks across Borno State, northeast Nigeria.

“We were informed that it was not only Gwoza that the terrorists were targeting but Maiduguri and other major towns across Borno State. For now, we are trying to get those around Gwoza as the curfew imposes, which hopefully will yield a good result.” A security source told NEWSng in Maiduguri.

Residents of Gwoza town revealed that the first detonation occurred at the wedding of one of the drivers of a non-governmental organization operating in Gwoza, while the second occurred while people were condoling with the families of the first victims of the attack, and the third explosion occurred when the military imposed a curfew and was conducting a stop-and-search on residents.

Gwoza town was formally the Caliphate of the Boko Haram insurgents before it was liberated by the Nigerian military in 2016. However, the terrorists were reportedly said to be controlling the mountainous areas around the town, a situation in which it is continuously argued that the town was not totally liberated

Nigeria: A third explosion kills a soldier; 2 CJTF in Gwoza

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Prepare for Rainy Days, Invest in UK Properties, Property Consultant Advises Nigerians



Prepare for Rainy Days, Invest in UK Properties, Property Consultant Advises Nigerians

By: Michael Mike

Nigerians have been asked to considering investing in properties in the United Kingdom as another way of preparing for the rainy days.

Director, UK-based Property Consultancy Firm, Daniel Ford International, Yemi Edun said Nigerians owning a property in the UK is a brilliant investment and a perfect pension plan that can match inflation anytime.

Edun who spoke at the sidelines of UK Property Roadshow Holding in Abuja called on Nigerians to embrace the opportunities offered by the Berkeley Groups to own properties in the UK.

Edun said: “We won’t get involved in anything that will be untoward property-wise. So this is encouraging Nigerians to come buy homes in the UK. Yes. As an option.

“As an investment option. As a second home. As a mitigation for their currency that keeps crashing, you know.

“And you ask me who buys? We have people in inheritance money, divorce settlement, up-and-coming technology people, farmers, bankers, you know.

“They buy for a certain amount. In another 10 years that property has doubled or tripled, you know.

“It’s a good pension plan so that when you retire, you have income that can match inflation. Because imagine you buy a property and you are getting a rent of two million Naira. Two million Naira is a lot of money.”

Speaking on why London should be of particular interest, Edun said: “London is special. The age long connection is one of the reasons that people get to London and they don’t suffer a cultural shock.

“Most Nigerians can get to London and you won’t even notice he’s a foreigner. So English language, schools, medical, lifestyle, football, and it’s just six hours away.”

He said the Roadshow helps to remove some of the barriers as prospective buyers have the opportunity to meet with developers like Berkeley Groups.

He added that: “We have come with what I call the buffet of properties that we’ve hand-picked, you know, specially for them, negotiated good deals that they would otherwise not be able to get themselves.”

The Berkeley Groups is one of the leading property firms in the UK and they are quoted on the London Stock Exchange.

Prepare for Rainy Days, Invest in UK Properties, Property Consultant Advises Nigerians

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